aubiodefvalue = { # we have some clean up to do 'buf_size': 'Py_default_vector_length', 'win_s': 'Py_default_vector_length', 'size': 'Py_default_vector_length', # and here too 'hop_size': 'Py_default_vector_length / 2', 'hop_s': 'Py_default_vector_length / 2', # these should be alright 'samplerate': 'Py_aubio_default_samplerate', # now for the non obvious ones 'n_filters': '40', 'n_coeffs': '13', 'nelems': '10', 'flow': '0.', 'fhig': '1.', 'ilow': '0.', 'ihig': '1.', 'thrs': '0.5', 'ratio': '0.5', 'method': '"default"', 'uri': '"none"', } member_types = { 'name': 'type', 'char_t*': 'T_STRING', 'uint_t': 'T_INT', 'smpl_t': 'AUBIO_NPY_SMPL', } pyfromtype_fn = { 'smpl_t': 'PyFloat_FromDouble', 'uint_t': 'PyLong_FromLong', # was: 'PyInt_FromLong', 'fvec_t*': 'PyAubio_CFvecToArray', 'fmat_t*': 'PyAubio_CFmatToArray', } pytoaubio_fn = { 'fvec_t*': 'PyAubio_ArrayToCFvec', 'cvec_t*': 'PyAubio_PyCvecToCCvec', #'fmat_t*': 'PyAubio_ArrayToCFmat', } newfromtype_fn = { 'fvec_t*': 'new_py_fvec', 'fmat_t*': 'new_py_fmat', 'cvec_t*': 'new_py_cvec', } delfromtype_fn = { 'fvec_t*': 'Py_DECREF', 'fmat_t*': 'Py_DECREF', 'cvec_t*': 'Py_DECREF', } param_init = { 'char_t*': 'NULL', 'uint_t': '0', 'sint_t': 0, 'smpl_t': 0., 'lsmp_t': 0., } pyargparse_chars = { 'smpl_t': 'f', # if not usedouble else 'd', 'uint_t': 'I', 'sint_t': 'I', 'char_t*': 's', 'fmat_t*': 'O', 'fvec_t*': 'O', 'cvec_t*': 'O', } objoutsize = { 'onset': '1', 'pitch': '1', 'notes': '3', 'wavetable': 'self->hop_size', 'sampler': 'self->hop_size', 'mfcc': 'self->n_coeffs', 'specdesc': '1', 'tempo': '1', 'filterbank': 'self->n_filters', 'tss': 'self->buf_size', 'dct': 'self->size', } objinputsize = { 'mfcc': 'self->buf_size / 2 + 1', 'notes': 'self->hop_size', 'onset': 'self->hop_size', 'pitch': 'self->hop_size', 'sampler': 'self->hop_size', 'specdesc': 'self->buf_size / 2 + 1', 'tempo': 'self->hop_size', 'wavetable': 'self->hop_size', 'tss': 'self->buf_size / 2 + 1', } def get_name(proto): name = proto.replace(' *', '* ').split()[1].split('(')[0] name = name.replace('*','') if name == '': raise ValueError(proto + "gave empty name") return name def get_return_type(proto): import re paramregex = re.compile('(\w+ ?\*?).*') outputs = paramregex.findall(proto) assert len(outputs) == 1 return outputs[0].replace(' ', '') def split_type(arg): """ arg = 'foo *name' return ['foo*', 'name'] """ l = arg.split() type_arg = {} #'type': l[0], 'name': l[1]} type_arg['type'] = " ".join(l[:-1]) type_arg['name'] = l[-1] # fix up type / name if type_arg['name'].startswith('*'): # ['foo', '*name'] -> ['foo*', 'name'] type_arg['type'] += '*' type_arg['name'] = type_arg['name'][1:] if type_arg['type'].endswith(' *'): # ['foo *', 'name'] -> ['foo*', 'name'] type_arg['type'] = type_arg['type'].replace(' *','*') if type_arg['type'].startswith('const '): # ['foo *', 'name'] -> ['foo*', 'name'] type_arg['type'] = type_arg['type'].replace('const ','') return type_arg def get_params(proto): """ get the list of parameters from a function prototype example: proto = "int main (int argc, char ** argv)" returns: ['int argc', 'char ** argv'] """ import re paramregex = re.compile('.*\((.*)\);') a = paramregex.findall(proto)[0].split(', ') #a = [i.replace('const ', '') for i in a] return a def get_input_params(proto): a = get_params(proto) return [i.replace('const ', '') for i in a if (i.startswith('const ') or i.startswith('uint_t ') or i.startswith('smpl_t '))] def get_output_params(proto): a = get_params(proto) return [i for i in a if not i.startswith('const ')][1:] def get_params_types_names(proto): """ get the list of parameters from a function prototype example: proto = "int main (int argc, char ** argv)" returns: [['int', 'argc'], ['char **','argv']] """ a = list(map(split_type, get_params(proto))) #print proto, a #import sys; sys.exit(1) return a class MappedObject(object): def __init__(self, prototypes, usedouble = False): if usedouble: pyargparse_chars['smpl_t'] = 'd' self.prototypes = prototypes self.shortname = prototypes['shortname'] self.longname = prototypes['longname'] self.new_proto = prototypes['new'][0] self.del_proto = prototypes['del'][0] self.do_proto = prototypes['do'][0] self.input_params = get_params_types_names(self.new_proto) self.input_params_list = "; ".join(get_input_params(self.new_proto)) self.outputs = get_params_types_names(self.do_proto)[2:] self.do_inputs = [get_params_types_names(self.do_proto)[1]] self.do_outputs = get_params_types_names(self.do_proto)[2:] struct_output_str = ["PyObject *{0[name]}; {1} c_{0[name]}".format(i, i['type'][:-1]) for i in self.do_outputs] if len(self.prototypes['rdo']): rdo_outputs = get_params_types_names(prototypes['rdo'][0])[2:] struct_output_str += ["PyObject *{0[name]}; {1} c_{0[name]}".format(i, i['type'][:-1]) for i in rdo_outputs] self.outputs += rdo_outputs self.struct_outputs = ";\n ".join(struct_output_str) #print ("input_params: ", map(split_type, get_input_params(self.do_proto))) #print ("output_params", map(split_type, get_output_params(self.do_proto))) def gen_code(self): out = "" try: out += self.gen_struct() out += self.gen_doc() out += self.gen_new() out += self.gen_init() out += self.gen_del() out += self.gen_do() if len(self.prototypes['rdo']): self.do_proto = self.prototypes['rdo'][0] self.do_inputs = [get_params_types_names(self.do_proto)[1]] self.do_outputs = get_params_types_names(self.do_proto)[2:] out += self.gen_do(method='rdo') out += self.gen_memberdef() out += self.gen_set() out += self.gen_get() out += self.gen_methodef() out += self.gen_typeobject() except Exception as e: print ("Failed generating code for", self.shortname) raise return out def gen_struct(self): out = """ // {shortname} structure typedef struct{{ PyObject_HEAD // pointer to aubio object {longname} *o; // input parameters {input_params_list}; // do input vectors {do_inputs_list}; // output results {struct_outputs}; }} Py_{shortname}; """ # fmat_t* / fvec_t* / cvec_t* inputs -> full fvec_t /.. struct in Py_{shortname} do_inputs_list = "; ".join(get_input_params(self.do_proto)).replace('fvec_t *','fvec_t').replace('fmat_t *', 'fmat_t').replace('cvec_t *', 'cvec_t') return out.format(do_inputs_list = do_inputs_list, **self.__dict__) def gen_doc(self): sig = [] for p in self.input_params: name = p['name'] defval = aubiodefvalue[name].replace('"','\\\"') sig.append("{name}={defval}".format(defval=defval, name=name)) out = """ #ifndef PYAUBIO_{shortname}_doc #define PYAUBIO_{shortname}_doc "{shortname}({sig})" #endif /* PYAUBIO_{shortname}_doc */ static char Py_{shortname}_doc[] = "" PYAUBIO_{shortname}_doc ""; """ return out.format(sig=', '.join(sig), **self.__dict__) def gen_new(self): out = """ // new {shortname} static PyObject * Py_{shortname}_new (PyTypeObject * pytype, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds) {{ Py_{shortname} *self; """.format(**self.__dict__) params = self.input_params for p in params: out += """ {type} {name} = {defval};""".format(defval = param_init[p['type']], **p) plist = ", ".join(["\"%s\"" % p['name'] for p in params]) out += """ static char *kwlist[] = {{ {plist}, NULL }};""".format(plist = plist) argchars = "".join([pyargparse_chars[p['type']] for p in params]) arglist = ", ".join(["&%s" % p['name'] for p in params]) out += """ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwds, "|{argchars}", kwlist, {arglist})) {{ return NULL; }} """.format(argchars = argchars, arglist = arglist) out += """ self = (Py_{shortname} *) pytype->tp_alloc (pytype, 0); if (self == NULL) {{ return NULL; }} """.format(**self.__dict__) params = self.input_params for p in params: out += self.check_valid(p) out += """ return (PyObject *)self; } """ return out def check_valid(self, p): if p['type'] == 'uint_t': return self.check_valid_uint(p) if p['type'] == 'char_t*': return self.check_valid_char(p) else: print ("ERROR, no idea how to check %s for validity" % p['type']) def check_valid_uint(self, p): name = p['name'] return """ self->{name} = {defval}; if ((sint_t){name} > 0) {{ self->{name} = {name}; }} else if ((sint_t){name} < 0) {{ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "can not use negative value for {name}"); return NULL; }} """.format(defval = aubiodefvalue[name], name = name) def check_valid_char(self, p): name = p['name'] return """ self->{name} = {defval}; if ({name} != NULL) {{ self->{name} = {name}; }} """.format(defval = aubiodefvalue[name], name = name) def gen_init(self): out = """ // init {shortname} static int Py_{shortname}_init (Py_{shortname} * self, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds) {{ """.format(**self.