/* Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Paul Brossier This file is part of aubio. aubio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. aubio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with aubio. If not, see . */ /** @file * Private include file * * This file is for inclusion from _within_ the library only. */ #ifndef AUBIO_PRIV_H #define AUBIO_PRIV_H /********************* * * External includes * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif /* must be included before fftw3.h */ #ifdef HAVE_COMPLEX_H #include #endif #if defined(HAVE_FFTW3) || defined(HAVE_FFTW3F) #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H #include // for CHAR_BIT, in C99 standard #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H #include #endif #if defined(HAVE_BLAS) // --enable-blas=true // check which cblas header we found #if defined(HAVE_ATLAS_CBLAS_H) #define HAVE_ATLAS 1 #include #elif defined(HAVE_OPENBLAS_CBLAS_H) #include #elif defined(HAVE_CBLAS_H) #include #elif !defined(HAVE_ACCELERATE) #error "HAVE_BLAS was defined, but no blas header was found" #endif /* end of cblas includes */ #endif #if defined(HAVE_ACCELERATE) // include accelerate framework after blas #define HAVE_ATLAS 1 #define HAVE_BLAS 1 #include #ifndef HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE #define aubio_vDSP_mmov vDSP_mmov #define aubio_vDSP_vmul vDSP_vmul #define aubio_vDSP_vsmul vDSP_vsmul #define aubio_vDSP_vsadd vDSP_vsadd #define aubio_vDSP_vfill vDSP_vfill #define aubio_vDSP_meanv vDSP_meanv #define aubio_vDSP_sve vDSP_sve #define aubio_vDSP_maxv vDSP_maxv #define aubio_vDSP_maxvi vDSP_maxvi #define aubio_vDSP_minv vDSP_minv #define aubio_vDSP_minvi vDSP_minvi #define aubio_vDSP_dotpr vDSP_dotpr #define aubio_vDSP_vclr vDSP_vclr #else /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ #define aubio_vDSP_mmov vDSP_mmovD #define aubio_vDSP_vmul vDSP_vmulD #define aubio_vDSP_vsmul vDSP_vsmulD #define aubio_vDSP_vsadd vDSP_vsaddD #define aubio_vDSP_vfill vDSP_vfillD #define aubio_vDSP_meanv vDSP_meanvD #define aubio_vDSP_sve vDSP_sveD #define aubio_vDSP_maxv vDSP_maxvD #define aubio_vDSP_maxvi vDSP_maxviD #define aubio_vDSP_minv vDSP_minvD #define aubio_vDSP_minvi vDSP_minviD #define aubio_vDSP_dotpr vDSP_dotprD #define aubio_vDSP_vclr vDSP_vclrD #endif /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ #endif /* HAVE_ACCELERATE */ #if defined(HAVE_BLAS) #ifndef HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE #ifdef HAVE_ATLAS #define aubio_catlas_set catlas_sset #endif /* HAVE_ATLAS */ #define aubio_cblas_copy cblas_scopy #define aubio_cblas_swap cblas_sswap #define aubio_cblas_dot cblas_sdot #define aubio_cblas__gemv cblas_sgemv #define aubio_cblas__gemm cblas_sgemm #else /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ #ifdef HAVE_ATLAS #define aubio_catlas_set catlas_dset #endif /* HAVE_ATLAS */ #define aubio_cblas_copy cblas_dcopy #define aubio_cblas_swap cblas_dswap #define aubio_cblas_dot cblas_ddot #define aubio_cblas__gemv cblas_dgemv #define aubio_cblas__gemm cblas_dgemm #endif /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ #endif /* HAVE_BLAS */ #if defined HAVE_INTEL_IPP #include #include #include #ifndef HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE #define aubio_ippsSet ippsSet_32f #define aubio_ippsZero ippsZero_32f #define aubio_ippsCopy ippsCopy_32f #define aubio_ippsMul ippsMul_32f #define aubio_ippsMulC ippsMulC_32f #define aubio_ippsAddC ippsAddC_32f #define aubio_ippsLn ippsLn_32f_A21 #define aubio_ippsMean(a,b,c) ippsMean_32f(a, b, c, ippAlgHintFast) #define aubio_ippsSum(a,b,c) ippsSum_32f(a, b, c, ippAlgHintFast) #define aubio_ippsMax ippsMax_32f #define aubio_ippsMin ippsMin_32f #else /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ #define aubio_ippsSet ippsSet_64f #define aubio_ippsZero ippsZero_64f #define aubio_ippsCopy ippsCopy_64f #define aubio_ippsMul ippsMul_64f #define aubio_ippsMulC ippsMulC_64f #define aubio_ippsAddC ippsAddC_64f #define aubio_ippsLn ippsLn_64f_A26 #define aubio_ippsMean ippsMean_64f #define aubio_ippsSum ippsSum_64f #define aubio_ippsMax ippsMax_64f #define aubio_ippsMin ippsMin_64f #endif /* HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE */ #endif #if !