.. _python: Python module ============= The aubio extension for Python is available for Python 2.7 and Python 3. Installing aubio with pip ------------------------- aubio can now be installed using ``pip`` and ``easy_install``. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install aubio Building the module ------------------- From ``aubio`` source directory, run the following: .. code-block:: bash $ ./setup.py clean $ ./setup.py build $ sudo ./setup.py install Using aubio in python --------------------- Once you have python-aubio installed, you should be able to run ``python -c "import aubio"``. A simple example ................ Here is a :download:`simple script <../python/demos/demo_source_simple.py>` that reads all the samples from a media file: .. literalinclude:: ../python/demos/demo_source_simple.py :language: python Filtering an input sound file ............................. Here is a more complete example, :download:`demo_filter.py <../python/demos/demo_filter.py>`. This files executes the following: * read an input media file (``aubio.source``) * filter it using an `A-weighting `_ filter (``aubio.digital_filter``) * write result to a new file (``aubio.sink``) .. literalinclude:: ../python/demos/demo_filter.py :language: python More demos .......... Check out the `python demos folder`_ for more examples. Python tests ------------ A number of `python tests`_ are provided. To run them, use ``python/tests/run_all_tests``. .. _python demos folder: https://github.com/aubio/aubio/blob/master/python/demos .. _demo_filter.py: https://github.com/aubio/aubio/blob/master/python/demos/demo_filter.py .. _python tests: https://github.com/aubio/aubio/blob/master/python/tests