__dict__) new_name = get_name(self.new_proto) new_params = ", ".join(["self->%s" % s['name'] for s in self.input_params]) out += """ self->o = {new_name}({new_params}); """.format(new_name = new_name, new_params = new_params) paramchars = "%s" paramvals = "self->method" out += """ // return -1 and set error string on failure if (self->o == NULL) {{ PyErr_Format (PyExc_RuntimeError, "failed creating {shortname}"); return -1; }} """.format(paramchars = paramchars, paramvals = paramvals, **self.__dict__) output_create = "" for o in self.outputs: output_create += """ self->{name} = {create_fn}({output_size});""".format(name = o['name'], create_fn = newfromtype_fn[o['type']], output_size = objoutsize[self.shortname]) out += """ // TODO get internal params after actual object creation? """ out += """ // create outputs{output_create} """.format(output_create = output_create) out += """ return 0; } """ return out def gen_memberdef(self): out = """ static PyMemberDef Py_{shortname}_members[] = {{ """.format(**self.__dict__) for p in get_params_types_names(self.new_proto): tmp = " {{\"{name}\", {ttype}, offsetof (Py_{shortname}, {name}), READONLY, \"TODO documentation\"}},\n" pytype = member_types[p['type']] out += tmp.format(name = p['name'], ttype = pytype, shortname = self.shortname) out += """ {NULL}, // sentinel }; """ return out def gen_del(self): out = """ // del {shortname} static void Py_{shortname}_del (Py_{shortname} * self, PyObject * unused) {{""".format(**self.__dict__) for input_param in self.do_inputs: if input_param['type'] == 'fmat_t *': out += """ free(self->{0[name]}.data);""".format(input_param) for o in self.outputs: name = o['name'] del_out = delfromtype_fn[o['type']] out += """ if (self->{name}) {{ {del_out}(self->{name}); }}""".format(del_out = del_out, name = name) del_fn = get_name(self.del_proto) out += """ if (self->o) {{ {del_fn}(self->o); }} Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject *) self); }} """.format(del_fn = del_fn) return out def gen_do(self, method = 'do'): out = """ // do {shortname} static PyObject* Pyaubio_{shortname}_{method} (Py_{shortname} * self, PyObject * args) {{""".format(method = method, **self.__dict__) input_params = self.do_inputs output_params = self.do_outputs #print input_params #print output_params out += """ PyObject *outputs;""" for input_param in input_params: out += """ PyObject *py_{0};""".format(input_param['name']) refs = ", ".join(["&py_%s" % p['name'] for p in input_params]) pyparamtypes = "".join([pyargparse_chars[p['type']] for p in input_params]) out += """ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "{pyparamtypes}", {refs})) {{ return NULL; }}""".format(refs = refs, pyparamtypes = pyparamtypes, **self.__dict__) for input_param in input_params: out += """ if (!{pytoaubio}(py_{0[name]}, &(self->{0[name]}))) {{ return NULL; }}""".format(input_param, pytoaubio = pytoaubio_fn[input_param['type']]) if self.shortname in objinputsize: out += """ if (self->{0[name]}.length != {expected_size}) {{ PyErr_Format (PyExc_ValueError, "input size of {shortname} should be %d, not %d", {expected_size}, self->{0[name]}.length); return NULL; }}""".format(input_param, expected_size = objinputsize[self.shortname], **self.__dict__) else: out += """ // TODO: check input sizes""" for output_param in output_params: out += """ Py_INCREF(self->{0[name]}); if (!{pytoaubio}(self->{0[name]}, &(self->c_{0[name]}))) {{ return NULL; }}""".format(output_param, pytoaubio = pytoaubio_fn[output_param['type']]) do_fn = get_name(self.do_proto) inputs = ", ".join(['&(self->'+p['name']+')' for p in input_params]) c_outputs = ", ".join(["&(self->c_%s)" % p['name'] for p in self.do_outputs]) outputs = ", ".join(["self->%s" % p['name'] for p in self.do_outputs]) out += """ {do_fn}(self->o, {inputs}, {c_outputs}); """.format( do_fn = do_fn, inputs = inputs, c_outputs = c_outputs, ) if len(self.do_outputs) > 1: out += """ outputs = PyTuple_New({:d});""".format(len(self.do_outputs)) for i, p in enumerate(self.do_outputs): out += """ PyTuple_SetItem( outputs, {i}, self->{p[name]});""".format(i = i, p = p) else: out += """ outputs = self->{p[name]};""".format(p = self.do_outputs[0]) out += """ return outputs; }} """.format( outputs = outputs, ) return out def gen_set(self): out = """ // {shortname} setters """.format(**self.