#include "aubio.h" #ifndef JACK_SUPPORT #define JACK_SUPPORT 0 #endif #include #include #include #include #include /* for isfinite */ #include "utils.h" #ifdef LASH_SUPPORT #include #include lash_client_t * aubio_lash_client; lash_args_t * lash_args; void * lash_thread_main (void * data); int lash_main (void); void save_data (void); void restore_data(lash_config_t * lash_config); void flush_process(aubio_process_func_t process_func, aubio_print_func_t print); pthread_t lash_thread; #endif /* LASH_SUPPORT */ /* settings */ const char * output_filename = NULL; const char * input_filename = NULL; const char * onset_filename = AUBIO_PREFIX "/share/sounds/" PACKAGE "/woodblock.aiff"; int frames = 0; int verbose = 0; int usejack = 0; int usedoubled = 1; int frames_delay = 0; /* energy,specdiff,hfc,complexdomain,phase */ aubio_onsetdetection_type type_onset = aubio_onset_kl; aubio_onsetdetection_type type_onset2 = aubio_onset_complex; smpl_t threshold = 0.3; smpl_t silence = -90.; uint_t buffer_size = 512; //1024; uint_t overlap_size = 256; //512; uint_t channels = 1; uint_t samplerate = 44100; aubio_sndfile_t * file = NULL; aubio_sndfile_t * fileout = NULL; aubio_pvoc_t * pv; fvec_t * ibuf; fvec_t * obuf; cvec_t * fftgrain; fvec_t * woodblock; aubio_onsetdetection_t *o; aubio_onsetdetection_t *o2; fvec_t *onset; fvec_t *onset2; int isonset = 0; aubio_pickpeak_t * parms; /* pitch objects */ smpl_t pitch = 0.; aubio_pitchdetection_t * pitchdet; aubio_pitchdetection_type type_pitch = aubio_pitch_yinfft; // aubio_pitch_mcomb aubio_pitchdetection_mode mode_pitch = aubio_pitchm_freq; uint_t median = 6; fvec_t * note_buffer = NULL; fvec_t * note_buffer2 = NULL; smpl_t curlevel = 0.; smpl_t maxonset = 0.; /* midi objects */ aubio_midi_player_t * mplay; aubio_midi_driver_t * mdriver; aubio_midi_event_t * event; smpl_t curnote = 0.; smpl_t newnote = 0.; uint_t isready = 0; /* badly redeclare some things */ aubio_onsetdetection_type type_onset; smpl_t threshold; smpl_t averaging; const char * prog_name; void usage (FILE * stream, int exit_code) { fprintf(stream, "usage: %s [ options ] \n", prog_name); fprintf(stream, " -h --help Display this message.\n" " -v --verbose Be verbose.\n" " -j --jack Use Jack.\n" " -o --output Output type.\n" " -i --input Input type.\n" " -O --onset Select onset detection algorithm.\n" " -t --threshold Set onset detection threshold.\n" " -s --silence Select silence threshold.\n" " -p --pitch Select pitch detection algorithm.\n" " -H --hopsize Set hopsize.\n" " -a --averaging Use averaging.\n" ); exit(exit_code); } int parse_args (int argc, char **argv) { const char *options = "hvjo:i:O:t:s:p:H:a"; int next_option; struct option long_options[] = { {"help" , 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"verbose" , 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"jack" , 0, NULL, 'j'}, {"output" , 1, NULL, 'o'}, {"input" , 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"onset" , 1, NULL, 'O'}, {"threshold", 1, NULL, 't'}, {"silence" , 1, NULL, 's'}, {"pitch" , 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"averaging", 0, NULL, 'a'}, {"hopsize", 1, NULL, 'H'}, {NULL , 0, NULL, 0} }; #ifdef LASH_SUPPORT lash_args = lash_extract_args(&argc, &argv); #endif /* LASH_SUPPORT */ prog_name = argv[0]; if( argc < 1 ) { usage (stderr, 1); return -1; } do { next_option = getopt_long (argc, argv, options, long_options, NULL); switch (next_option) { case 'o': output_filename = optarg; break; case 'i': input_filename = optarg; break; case 'h': /* help */ usage (stdout, 0); return -1; case 'v': /* verbose */ verbose = 1; break; case 'j': usejack = 1; break; case 'O': /*onset type*/ if (strcmp(optarg,"energy") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_energy; else if (strcmp(optarg,"specdiff") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_specdiff; else if (strcmp(optarg,"hfc") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_hfc; else if (strcmp(optarg,"complexdomain") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_complex; else if (strcmp(optarg,"complex") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_complex; else if (strcmp(optarg,"phase") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_phase; else if (strcmp(optarg,"mkl") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_mkl; else if (strcmp(optarg,"kl") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_kl; else if (strcmp(optarg,"specflux") == 0) type_onset = aubio_onset_specflux; else { errmsg("unknown onset type.