/* * Copyright 2004 Paul Brossier * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA */ /* this file originally taken from Fluidsynth, Peter Hanappe and others. */ /** \file * Midi driver for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (sequencer mode) */ #include "aubio_priv.h" #include "midi.h" #include "midi_event.h" #include "midi_parser.h" #include "midi_driver.h" #include "config.h" #if ALSA_SUPPORT #define ALSA_PCM_NEW_HW_PARAMS_API #include #include #include #include #include /* #include //perror is in stdio.h */ #define AUBIO_ALSA_DEFAULT_SEQ_DEVICE "default" #define AUBIO_ALSA_BUFFER_LENGTH 512 /* SCHED_FIFO priorities for ALSA threads (see pthread_attr_setschedparam) */ #define ALSA_RAWMIDI_SCHED_PRIORITY 90 #define ALSA_SEQ_SCHED_PRIORITY 90 /** aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t */ typedef struct { aubio_midi_driver_t driver; snd_seq_t *seq_handle; int seq_port; struct pollfd *pfd; int npfd; pthread_t thread; int status; } aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t; aubio_midi_driver_t* new_aubio_alsa_seq_driver(//aubio_settings_t* settings, handle_midi_event_func_t handler, void* data); int del_aubio_alsa_seq_driver(aubio_midi_driver_t* p); static void* aubio_alsa_seq_run(void* d); //void aubio_alsa_seq_driver_settings(aubio_settings_t* settings) //{ // aubio_settings_register_str(settings, "midi.alsa_seq.device", "default", 0, NULL, NULL); // aubio_settings_register_str(settings, "midi.alsa_seq.id", "pid", 0, NULL, NULL); //} /** new_aubio_alsa_seq_driver */ aubio_midi_driver_t* new_aubio_alsa_seq_driver(//aubio_settings_t* settings, handle_midi_event_func_t handler, void* data) { int i, err; aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t* dev; /**< object to return */ pthread_attr_t attr; /**< sequencer thread */ int sched = SCHED_FIFO; /**< default scheduling policy */ struct sched_param priority; /**< scheduling priority settings */ int count; /**< number of MIDI file descriptors */ struct pollfd *pfd = NULL; /**< poll file descriptor array (copied in dev->pfd) */ char* device = NULL; /**< the device name */ char* id = NULL; char full_id[64]; char full_name[64]; /* not much use doing anything */ if (handler == NULL) { AUBIO_ERR( "Invalid argument"); return NULL; } /* allocate the device */ dev = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t); if (dev == NULL) { AUBIO_ERR( "Out of memory"); return NULL; } AUBIO_MEMSET(dev, 0, sizeof(aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t)); dev->seq_port = -1; dev->driver.data = data; dev->driver.handler = handler; /* get the device name. if none is specified, use the default device. */ //aubio_settings_getstr(settings, "midi.alsa_seq.device", &device); if (device == NULL) { device = "default"; } /* open the sequencer INPUT only, non-blocking */ //if ((err = snd_seq_open(&dev->seq_handle, device, SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT, if ((err = snd_seq_open(&dev->seq_handle, device, SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, SND_SEQ_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { AUBIO_ERR( "Error opening ALSA sequencer"); goto error_recovery; } /* get # of MIDI file descriptors */ count = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(dev->seq_handle, POLLIN); if (count > 0) { /* make sure there are some */ pfd = AUBIO_MALLOC(sizeof (struct pollfd) * count); dev->pfd = AUBIO_MALLOC(sizeof (struct pollfd) * count); /* grab file descriptor POLL info structures */ count = snd_seq_poll_descriptors(dev->seq_handle, pfd, count, POLLIN); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* loop over file descriptors */ /* copy the input FDs */ if (pfd[i].events & POLLIN) { /* use only the input FDs */ dev->pfd[dev->npfd].fd = pfd[i].fd; dev->pfd[dev->npfd].events = POLLIN; dev->pfd[dev->npfd].revents = 0; dev->npfd++; } } AUBIO_FREE(pfd); //aubio_settings_getstr(settings, "midi.alsa_seq.id", &id); if (id != NULL) { if (AUBIO_STRCMP(id, "pid") == 0) { snprintf(full_id, 64, "aubio (%d)", getpid()); snprintf(full_name, 64, "aubio_port (%d)", getpid()); } else { snprintf(full_id, 64, "aubio (%s)", id); snprintf(full_name, 64, "aubio_port (%s)", id); } } else { snprintf(full_id, 64, "aubio"); snprintf(full_name, 64, "aubio_port"); } /* set the client name */ snd_seq_set_client_name (dev->seq_handle, full_id); if ((dev->seq_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port (dev->seq_handle, full_name, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_DUPLEX, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION)) < 0) { AUBIO_ERR( "Error creating ALSA sequencer port"); goto error_recovery; } dev->status = AUBIO_MIDI_READY; /* create the midi thread */ if (pthread_attr_init(&attr)) { AUBIO_ERR( "Couldn't initialize midi thread attributes"); goto error_recovery; } /* use fifo scheduling. if it fails, use default scheduling. */ while (1) { err = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, sched); if (err) { AUBIO_MSG( "Couldn't set high priority scheduling for the MIDI input"); if (sched == SCHED_FIFO) { sched = SCHED_OTHER; continue; } else { AUBIO_ERR( "Couldn't set scheduling policy."); goto error_recovery; } } /* SCHED_FIFO will not be active without setting the priority */ priority.sched_priority = (sched == SCHED_FIFO) ? ALSA_SEQ_SCHED_PRIORITY : 0; pthread_attr_setschedparam (&attr, &priority); err = pthread_create(&dev->thread, &attr, aubio_alsa_seq_run, (void*) dev); if (err) { AUBIO_ERR( "Couldn't set high priority scheduling for the MIDI input"); if (sched == SCHED_FIFO) { sched = SCHED_OTHER; continue; } else { //AUBIO_LOG(AUBIO_PANIC, "Couldn't create the midi thread."); AUBIO_ERR( "Couldn't create the midi thread."); goto error_recovery; } } break; } return (aubio_midi_driver_t*) dev; error_recovery: