/* Copyright (C) 2018 Paul Brossier This file is part of aubio. aubio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. aubio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with aubio. If not, see . */ #include "aubio_priv.h" #include "fmat.h" #include "tensor.h" #define STRN_LENGTH 40 #if !HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE #define AUBIO_SMPL_TFMT "% 9.4f" #else #define AUBIO_SMPL_TFMT "% 9.4lf" #endif /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ aubio_tensor_t *new_aubio_tensor(uint_t ndim, uint_t *shape) { aubio_tensor_t *c = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_tensor_t); uint_t items_per_row = 1; uint_t i; if ((sint_t)ndim <= 0) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { if ((sint_t)shape[i] <= 0) goto failure; } c->ndim = ndim; c->shape[0] = shape[0]; for (i = 1; i < ndim; i++) { c->shape[i] = shape[i]; items_per_row *= shape[i]; } c->size = items_per_row * shape[0]; c->buffer = AUBIO_ARRAY(smpl_t, c->size); c->data = AUBIO_ARRAY(smpl_t*, shape[0]); for (i = 0; i < c->shape[0]; i++) { c->data[i] = c->buffer + i * items_per_row; } return c; failure: del_aubio_tensor(c); return NULL; } void del_aubio_tensor(aubio_tensor_t *c) { if (c->data) { if (c->data[0]) { AUBIO_FREE(c->data[0]); } AUBIO_FREE(c->data); } AUBIO_FREE(c); } uint_t aubio_tensor_as_fvec(aubio_tensor_t *c, fvec_t *o) { if (!c || !o) return AUBIO_FAIL; o->length = c->size; o->data = c->buffer; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_fvec_as_tensor(fvec_t *o, aubio_tensor_t *c) { if (!o || !c) return AUBIO_FAIL; c->ndim = 1; c->shape[0] = o->length; c->data = &o->data; c->buffer = o->data; c->size = o->length; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_tensor_as_fmat(aubio_tensor_t *c, fmat_t *o) { if (!c || !o) return AUBIO_FAIL; o->height = c->shape[0]; o->length = c->size / c->shape[0]; o->data = c->data; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_fmat_as_tensor(fmat_t *o, aubio_tensor_t *c) { if (!o || !c) return AUBIO_FAIL; c->ndim = 2; c->shape[0] = o->height; c->shape[1] = o->length; c->size = o->height * o->length; c->data = o->data; c->buffer = o->data[0]; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(aubio_tensor_t *t, uint_t i, aubio_tensor_t *st) { uint_t j; if (!t || !st) return AUBIO_FAIL; if (i >= t->shape[0]) { AUBIO_ERR("tensor: index %d out of range, only %d subtensors\n", i, t->shape[0]); return AUBIO_FAIL; } if(t->ndim > 1) { st->ndim = t->ndim - 1; for (j = 0; j < st->ndim; j++) { st->shape[j] = t->shape[j + 1]; } for (j = st->ndim; j < AUBIO_TENSOR_MAXDIM; j++) { st->shape[j] = 0; } st->size = t->size / t->shape[0]; } else { st->ndim = 1; st->shape[0] = 1; st->size = 1; } // st was allocated on the stack, row indices are lost st->data = NULL; st->buffer = &t->buffer[0] + st->size * i; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_tensor_have_same_size(aubio_tensor_t *t, aubio_tensor_t *s) { uint_t n; if (!t || !s) return 0; if (t->ndim != s->ndim) return 0; if (t->size != s->size) return 0; n = t->ndim; while (n--) { if (t->shape[n] != s->shape[n]) { return 0; } } return 1; } smpl_t aubio_tensor_max(aubio_tensor_t *t) { uint_t i; smpl_t max = t->buffer[0]; for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) { max = MAX(t->buffer[i], max); } return max; } const char_t *aubio_tensor_get_shape_string(aubio_tensor_t *t) { uint_t i; if (!t) return NULL; size_t offset = 2; static char_t shape_str[STRN_LENGTH]; char_t shape_str_previous[STRN_LENGTH] = "("; for (i = 0; i < t->ndim; i++) { int len = snprintf(shape_str, STRN_LENGTH, "%s%d%s", shape_str_previous, t->shape[i], (i == t->ndim - 1) ? "" : ", "); strncpy(shape_str_previous, shape_str, len); } snprintf(shape_str, strnlen(shape_str, STRN_LENGTH - offset - 1) + offset, "%s)", shape_str_previous); return shape_str; } static void aubio_tensor_print_subtensor(aubio_tensor_t *t, uint_t depth) { uint_t i; AUBIO_MSG("["); for (i = 0; i < t->shape[0]; i ++) { AUBIO_MSG("%*s", i == 0 ? 0 : depth + 1, i == 0 ? "" : " "); if (t->ndim == 1) { AUBIO_MSG(AUBIO_SMPL_TFMT, t->buffer[i]); } else { aubio_tensor_t st; aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(t, i, &st); aubio_tensor_print_subtensor(&st, depth + 1); // recursive call } AUBIO_MSG("%s%s", (i < t->shape[0] - 1) ? "," : "", t->ndim == 1 ? " " : ((i < t->shape[0] - 1) ? "\n" : "")); } AUBIO_MSG("]"); } void aubio_tensor_print(aubio_tensor_t *t) { AUBIO_MSG("tensor of shape %s\n", aubio_tensor_get_shape_string(t)); aubio_tensor_print_subtensor(t, 0); AUBIO_MSG("\n"); }