\n"); abort(); } usedoubled = 0; break; case 's': /* threshold value for onset */ silence = (smpl_t)atof(optarg); break; case 't': /* threshold value for onset */ threshold = (smpl_t)atof(optarg); /* if (!isfinite(threshold)) { debug("could not get threshold.\n"); abort(); } */ break; case 'p': if (strcmp(optarg,"mcomb") == 0) type_pitch = aubio_pitch_mcomb; else if (strcmp(optarg,"yinfft") == 0) type_pitch = aubio_pitch_yin; else if (strcmp(optarg,"yin") == 0) type_pitch = aubio_pitch_yin; else if (strcmp(optarg,"schmitt") == 0) type_pitch = aubio_pitch_schmitt; else if (strcmp(optarg,"fcomb") == 0) type_pitch = aubio_pitch_fcomb; else { errmsg("unknown pitch type.\n"); abort(); } break; case 'a': averaging = 1; break; case 'H': overlap_size = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': /* unknown options */ usage(stderr, 1); break; case -1: /* done with options */ break; default: /*something else unexpected */ abort (); } } while (next_option != -1); if (input_filename != NULL) { debug ("Input file : %s\n", input_filename ); } else if (input_filename != NULL && output_filename != NULL) { debug ("Input file : %s\n", input_filename ); debug ("Output file : %s\n", output_filename ); } else { if (JACK_SUPPORT) { debug ("Jack input output\n"); usejack = 1; } else { debug ("Error: Could not switch to jack mode\n aubio was compiled without jack support\n"); exit(1); } } return 0; } void examples_common_init(int argc,char ** argv) { aubio_sndfile_t * onsetfile = NULL; /* parse command line arguments */ parse_args(argc, argv); woodblock = new_fvec(buffer_size,1); if (output_filename || usejack) { /* dummy assignement to keep egcs happy */ isonset = (onsetfile = new_aubio_sndfile_ro(onset_filename)) || (onsetfile = new_aubio_sndfile_ro("sounds/woodblock.aiff")) || (onsetfile = new_aubio_sndfile_ro("../sounds/woodblock.aiff")); if (onsetfile == NULL) { outmsg("Could not find woodblock.aiff\n"); exit(1); } } if (onsetfile) { /* read the output sound once */ aubio_sndfile_read(onsetfile, overlap_size, woodblock); } if(!usejack) { debug("Opening files ...\n"); file = new_aubio_sndfile_ro (input_filename); if (file == NULL) { outmsg("Could not open input file %s.\n", input_filename); exit(1); } if (verbose) aubio_sndfile_info(file); channels = aubio_sndfile_channels(file); samplerate = aubio_sndfile_samplerate(file); if (output_filename != NULL) fileout = new_aubio_sndfile_wo(file, output_filename); } #ifdef LASH_SUPPORT else { aubio_lash_client = lash_init(lash_args, argv[0], LASH_Config_Data_Set | LASH_Terminal, LASH_PROTOCOL(2, 0)); if (!aubio_lash_client) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not initialise lash\n", __FUNCTION__); } /* tell the lash server our client id */ if (lash_enabled(aubio_lash_client)) { lash_event_t * event = (lash_event_t *)lash_event_new_with_type(LASH_Client_Name); lash_event_set_string(event, "aubio"); lash_send_event(aubio_lash_client, event); pthread_create(&lash_thread, NULL, lash_thread_main, NULL); } } #endif /* LASH_SUPPORT */ ibuf = new_fvec(overlap_size, channels); obuf = new_fvec(overlap_size, channels); fftgrain = new_cvec(buffer_size, channels); if (usepitch) { pitchdet = new_aubio_pitchdetection(buffer_size*4, overlap_size, channels, samplerate, type_pitch, mode_pitch); aubio_pitchdetection_set_yinthresh(pitchdet, 0.7); if (median) { note_buffer = new_fvec(median, 1); note_buffer2= new_fvec(median, 1); } } /* phase vocoder */ pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buffer_size, overlap_size, channels); /* onsets */ parms = new_aubio_peakpicker(threshold); o = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset,buffer_size,channels); onset = new_fvec(1, channels); if (usedoubled) { o2 = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset2,buffer_size,channels); onset2 = new_fvec(1 , channels); } } void examples_common_del(void){ if (usepitch) { send_noteon(curnote,0); del_aubio_pitchdetection(pitchdet); if (median) { del_fvec(note_buffer); del_fvec(note_buffer2); } } if (usedoubled) { del_aubio_onsetdetection(o2); del_fvec(onset2); } del_aubio_onsetdetection(o); del_aubio_peakpicker(parms); del_aubio_pvoc(pv); del_fvec(obuf); del_fvec(ibuf); del_cvec(fftgrain); del_fvec(onset); del_fvec(woodblock); aubio_cleanup(); } void examples_common_process(aubio_process_func_t process_func, aubio_print_func_t print ){ if(usejack) { #if JACK_SUPPORT aubio_jack_t * jack_setup; debug("Jack init ...