from aubio.bench.node import * def parse_args(req): req.basehref = BASEHREF req.datadir = DATADIR if req.path_info: path_info = req.path_info else: path_info = '/' location = re.sub('^/show_[a-z0-9]*/','',path_info) location = re.sub('^/play_[a-z0-9]*/','',location) location = re.sub('^/index/','',location) location = re.sub('^/','',location) location = re.sub('/$','',location) datapath = "%s/%s" % (DATADIR,location) respath = "%s/%s" % (DATADIR,location) last = re.sub('/$','',location) last = last.split('/')[-1] first = path_info.split('/')[1] # store some of this in the mp_request req.location, req.datapath, req.respath = location, datapath, respath req.first, req.last = first, last if location: if not (os.path.isfile(datapath) or os.path.isdir(datapath) or location in ['feedback','email']): # the path was not understood from mod_python import apache req.write(" path not found %s" % (datapath)) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.OK #from mod_python import apache #raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND def navigation(req): """ main html navigation header """ from mod_python import psp req.content_type = "text/html" parse_args(req) datapath = req.datapath location = req.location # deal with session if req.sess.is_new(): msg = "Welcome %s
" % req.sess['login'] else: msg = "Welcome back %s
" % req.sess['login'] # start writing tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='header.tmpl') = { 'title': "aubioweb / %s / %s" % (req.first,location), 'basehref': '/~piem/', 'message': msg, 'action': req.first}) req.write("

Content of ") print_link(req,"","/") y = location.split('/') for i in range(len(y)-1): print_link(req,"/".join(y[:i+1]),y[i]) req.write(" / ") req.write("%s

\n" % y[-1]) a = {'show_info' : 'info', 'show_sound': 'waveform', 'show_onset': 'onset', 'index' : 'index', 'show_pitch': 'pitch', 'play_m3u': 'stream (m3u/ogg)', 'play_ogg': 'save (ogg)', 'play_wav': 'save (wav)', } # print task lists (only remaining tasks) print_link(req,re.sub('%s.*'%req.last,'',location),"go up") akeys = a.keys(); akeys.sort(); curkey = req.first for akey in akeys: if akey != curkey: req.write(":: ") print_link(req,"/".join((akey,location)),a[akey]) else: req.write(":: ") req.write("%s" % a[akey]) req.write("
") # list the content of the directories listdir,listfiles = [],[] if os.path.isdir(datapath): listfiles = list_snd_files(datapath) listdir = list_dirs(datapath) listdir.pop(0) # kick the current dir elif os.path.isfile(datapath): listfiles = [datapath] listdir = [re.sub(req.last,'',location)] link_list(req,listdir,title="Subdirectories") link_list(req,listfiles,title="Files") def footer(req): """ html navigation footer """ from mod_python import psp tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='footer.tmpl') = { 'time': -req.mtime+req.request_time }) def apply_on_data(req, func,**keywords): # bug: hardcoded snd file filter act_on_data(func,req.datapath,req.respath, filter="f -maxdepth 1 -name '*.wav' -o -name '*.aif'",**keywords) def print_link(req,target,name,basehref=BASEHREF): req.write("%s\n" % (basehref,target,name)) def print_img(req,target,name='',basehref=BASEHREF): if name == '': name = target req.write("%s\n" % (basehref,target,name,name)) def link_list(req,targetlist,basehref=BASEHREF,title=None): if len(targetlist) > 1: if title: req.write("


"%title) req.write('') def print_list(req,list): req.write("
    for i in list: req.write("%s\n" % i)
\n") def print_command(req,command): req.write("


\n" % re.sub('%%','%',command)) def print_runcommand(input,output): cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % input, command) cmd = re.sub('(%)?%o','%s' % output, cmd) print_list(req,runcommand(cmd)) apply_on_data(req,print_runcommand) def datapath_to_location(input): location = re.sub(DATADIR,'',input) return re.sub('^/*','',location) ## drawing hacks def draw_func(req,func): import re req.content_type = "image/png" # build location (strip the func_path, add DATADIR) location = re.sub('^/draw_[a-z]*/','%s/'%DATADIR,req.path_info) location = re.sub('.png$','',location) if not os.path.isfile(location): from mod_python import apache raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND # replace location in func cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % location, func) # add PYTHONPATH at the beginning, cmd = "%s%s 2> /dev/null" % (PYTHONPATH,cmd) for each in runcommand(cmd): req.write("%s\n"%each) def show_task(req,task): def show_task_file(input,output,task): location = datapath_to_location(input) print_img(req,"draw_%s/%s" % (task,location)) navigation(req) req.write("


