.. _requirements: Build options ============= If built without any external dependencies aubio can be somewhat useful, for instance to read, process, and write simple wav files. To support more media input formats and add more features to aubio, you can use one or all of the following `external libraries`_. You may also want to know more about the `other options`_ and the `platform notes`_ The configure script will automatically for these extra libraries. To make sure the library or feature is used, pass the `--enable-flag` to waf. To disable this feature, use `--disable-feature`. To find out more about the build commands, use the `--verbose` option. External libraries ------------------ External libraries are checked for using ``pkg-config``. Set the ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` environment variable if you have them installed in an unusual location. .. note:: If ``pkg-config`` is not found in ``PATH``, the configure step will succeed, but none of the external libraries will be used. To build aubio with no external libraries, use the ``--nodeps`` build option. Media libraries --------------- libav ..... `libav.org `_, open source audio and video processing tools. If all of the following libraries are found, they will be used to compile ``aubio_source_avcodec``. so that ``aubio_source`` will be able to decode audio from all formats supported by `libav `_. * libavcodec * libavformat * libavutil * libavresample To enable this option, configure with ``--enable-avcodec``. The build will then failed if the required libraries are not found. To disable this option, configure with ``--disable-avcodec`` libsndfile .......... `libsndfile `_, a C library for reading and writing sampled sound files. With libsndfile built in, ``aubio_source_sndfile`` will be built in and used by ``aubio_source``. To enable this option, configure with ``--enable-sndfile``. The build will then fail if the required library is not found. To disable this option, configure with ``--disable-sndfile`` libsamplerate ............. `libsamplerate `_, a sample rate converter for audio. With libsamplerate built in, ``aubio_source_sndfile`` will support resampling, and ``aubio_resample`` will be fully functional. To enable this option, configure with ``--enable-samplerate``. The build will then fail if the required library is not found. To disable this option, configure with ``--disable-samplerate`` Optimisation libraries ---------------------- libfftw3 ........ `FFTW `_, a C subroutine for computing the discrete Fourier transform With libfftw3 built in, ``aubio_fft`` will use `FFTW`_ to compute Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), allowing aubio to compute FFT on length that are not a power of 2. To enable this option, configure with ``--enable-fftw3``. The build will then fail if the required library is not found. To disable this option, configure with ``--disable-fftw3`` blas .... On macOs/iOS, `blas `_ are made available through the Accelerate framework. On Linux, they can be enabled with ``--enable-blas``. On Debian (etch), `atlas`_, `openblas`_, and `libblas`_ have been successfully tested. When enabled, ``waf`` will check for the current blas configuration by running ``pkg-config --libs blas``. Depending of the library path returned by ``pkg-config``, different headers will be searched for. .. note:: On Debian systems, `multiple versions of BLAS and LAPACK `_ can be installed. To configure which libblas is being used: .. code-block:: console $ sudo update-alternatives --config libblas.so .. Expected pkg-config output for each alternative: /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/libblas.so -L/usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas -lblas /usr/lib/openblas-base/libblas.so -L/usr/lib/openblas-base -lblas /usr/lib/libblas/libblas.so -lblas atlas ..... `ATLAS BLAS APIs `_ will be used the path returned by ``pkg-config --libs blas`` contains ``atlas``. .. ```` will be included. Example: .. code-block:: console $ pkg-config --libs blas -L/usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas -lblas $ ./waf configure --enable-atlas [...] Checking for 'blas' : yes Checking for header atlas/cblas.h : yes openblas ........ `OpenBlas libraries `_ will be used when the output of ``pkg-config --libs blas`` contains 'openblas', .. ```` will be included. Example: .. code-block:: console $ pkg-config --libs blas -L/usr/lib/openblas-base -lblas $ ./waf configure --enable-atlas [...] Checking for 'blas' : yes Checking for header openblas/cblas.h : yes libblas ....... `Netlib's libblas (LAPACK) `_ will be used if no specific library path is specified by ``pkg-config`` .. ```` will be included. Example: .. code-block:: console $ pkg-config --libs blas -lblas $ ./waf configure --enable-atlas [...] Checking for 'blas' : yes Checking for header cblas.h : yes Platform notes -------------- On all platforms, you will need to have installed: - a compiler (gcc, clang, msvc, ...) - python (any version >= 2.7, including 3.x) - a terminal to run command lines in Linux ..... The following `External libraries`_ will be used if found: `libav`_, `libsamplerate`_, `libsndfile`_, `libfftw3`_. macOS ..... The following system frameworks will be used on Mac OS X systems: - `Accelerate `_ to compute FFTs and other vectorized operations optimally. - `CoreAudio `_ and `AudioToolbox `_ to decode audio from files and network streams. .. note:: To build a fat binary for both ``i386`` and ``x86_64``, use ``./waf configure --enable-fat``. The following `External libraries`_ will also be checked: `libav`_, `libsamplerate`_, `libsndfile`_, `libfftw3`_. To build a fat binary on a darwin like system (macOS, tvOS, appleOS, ...) platforms, configure with ``--enable-fat``. Windows ....... To use a specific version of the compiler, ``--msvc_version``. To build for a specific architecture, use ``--msvc_target``. For instance, to build aubio for ``x86`` using ``msvc 12.0``, use: .. code:: bash waf configure --msvc_version='msvc 12.0' --msvc_target='x86' The following `External libraries`_ will be used if found: `libav`_, `libsamplerate`_, `libsndfile`_, `libfftw3`_. iOS ... The following system frameworks will be used on iOS and iOS Simulator. - `Accelerate `_ to compute FFTs and other vectorized operations optimally. - `CoreAudio `_ and `AudioToolbox `_ to decode audio from files and network streams. To build aubio for iOS, configure with ``--with-target-platform=ios``. For the iOS Simulator, use ``--with-target-platform=iosimulator`` instead. By default, aubio is built with the following flags on iOS: .. code:: bash CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode -arch arm64 -arch armv7 -arch armv7s -miphoneos-version-min=6.1" and on iOS Simulator: .. code:: CFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -mios-simulator-version-min=6.1" Set ``CFLAGS`` and ``LINKFLAGS`` to change these default values, or edit ``wscript`` directly. Other options ------------- Some additional options can be passed to the configure step. For the complete list of options, run: .. code:: bash $ ./waf --help Here is an example of a custom command: .. code:: bash $ ./waf --verbose configure build install \ --enable-avcodec --enable-wavread --disable-wavwrite \ --enable-sndfile --enable-samplerate --enable-docs \ --destdir $PWD/build/destdir --testcmd="echo %s" \ --prefix=/opt --libdir=/opt/lib/multiarch \ --manpagesdir=/opt/share/man \ uninstall clean distclean dist distcheck .. _doubleprecision: Double precision ................ The datatype used to store real numbers in aubio is named `smpl_t`. By default, `smpl_t` is defined as `float`, a `single-precision format `_ (32-bit). Some algorithms require a floating point representation with a higher precision, for instance to prevent arithmetic underflow in recursive filters. In aubio, these special samples are named `lsmp_t` and defined as `double` by default (64-bit). Sometimes it may be useful to compile aubio in `double-precision`, for instance to reproduce numerical results obtained with 64-bit routines. In this case, `smpl_t` will be defined as `double`. The following table shows how `smpl_t` and `lsmp_t` are defined in single- and double-precision modes: .. list-table:: Single and double-precision modes :align: center * - - single - double * - `smpl_t` - ``float`` - ``double`` * - `lsmp_t` - ``double`` - ``long double`` To compile aubio in double precision mode, configure with ``--enable-double``. To compile in single-precision mode (default), use ``--disable-double`` (or simply none of these two options). Disabling the tests ................... In some case, for instance when cross-compiling, unit tests should not be run. Option ``--notests`` can be used for this purpose. The tests will not be executed, but the binaries will be compiled, ensuring that linking against libaubio works as expected. .. note:: The ``--notests`` option should be passed to both ``build`` and ``install`` targets, otherwise waf will try to run them. Edit wscript ............ Many of the options are gathered in the file `wscript`. a good starting point when looking for additional options. .. _build_docs: Building the docs ----------------- If the following command line tools are found, the documentation will be built built: - `doxygen `_ to build the :ref:`doxygen-documentation`. - `txt2man `_ to build the :ref:`manpages` - `sphinx `_ to build this document These tools are searched for in the current ``PATH`` environment variable. By default, the documentation is built only if the tools are found. To disable the documentation, configure with ``--disable-docs``. To build with the documentation, configure with ``--enable-docs``.