del_aubio_alsa_seq_driver((aubio_midi_driver_t*) dev); return NULL; } /** del_aubio_alsa_seq_driver */ int del_aubio_alsa_seq_driver(aubio_midi_driver_t* p) { aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t* dev; dev = (aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t*) p; if (dev == NULL) { return AUBIO_OK; } dev->status = AUBIO_MIDI_DONE; /* cancel the thread and wait for it before cleaning up */ if (dev->thread) { if (pthread_cancel(dev->thread)) { AUBIO_ERR( "Failed to cancel the midi thread"); return AUBIO_FAIL; } if (pthread_join(dev->thread, NULL)) { AUBIO_ERR( "Failed to join the midi thread"); return AUBIO_FAIL; } } if (dev->seq_port >= 0) { snd_seq_delete_simple_port (dev->seq_handle, dev->seq_port); } if (dev->seq_handle) { snd_seq_drain_output(dev->seq_handle); snd_seq_close(dev->seq_handle); } AUBIO_FREE(dev); return AUBIO_OK; } /** aubio_alsa_seq_run */ void* aubio_alsa_seq_run(void* d) { int n;//, i; snd_seq_event_t *seq_ev; aubio_midi_event_t evt; aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t* dev = (aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t*) d; /* make sure the other threads can cancel this thread any time */ if (pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL)) { AUBIO_ERR( "Failed to set the cancel state of the midi thread"); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL)) { AUBIO_ERR( "Failed to set the cancel state of the midi thread"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* go into a loop until someone tells us to stop */ dev->status = AUBIO_MIDI_LISTENING; while (dev->status == AUBIO_MIDI_LISTENING) { /* is there something to read? */ n = poll(dev->pfd, dev->npfd, 1); /* use a 1 milliseconds timeout */ if (n < 0) { perror("poll"); } else if (n > 0) { /* read new events from the midi input port */ while ((n = snd_seq_event_input(dev->seq_handle, &seq_ev)) >= 0) { switch (seq_ev->type) { case SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEON: evt.type = NOTE_ON; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.note.channel; evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.note.note; evt.param2 = seq_ev->data.note.velocity; break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEOFF: evt.type = NOTE_OFF; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.note.channel; evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.note.note; evt.param2 = seq_ev->data.note.velocity; break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_KEYPRESS: evt.type = KEY_PRESSURE; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.note.channel; evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.note.note; evt.param2 = seq_ev->data.note.velocity; break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CONTROLLER: evt.type = CONTROL_CHANGE; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.control.channel; evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.control.param; evt.param2 = seq_ev->data.control.value; break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PITCHBEND: evt.type = PITCH_BEND; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.control.channel; /* ALSA pitch bend is -8192 - 8191, we adjust it here */ evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.control.value + 8192; break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PGMCHANGE: evt.type = PROGRAM_CHANGE; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.control.channel; evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.control.value; break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CHANPRESS: evt.type = CHANNEL_PRESSURE; evt.channel = seq_ev->data.control.channel; evt.param1 = seq_ev->data.control.value; break; default: continue; /* unhandled event, next loop iteration */ } /* send the events to the next link in the chain */ (*dev->driver.handler)(dev->driver.data, &evt); /* dump input on output */ //snd_seq_ev_set_source(new_ev, dev->seq_port); //snd_seq_ev_set_dest(seq_ev,dev->seq_handle,dev->seq_client); //snd_seq_ev_set_subs(new_ev); //snd_seq_ev_set_direct(new_ev); //snd_seq_event_output(dev->seq_handle, new_ev); //snd_seq_drain_output(dev->seq_handle); } } if ((n < 0) && (n != -EAGAIN)) { AUBIO_ERR( "Error occured while reading ALSA sequencer events"); dev->status = AUBIO_MIDI_DONE; } // /* added by piem to handle new data to output */ // while (/* get new data, but from where ??? (n = snd_seq_event_output(dev->seq_handle, seq_ev)) >= 0*/ ) // { // /* dump input on output */ // snd_seq_ev_set_source(new_ev, dev->seq_port); // //snd_seq_ev_set_dest(seq_ev,dev->seq_handle,dev->seq_client); // snd_seq_ev_set_subs(new_ev); // snd_seq_ev_set_direct(new_ev); // snd_seq_event_output(dev->seq_handle, new_ev); // snd_seq_drain_output(dev->seq_handle); // } } pthread_exit(NULL); } snd_seq_event_t ev; void aubio_midi_direct_output(aubio_midi_driver_t * d, aubio_midi_event_t * event) { aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t* dev = (aubio_alsa_seq_driver_t*) d; switch(event->type) { case NOTE_ON: ev.type = SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEON; ev.data.note.channel = event->channel; ev.data.note.note = event->param1; ev.data.note.velocity = event->param2; //AUBIO_ERR( "NOTE_ON %d\n", event->param1); break; case NOTE_OFF: ev.type = SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEOFF; ev.data.note.channel = event->channel; ev.data.note.note = event->param1; ev.data.note.velocity = event->param2; //AUBIO_ERR( "NOTE_OFF %d\n", event->param1); break; default: break; } if (ev.type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEOFF || ev.type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEON ) { snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, dev->seq_port); snd_seq_event_output_direct(dev->seq_handle, &ev); } } #endif /* #if ALSA_SUPPORT */