#! /usr/bin/env python from numpy.testing import TestCase, assert_equal, assert_almost_equal from numpy import random, arange, log, zeros from aubio import specdesc, cvec, float_type from math import pi methods = ["default", "energy", "hfc", "complex", "phase", "specdiff", "kl", "mkl", "specflux", "centroid", "spread", "skewness", "kurtosis", "slope", "decrease", "rolloff"] buf_size = 2048 class aubio_specdesc(TestCase): def test_members(self): o = specdesc() for method in methods: o = specdesc(method, buf_size) assert_equal ([o.buf_size, o.method], [buf_size, method]) spec = cvec(buf_size) spec.norm[0] = 1 spec.norm[1] = 1./2. #print "%20s" % method, str(o(spec)) o(spec) spec.norm = random.random_sample((len(spec.norm),)).astype(float_type) spec.phas = random.random_sample((len(spec.phas),)).astype(float_type) #print "%20s" % method, str(o(spec)) assert (o(spec) != 0.) def test_hfc(self): o = specdesc("hfc", buf_size) spec = cvec(buf_size) # hfc of zeros is zero assert_equal (o(spec), 0.) # hfc of ones is sum of all bin numbers spec.norm[:] = 1 expected = sum(range(buf_size/2 + 2)) assert_equal (o(spec), expected) # changing phase doesn't change anything spec.phas[:] = 1 assert_equal (o(spec), sum(range(buf_size/2 + 2))) def test_phase(self): o = specdesc("phase", buf_size) spec = cvec(buf_size) # phase of zeros is zero assert_equal (o(spec), 0.) spec.phas = random.random_sample((len(spec.phas),)).astype(float_type) # phase of random is not zero spec.norm[:] = 1 assert (o(spec) != 0.) def test_specdiff(self): o = specdesc("phase", buf_size) spec = cvec(buf_size) # specdiff of zeros is zero assert_equal (o(spec), 0.) spec.phas = random.random_sample((len(spec.phas),)).astype(float_type) # phase of random is not zero spec.norm[:] = 1 assert (o(spec) != 0.) def test_hfc(self): o = specdesc("hfc") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a assert_equal (a, c.norm) assert_equal ( sum(a*(a+1)), o(c)) def test_complex(self): o = specdesc("complex") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a assert_equal (a, c.norm) # the previous run was on zeros, so previous frames are still 0 # so we have sqrt ( abs ( r2 ^ 2) ) == r2 assert_equal ( sum(a), o(c)) # second time. c.norm = a, so, r1 = r2, and the euclidian distance is 0 assert_equal ( 0, o(c)) def test_kl(self): o = specdesc("kl") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a assert_almost_equal( sum(a * log(1.+ a/1.e-1 ) ) / o(c), 1., decimal=6) def test_mkl(self): o = specdesc("mkl") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a assert_almost_equal( sum(log(1.+ a/1.e-1 ) ) / o(c), 1, decimal=6) def test_specflux(self): o = specdesc("specflux") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a assert_equal( sum(a), o(c)) assert_equal( 0, o(c)) c.norm = zeros(c.length, dtype=float_type) assert_equal( 0, o(c)) def test_centroid(self): o = specdesc("centroid") c = cvec() # make sure centroid of zeros is zero assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a centroid = sum(a*a) / sum(a) assert_almost_equal (centroid, o(c), decimal = 2) c.norm = a * .5 assert_almost_equal (centroid, o(c), decimal = 2) def test_spread(self): o = specdesc("spread") c = cvec(2048) ramp = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = ramp c.norm = a centroid = sum(a*a) / sum(a) spread = sum( a * pow(ramp - centroid, 2.) ) / sum(a) assert_almost_equal (o(c), spread, decimal = 1) def test_skewness(self): o = specdesc("skewness") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a centroid = sum(a*a) / sum(a) spread = sum( (a - centroid)**2 *a) / sum(a) skewness = sum( (a - centroid)**3 *a) / sum(a) / spread **1.5 assert_almost_equal (skewness, o(c), decimal = 2) c.norm = a * 3 assert_almost_equal (skewness, o(c), decimal = 2) def test_kurtosis(self): o = specdesc("kurtosis") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a centroid = sum(a*a) / sum(a) spread = sum( (a - centroid)**2 *a) / sum(a) kurtosis = sum( (a - centroid)**4 *a) / sum(a) / spread **2 assert_almost_equal (kurtosis, o(c), decimal = 2) def test_slope(self): o = specdesc("slope") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length * 2, 0, -2, dtype=float_type) k = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a num = len(a) * sum(k*a) - sum(k)*sum(a) den = (len(a) * sum(k**2) - sum(k)**2) slope = num/den/sum(a) assert_almost_equal (slope, o(c), decimal = 5) a = arange(0, c.length * 2, +2, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a num = len(a) * sum(k*a) - sum(k)*sum(a) den = (len(a) * sum(k**2) - sum(k)**2) slope = num/den/sum(a) assert_almost_equal (slope, o(c), decimal = 5) a = arange(0, c.length * 2, +2, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a * 2 assert_almost_equal (slope, o(c), decimal = 5) def test_decrease(self): o = specdesc("decrease") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length * 2, 0, -2, dtype=float_type) k = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a decrease = sum((a[1:] - a [0]) / k[1:]) / sum(a[1:]) assert_almost_equal (decrease, o(c), decimal = 5) a = arange(0, c.length * 2, +2, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a decrease = sum((a[1:] - a [0]) / k[1:]) / sum(a[1:]) assert_almost_equal (decrease, o(c), decimal = 5) a = arange(0, c.length * 2, +2, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a * 2 decrease = sum((a[1:] - a [0]) / k[1:]) / sum(a[1:]) assert_almost_equal (decrease, o(c), decimal = 5) def test_rolloff(self): o = specdesc("rolloff") c = cvec() assert_equal( 0., o(c)) a = arange(c.length * 2, 0, -2, dtype=float_type) k = arange(c.length, dtype=float_type) c.norm = a cumsum = .95*sum(a*a) i = 0; rollsum = 0 while rollsum < cumsum: rollsum += a[i]*a[i] i+=1 rolloff = i assert_equal (rolloff, o(c)) class aubio_specdesc_wrong(TestCase): def test_negative(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): o = specdesc("default", -10) def test_unknown(self): # FIXME should fail? with self.assertRaises(ValueError): o = specdesc("unknown", 512) self.skipTest('todo: new_specdesc should fail on wrong method') if __name__ == '__main__': from unittest import main main()