\n" % task) apply_on_data(req,show_task_file,task=task) footer(req) ## waveform_foo def draw_sound(req): #draw_func(req,"aubioplot-audio %%i stdout 2> /dev/null") draw_func(req,"gdtest %%i 2> /dev/null") def show_sound(req): show_task(req,"sound") ## pitch foo def draw_pitch(req,threshold='0.3'): draw_func(req,"aubiopitch -i %%i -p -m yin -t %s -O stdout -B 2048 -H 1024" % threshold) def show_pitch(req): show_task(req,"pitch") ## onset foo def draw_onset(req,threshold='0.3'): draw_func(req,"aubiocut -i %%i -p -m complex -t %s -O stdout" % threshold) def show_onset(req,threshold='0.3',details=''): def onset_file(input,output): location = datapath_to_location(input) print_img(req,"draw_onset/%s?threshold=%s"%(location,threshold)) print_link(req,"?threshold=%s" % (float(threshold)-0.1),"-") req.write("%s\n" % threshold) print_link(req,"?threshold=%s" % (float(threshold)+0.1),"+") # bug: hardcoded sndfile extension anote = re.sub('\.wav$','.txt',input) if anote == input: anote = "" res = get_extract(input,threshold) if os.path.isfile(anote): tru = get_anote(anote) print_list(req,get_results(tru,res,0.05)) else: req.write("no ground truth found
\n") if details: req.write("


\n") print_list(req,res) else: req.write("details
\n" % (req.basehref,location,threshold)) if details and os.path.isfile(anote): req.write("

Computed differences

\n") ldiffs = get_diffs(tru,res,0.05) print_list(req,ldiffs) req.write("


\n") print_list(req,tru) navigation(req) req.write("


\n") apply_on_data(req,onset_file) footer(req) def get_anote(anote): import aubio.onsetcompare # FIXME: should import with txtfile.read_datafile return aubio.onsetcompare.load_onsets(anote) def get_diffs(anote,extract,tol): import aubio.onsetcompare return aubio.onsetcompare.onset_diffs(anote,extract,tol) def get_extract(datapath,threshold='0.3'): cmd = "%saubiocut -v -m complex -t %s -i %s" % (PYTHONPATH,threshold,datapath) lo = runcommand(cmd) for i in range(len(lo)): lo[i] = float(lo[i]) return lo def get_results(anote,extract,tol): import aubio.onsetcompare orig, missed, merged, expc, bad, doubled = aubio.onsetcompare.onset_roc(anote,extract,tol) s =("GD %2.8f\t" % (100*float(orig-missed-merged)/(orig)), "FP %2.8f\t" % (100*float(bad+doubled)/(orig)) , "GD-merged %2.8f\t" % (100*float(orig-missed)/(orig)) , "FP-pruned %2.8f\t" % (100*float(bad)/(orig)) ) return s # play m3u foo def play_m3u(req): def show_task_file(input,output,task): location = datapath_to_location(input) req.write("http://%s%s/play_ogg/%s\n" % (HOSTNAME,BASEHREF,re.sub("play_m3u",task,location))) req.content_type = "audio/mpegurl" parse_args(req) apply_on_data(req,show_task_file,task="play_ogg") # play wav foo def play_wav(req): req.content_type = "audio/x-wav" func = "cat %%i" # build location (strip the func_path, add DATADIR) location = re.sub('^/play_wav/','%s/'%DATADIR,req.path_info) if not os.path.isfile(location): from mod_python import apache raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND # replace location in func cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % location, func) # add PYTHONPATH at the beginning, cmd = "%s 2> /dev/null" % cmd for each in runcommand(cmd): req.write("%s\n"%each) # play ogg foo def play_ogg(req): req.content_type = "application/ogg" func = "oggenc -o - %%i" # build location (strip the func_path, add DATADIR) location = re.sub('^/play_ogg/','%s/'%DATADIR,req.path_info) location = re.sub('.ogg$','',location) if not os.path.isfile(location): from mod_python import apache raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND # replace location in func cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % location, func) # add PYTHONPATH at the beginning, cmd = "%s 2> /dev/null" % cmd for each in runcommand(cmd): req.write("%s\n"%each)