"""Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Brossier print aubio.__LICENSE__ for the terms of use """ __LICENSE__ = """\ Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Brossier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ __notesheight = 0.25 def audio_to_array(filename): import aubio.aubioclass import numarray hopsize = 2048 filei = aubio.aubioclass.sndfile(filename) framestep = 1/(filei.samplerate()+0.) channels = filei.channels() myvec = aubio.aubioclass.fvec(hopsize,channels) data = [] readsize = hopsize while (readsize==hopsize): readsize = filei.read(hopsize,myvec) #for i in range(channels): i = 0 curpos = 0 while (curpos < readsize): data.append(myvec.get(curpos,i)) curpos+=1 time = numarray.arange(len(data))*framestep return time,data def plot_audio(filenames, outplot='', extension='', start=0, end=None, noaxis=None,xsize=1.,ysize=1.): g = gnuplot_create(outplot, extension) d = [] todraw = len(filenames) xorig = 0. xratio = 1./todraw g.gnuplot('set size %f,%f;' % (xsize,ysize) ) g.gnuplot('set multiplot;') while (len(filenames)): time,data = audio_to_array(filenames.pop(0)) if not noaxis and todraw==1: if max(time) < 1.: time = [t*1000. for t in time] g.xlabel('Time (ms)') else: g.xlabel('Time (s)') g.ylabel('Amplitude') d.append(make_audio_plot(time,data)) g.gnuplot('set size %f,%f;' % (xsize*xratio,ysize) ) g.gnuplot('set origin %f,0.;' % (xorig) ) g.gnuplot('set style data lines; \ set yrange [-1.:1.]; \ set xrange [0:%f]' % time[-1]) g.plot(d.pop(0)) xorig += xsize*xratio g.gnuplot('unset multiplot;') def audio_to_spec(filename,minf = 0, maxf = 0, lowthres = -20., bufsize= 8192, hopsize = 1024): from aubioclass import fvec,cvec,pvoc,sndfile from math import log10 filei = sndfile(filename) srate = float(filei.samplerate()) framestep = hopsize/srate freqstep = srate/bufsize channels = filei.channels() myvec = fvec(hopsize,channels) myfft = cvec(bufsize,channels) pv = pvoc(bufsize,hopsize,channels) data,time,freq = [],[],[] if maxf == 0.: maxf = bufsize/2 else: maxf = int(maxf/freqstep) if minf: minf = int(minf/freqstep) else: minf = 0 for f in range(minf,maxf): freq.append(f*freqstep) readsize = hopsize frameread = 0 while (readsize==hopsize): readsize = filei.read(hopsize,myvec) pv.do(myvec,myfft) frame = [] i = 0 #for i in range(channels): curpos = minf while (curpos < maxf): frame.append(max(lowthres,20.*log10(myfft.get(curpos,i)**2+0.00001))) curpos+=1 time.append(frameread*framestep) data.append(frame) frameread += 1 # crop data if unfinished frames if len(data[-1]) != len(data[0]): data = data[0:-2] time = time[0:-2] # verify size consistency assert len(data) == len(time) assert len(data[0]) == len(freq) return data,time,freq def plot_spec(filename, outplot='',extension='', fileout=None, start=0, end=None, noaxis=None,log=1, minf=0, maxf= 0, xsize = 1., ysize = 1.,bufsize=8192, hopsize=1024): import Gnuplot g = gnuplot_create(outplot,extension) data,time,freq = audio_to_spec(filename,minf=minf,maxf=maxf,bufsize=bufsize,hopsize=hopsize) xorig = 0. if not noaxis: if max(time) < 1.: time = [t*1000. for t in time] g.xlabel('Time (ms)') else: g.xlabel('Time (s)') g.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') g('set size %f,%f' % (xsize, ysize)) g('set pm3d map') g('set palette rgbformulae -25,-24,-32') #g('set colorbox horizontal') g('set xrange [0.:%f]' % time[-1]) g('set yrange [%f:%f]' % (minf,maxf)) if log: g('set yrange [%f:%f]' % (max(10,minf),maxf)) g('set log y') g.splot(Gnuplot.GridData(data,time,freq, binary=1)) #xorig += 1./todraw def downsample_audio(time,data,maxpoints=10000): """ resample audio data to last only maxpoints """ import numarray length = len(time) downsample = length/maxpoints if downsample == 0: downsample = 1 x = numarray.array(time).resize(length)[0:-1:downsample] y = numarray.array(data).resize(length)[0:-1:downsample] return x,y def make_audio_plot(time,data,maxpoints=10000): """ create gnuplot plot from an audio file """ import numarray import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils length = len(time) downsample = length/maxpoints if downsample == 0: downsample = 1 x = numarray.array(time).resize(length)[0:-1:downsample] y = numarray.array(data).resize(length)[0:-1:downsample] return Gnuplot.Data(x,y,with='lines') def gnuplot_init(outplot,debug=0,persist=1): # prepare the plot import Gnuplot g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=debug, persist=persist) if outplot == 'stdout': g("set terminal png fontfile 'p052023l.pfb'") #g('set output \'%s\'' % outplot) elif outplot: extension = outplot.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'ps': extension = 'postscript' g('set terminal %s' % extension) g('set output \'%s\'' % outplot) return g def gnuplot_create(outplot='',extension='',debug=0,persist=1): import Gnuplot g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=debug, persist=persist) if not extension or not outplot: return g if extension == 'ps': ext, extension = '.ps' , 'postscript' elif extension == 'eps': ext, extension = '.eps' , 'postscript enhanced' elif extension == 'epsc': ext, extension = '.eps' , 'postscript enhanced color' elif extension == 'png': ext, extension = '.png', 'png' elif extension == 'svg': ext, extension = '.svg', 'svg' else: exit("ERR: unknown plot extension") g('set terminal %s' % extension) if outplot != "stdout": g('set output \'%s%s\'' % (outplot,ext)) return g