__dict__) for set_param in self.prototypes['set']: params = get_params_types_names(set_param)[1:] param = self.shortname.split('_set_')[-1] paramdecls = "".join([""" {0} {1};""".format(p['type'], p['name']) for p in params]) method_name = get_name(set_param) param = method_name.split('aubio_'+self.shortname+'_set_')[-1] refs = ", ".join(["&%s" % p['name'] for p in params]) paramlist = ", ".join(["%s" % p['name'] for p in params]) if len(params): paramlist = "," + paramlist pyparamtypes = ''.join([pyargparse_chars[p['type']] for p in params]) out += """ static PyObject * Pyaubio_{shortname}_set_{param} (Py_{shortname} *self, PyObject *args) {{ uint_t err = 0; {paramdecls} """.format(param = param, paramdecls = paramdecls, **self.__dict__) if len(refs) and len(pyparamtypes): out += """ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "{pyparamtypes}", {refs})) {{ return NULL; }} """.format(pyparamtypes = pyparamtypes, refs = refs) out += """ err = aubio_{shortname}_set_{param} (self->o {paramlist}); if (err > 0) {{ if (PyErr_Occurred() == NULL) {{ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "error running aubio_{shortname}_set_{param}"); }} else {{ // change the RuntimeError into ValueError PyObject *type, *value, *traceback; PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback); Py_XDECREF(type); type = PyExc_ValueError; Py_XINCREF(type); PyErr_Restore(type, value, traceback); }} return NULL; }} Py_RETURN_NONE; }} """.format(param = param, refs = refs, paramdecls = paramdecls, pyparamtypes = pyparamtypes, paramlist = paramlist, **self.__dict__) return out def gen_get(self): out = """ // {shortname} getters """.format(**self.__dict__) for method in self.prototypes['get']: params = get_params_types_names(method) method_name = get_name(method) assert len(params) == 1, \ "get method has more than one parameter %s" % params param = method_name.split('aubio_'+self.shortname+'_get_')[-1] paramtype = get_return_type(method) ptypeconv = pyfromtype_fn[paramtype] out += """ static PyObject * Pyaubio_{shortname}_get_{param} (Py_{shortname} *self, PyObject *unused) {{ {ptype} {param} = aubio_{shortname}_get_{param} (self->o); return (PyObject *){ptypeconv} ({param}); }} """.format(param = param, ptype = paramtype, ptypeconv = ptypeconv, **self.__dict__) return out def gen_methodef(self): out = """ static PyMethodDef Py_{shortname}_methods[] = {{""".format(**self.__dict__) for m in self.prototypes['set']: name = get_name(m) shortname = name.replace('aubio_%s_' % self.shortname, '') out += """ {{"{shortname}", (PyCFunction) Py{name}, METH_VARARGS, ""}},""".format(name = name, shortname = shortname) for m in self.prototypes['get']: name = get_name(m) shortname = name.replace('aubio_%s_' % self.shortname, '') out += """ {{"{shortname}", (PyCFunction) Py{name}, METH_NOARGS, ""}},""".format(name = name, shortname = shortname) for m in self.prototypes['rdo']: name = get_name(m) shortname = name.replace('aubio_%s_' % self.shortname, '') out += """ {{"{shortname}", (PyCFunction) Py{name}, METH_VARARGS, ""}},""".format(name = name, shortname = shortname) out += """ {NULL} /* sentinel */ }; """ return out def gen_typeobject(self): return """ PyTypeObject Py_{shortname}Type = {{ //PyObject_HEAD_INIT (NULL) //0, PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT (NULL, 0) "aubio.{shortname}", sizeof (Py_{shortname}), 0, (destructor) Py_{shortname}_del, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (ternaryfunc)Pyaubio_{shortname}_do, 0, 0, 0, 0, Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, Py_{shortname}_doc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Py_{shortname}_methods, Py_{shortname}_members, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (initproc) Py_{shortname}_init, 0, Py_{shortname}_new, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }}; """.format(**self.__dict__)