\n"); jack_setup = new_aubio_jack(channels, channels, (aubio_process_func_t)process_func); if (usepitch) { debug("Midi init ...\n"); mplay = new_aubio_midi_player(); mdriver = new_aubio_midi_driver("alsa_seq", (handle_midi_event_func_t)aubio_midi_send_event, mplay); event = new_aubio_midi_event(); } debug("Jack activation ...\n"); aubio_jack_activate(jack_setup); debug("Processing (Ctrl+C to quit) ...\n"); pause(); aubio_jack_close(jack_setup); if (usepitch) { send_noteon(curnote,0); del_aubio_midi_driver(mdriver); } #else usage(stderr, 1); outmsg("Compiled without jack output, exiting.\n"); #endif } else { /* phasevoc */ debug("Processing ...\n"); frames = 0; while ((signed)overlap_size == aubio_sndfile_read(file, overlap_size, ibuf)) { isonset=0; process_func(ibuf->data, obuf->data, overlap_size); print(); if (output_filename != NULL) { aubio_sndfile_write(fileout,overlap_size,obuf); } frames++; } debug("Processed %d frames of %d samples.\n", frames, buffer_size); flush_process(process_func, print); del_aubio_sndfile(file); if (output_filename != NULL) del_aubio_sndfile(fileout); } } void flush_process(aubio_process_func_t process_func, aubio_print_func_t print){ uint i,j; for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) { for (j = 0; j < obuf->length; j++) { fvec_write_sample(obuf,0.,i,j); } } for (i = 0; (signed)i < frames_delay; i++) { process_func(ibuf->data, obuf->data, overlap_size); print(); } } void send_noteon(int pitch, int velo) { smpl_t mpitch = floor(aubio_freqtomidi(pitch)+.5); /* we should check if we use midi here, not jack */ #if ALSA_SUPPORT if (usejack) { if (velo==0) { aubio_midi_event_set_type(event,NOTE_OFF); } else { aubio_midi_event_set_type(event,NOTE_ON); } aubio_midi_event_set_channel(event,0); aubio_midi_event_set_pitch(event,mpitch); aubio_midi_event_set_velocity(event,velo); aubio_midi_direct_output(mdriver,event); } else #endif if (!verbose) { if (velo==0) { outmsg("%f\n",frames*overlap_size/(float)samplerate); } else { outmsg("%f\t%f\t", mpitch, frames*overlap_size/(float)samplerate); } } } void note_append(fvec_t * note_buffer, smpl_t curnote) { uint_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < note_buffer->length - 1; i++) { note_buffer->data[0][i] = note_buffer->data[0][i+1]; } note_buffer->data[0][note_buffer->length - 1] = curnote; return; } uint_t get_note(fvec_t *note_buffer, fvec_t *note_buffer2){ uint_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < note_buffer->length; i++) { note_buffer2->data[0][i] = note_buffer->data[0][i]; } return vec_median(note_buffer2); } #if LASH_SUPPORT void * lash_thread_main(void *data __attribute__((unused))) { printf("LASH thread running\n"); while (!lash_main()) usleep(1000); printf("LASH thread finished\n"); return NULL; } int lash_main(void) { lash_event_t *lash_event; lash_config_t *lash_config; while ((lash_event = lash_get_event(aubio_lash_client))) { switch (lash_event_get_type(lash_event)) { case LASH_Quit: lash_event_destroy(lash_event); exit(1); return 1; case LASH_Restore_Data_Set: lash_send_event(aubio_lash_client, lash_event); break; case LASH_Save_Data_Set: save_data(); lash_send_event(aubio_lash_client, lash_event); break; case LASH_Server_Lost: return 1; default: printf("%s: received unknown LASH event of type %d", __FUNCTION__, lash_event_get_type(lash_event)); lash_event_destroy(lash_event); break; } } while ((lash_config = lash_get_config(aubio_lash_client))) { restore_data(lash_config); lash_config_destroy(lash_config); } return 0; } void save_data() { lash_config_t *lash_config; lash_config = lash_config_new_with_key("threshold"); lash_config_set_value_double(lash_config, threshold); lash_send_config(aubio_lash_client, lash_config); } void restore_data(lash_config_t * lash_config) { const char *lash_key; lash_key = lash_config_get_key(lash_config); if (strcmp(lash_key, "threshold") == 0) { threshold = lash_config_get_value_double(lash_config); return; } } #endif /* LASH_SUPPORT */