.. _develop: Developping with aubio ====================== Here is a brief overview of the C library. For a more detailed list of available functions, see the `API documentation `_. To report issues, ask questions, and request new features, use `Github Issues `_ Design Basics ------------- The library is written in C and is optimised for speed and portability. All memory allocations take place in the `new_` methods. Each successful call to `new_` should have a matching call to `del_` to deallocate the object. .. code-block:: C // new_ to create an object foobar aubio_foobar_t * new_aubio_foobar(void * args); // del_ to delete foobar void del_aubio_foobar (aubio_foobar_t * foobar); The main computations are done in the `_do` methods. .. code-block:: C // _do to process output = foobar(input) audio_foobar_do (aubio_foobar_t * foobar, fvec_t * input, cvec_t * output); Most parameters can be read and written at any time: .. code-block:: C // _get_param to get foobar.param smpl_t aubio_foobar_get_a_parameter (aubio_foobar_t * foobar); // _set_param to set foobar.param uint_t aubio_foobar_set_a_parameter (aubio_foobar_t * foobar, smpl_t a_parameter); In some case, more functions are available: .. code-block:: C // non-real time functions uint_t aubio_foobar_reset(aubio_foobar_t * t); Basic Types ----------- .. code-block:: C // integers uint_t n = 10; // unsigned sint_t delay = -90; // signed // float smpl_t a = -90.; // simple precision lsmp_t f = 0.024; // double precision // vector of floats (simple precision) fvec_t * vec = new_fvec(n); vec->data[0] = 1; vec->data[vec->length-1] = 1.; // vec->data has n elements fvec_print(vec); del_fvec(vec); // complex data cvec_t * fftgrain = new_cvec(n); vec->norm[0] = 1.; // vec->norm has n/2+1 elements vec->phas[n/2] = 3.1415; // vec->phas as well del_cvec(fftgrain); // matrix fmat_t * mat = new_fmat (height, length); mat->data[height-1][0] = 1; // mat->data has height rows mat->data[0][length-1] = 10; // mat->data[0] has length columns del_fmat(mat); Reading a sound file -------------------- In this example, `aubio_source `_ is used to read a media file: First, define a few variables and allocate some memory. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/src/io/test-source.c :language: C :lines: 22-24, 30-32, 34 .. note:: With ``samplerate = 0``, ``aubio_source`` will be created with the file's original samplerate. Now for the processing loop: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/src/io/test-source.c :language: C :lines: 40-44 At the end of the processing loop, memory is deallocated: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/src/io/test-source.c :language: C :lines: 55-56 See the complete example: :download:`test-source.c <../tests/src/io/test-source.c>`. Computing a spectrum -------------------- Now let's create a phase vocoder: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/src/spectral/test-phasevoc.c :language: C :lines: 6-11 The processing loop could now look like: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/src/spectral/test-phasevoc.c :language: C :lines: 20-37 Time to clean up the previously allocated memory: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/src/spectral/test-phasevoc.c :language: C :lines: 39-44 See the complete example: :download:`test-phasevoc.c <../tests/src/spectral/test-phasevoc.c>`. .. _doxygen-documentation: Doxygen documentation --------------------- The latest version of the API documentation is built using `Doxygen `_ and is available at: https://aubio.org/doc/latest/ Contribute ---------- Please report any issue and feature request at the `Github issue tracker `_. Patches and pull-requests welcome!