#! /usr/bin/env python """ this file was written by Paul Brossier it is released under the GNU/GPL license. """ import sys usage = "usage: %s [options] -i soundfile" % sys.argv[0] usage += "\n help: %s -h" % sys.argv[0] def parse_args(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-i", "--input", action = "store", dest = "source_file", help="input sound file to analyse", metavar = "") parser.add_option("-O","--onset-method", action="store", dest="onset_method", default='default', metavar = "", help="onset detection method [default=default] \ complexdomain|hfc|phase|specdiff|energy|kl|mkl") # cutting methods parser.add_option("-b","--beat", action="store_true", dest="beat", default=False, help="use beat locations") """ parser.add_option("-S","--silencecut", action="store_true", dest="silencecut", default=False, help="use silence locations") parser.add_option("-s","--silence", metavar = "", action="store", dest="silence", default=-70, help="silence threshold [default=-70]") """ # algorithm parameters parser.add_option("-r", "--samplerate", metavar = "", type='int', action="store", dest="samplerate", default=0, help="samplerate at which the file should be represented") parser.add_option("-B","--bufsize", action="store", dest="bufsize", default=512, metavar = "", type='int', help="buffer size [default=512]") parser.add_option("-H","--hopsize", metavar = "", type='int', action="store", dest="hopsize", default=256, help="overlap size [default=256]") parser.add_option("-t","--onset-threshold", metavar = "", type="float", action="store", dest="threshold", default=0.3, help="onset peak picking threshold [default=0.3]") parser.add_option("-c","--cut", action="store_true", dest="cut", default=False, help="cut input sound file at detected labels \ best used with option -L") # minioi parser.add_option("-M","--minioi", metavar = "", type='string', action="store", dest="minioi", default="12ms", help="minimum inter onset interval [default=12ms]") """ parser.add_option("-D","--delay", action = "store", dest = "delay", type = "float", metavar = "", default=0, help="number of seconds to take back [default=system]\ default system delay is 3*hopsize/samplerate") parser.add_option("-C","--dcthreshold", metavar = "", action="store", dest="dcthreshold", default=1., help="onset peak picking DC component [default=1.]") parser.add_option("-L","--localmin", action="store_true", dest="localmin", default=False, help="use local minima after peak detection") parser.add_option("-d","--derivate", action="store_true", dest="derivate", default=False, help="derivate onset detection function") parser.add_option("-z","--zerocross", metavar = "", action="store", dest="zerothres", default=0.008, help="zero-crossing threshold for slicing [default=0.00008]") """ # plotting functions """ parser.add_option("-p","--plot", action="store_true", dest="plot", default=False, help="draw plot") parser.add_option("-x","--xsize", metavar = "", action="store", dest="xsize", default=1., type='float', help="define xsize for plot") parser.add_option("-y","--ysize", metavar = "", action="store", dest="ysize", default=1., type='float', help="define ysize for plot") parser.add_option("-f","--function", action="store_true", dest="func", default=False, help="print detection function") parser.add_option("-n","--no-onsets", action="store_true", dest="nplot", default=False, help="do not plot detected onsets") parser.add_option("-O","--outplot", metavar = "", action="store", dest="outplot", default=None, help="save plot to output.{ps,png}") parser.add_option("-F","--spectrogram", action="store_true", dest="spectro", default=False, help="add spectrogram to the plot") """ parser.add_option("-o","--output", type = str, metavar = "", action="store", dest="output_directory", default=None, help="specify path where slices of the original file should be created") parser.add_option("--cut-until-nsamples", type = int, metavar = "", action = "store", dest = "cut_until_nsamples", default = None, help="how many extra samples should be added at the end of each slice") parser.add_option("--cut-every-nslices", type = int, metavar = "", action = "store", dest = "cut_every_nslices", default = None, help="how many slices should be groupped together at each cut") parser.add_option("--cut-until-nslices", type = int, metavar = "", action = "store", dest = "cut_until_nslices", default = None, help="how many extra slices should be added at the end of each slice") parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True, help="make lots of noise [default]") parser.add_option("-q","--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="be quiet") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.source_file: import os.path if len(args) == 1: options.source_file = args[0] else: print ("no file name given\n" + usage) sys.exit(1) return options, args if __name__ == '__main__': options, args = parse_args() hopsize = options.hopsize bufsize = options.bufsize samplerate = options.samplerate source_file = options.source_file from aubio import onset, tempo, source, sink s = source(source_file, samplerate, hopsize) if samplerate == 0: samplerate = s.get_samplerate() if options.beat: o = tempo(options.onset_method, bufsize, hopsize) else: o = onset(options.onset_method, bufsize, hopsize) if options.minioi: if options.minioi.endswith('ms'): o.set_minioi_ms(int(options.minioi[:-2])) elif options.minioi.endswith('s'): o.set_minioi_s(int(options.minioi[:-1])) else: o.set_minioi(int(options.minioi)) o.set_threshold(options.threshold) timestamps = [] total_frames = 0 # analyze pass while True: samples, read = s() if o(samples): timestamps.append (o.get_last()) if options.verbose: print ("%.4f" % o.get_last_s()) total_frames += read if read < hopsize: break del s # print some info nstamps = len(timestamps) duration = float (total_frames) / float(samplerate) info = 'found %(nstamps)d timestamps in %(source_file)s' % locals() info += ' (total %(duration).2fs at %(samplerate)dHz)\n' % locals() sys.stderr.write(info) # cutting pass if options.cut and nstamps > 0: # generate output files from aubio.slicing import slice_source_at_stamps timestamps_end = None if options.cut_every_nslices: timestamps = timestamps[::options.cut_every_nslices] nstamps = len(timestamps) if options.cut_until_nslices and options.cut_until_nsamples: print ("warning: using cut_until_nslices, but cut_until_nsamples is set") if options.cut_until_nsamples: timestamps_end = [t + options.cut_until_nsamples for t in timestamps[1:]] timestamps_end += [ 1e120 ] if options.cut_until_nslices: timestamps_end = [t for t in timestamps[1 + options.cut_until_nslices:]] timestamps_end += [ 1e120 ] * (options.cut_until_nslices + 1) slice_source_at_stamps(source_file, timestamps, timestamps_end = timestamps_end, output_dir = options.output_directory, samplerate = samplerate) # print some info duration = float (total_frames) / float(samplerate) info = 'created %(nstamps)d slices from %(source_file)s' % locals() info += ' (total %(duration).2fs at %(samplerate)dHz)\n' % locals() sys.stderr.write(info)