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY_HACKS) && !defined(HAVE_ACCELERATE) && !defined(HAVE_ATLAS) && !defined(HAVE_INTEL_IPP) #define HAVE_NOOPT 1 #endif #include "types.h" #define AUBIO_UNSTABLE 1 #include "mathutils.h" /**** * * SYSTEM INTERFACE * */ /* Memory management */ #define AUBIO_MALLOC(_n) malloc(_n) #define AUBIO_REALLOC(_p,_n) realloc(_p,_n) #define AUBIO_NEW(_t) (_t*)calloc(sizeof(_t), 1) #define AUBIO_ARRAY(_t,_n) (_t*)calloc((_n)*sizeof(_t), 1) #define AUBIO_MEMCPY(_dst,_src,_n) memcpy(_dst,_src,_n) #define AUBIO_MEMSET(_dst,_src,_t) memset(_dst,_src,_t) #define AUBIO_FREE(_p) free(_p) /* file interface */ #define AUBIO_FOPEN(_f,_m) fopen(_f,_m) #define AUBIO_FCLOSE(_f) fclose(_f) #define AUBIO_FREAD(_p,_s,_n,_f) fread(_p,_s,_n,_f) #define AUBIO_FSEEK(_f,_n,_set) fseek(_f,_n,_set) /* strings */ #define AUBIO_STRLEN(_s) strlen(_s) #define AUBIO_STRCMP(_s,_t) strcmp(_s,_t) #define AUBIO_STRNCMP(_s,_t,_n) strncmp(_s,_t,_n) #define AUBIO_STRCPY(_dst,_src) strcpy(_dst,_src) #define AUBIO_STRCHR(_s,_c) strchr(_s,_c) #ifdef strdup #define AUBIO_STRDUP(s) strdup(s) #else #define AUBIO_STRDUP(s) AUBIO_STRCPY(AUBIO_MALLOC(AUBIO_STRLEN(s) + 1), s) #endif /* Error reporting */ typedef enum { AUBIO_OK = 0, AUBIO_FAIL = 1 } aubio_status; /* Logging */ #include "utils/log.h" /** internal logging function, defined in utils/log.c */ uint_t aubio_log(sint_t level, const char_t *fmt, ...); #ifdef HAVE_C99_VARARGS_MACROS #define AUBIO_ERR(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_ERR, "AUBIO ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__) #define AUBIO_INF(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_INF, "AUBIO INFO: " __VA_ARGS__) #define AUBIO_MSG(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_MSG, __VA_ARGS__) #define _AUBIO_DBG(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_DBG, __VA_ARGS__) #define AUBIO_WRN(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_WRN, "AUBIO WARNING: " __VA_ARGS__) #else #define AUBIO_ERR(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_ERR, "AUBIO ERROR: " format , ##args) #define AUBIO_INF(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_INF, "AUBIO INFO: " format , ##args) #define AUBIO_MSG(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_MSG, format , ##args) #define _AUBIO_DBG(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_DBG, format , ##args) #define AUBIO_WRN(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_WRN, "AUBIO WARNING: " format, ##args) #endif #ifdef DEBUG #define AUBIO_DBG _AUBIO_DBG #else // disable debug output #ifdef HAVE_C99_VARARGS_MACROS #define AUBIO_DBG(...) {} #else #define AUBIO_DBG(format, args...) {} #endif #endif #define AUBIO_ERROR AUBIO_ERR #define AUBIO_QUIT(_s) exit(_s) #define AUBIO_SPRINTF sprintf #define AUBIO_MAX_SAMPLERATE (192000*8) #define AUBIO_MAX_CHANNELS 1024 /* pi and 2*pi */ #ifndef M_PI #define PI (3.14159265358979323846) #else #define PI (M_PI) #endif #define TWO_PI (PI*2.) #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif /* aliases to math.h functions */ #if !HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE #define EXP expf #define COS cosf #define SIN sinf #define ABS fabsf #define POW powf #define SQRT sqrtf #define LOG10 log10f #define LOG logf #define FLOOR floorf #define CEIL ceilf #define ATAN atanf #define ATAN2 atan2f #else #define EXP exp #define COS cos #define SIN sin #define ABS fabs #define POW pow #define SQRT sqrt #define LOG10 log10 #define LOG log #define FLOOR floor #define CEIL ceil #define ATAN atan #define ATAN2 atan2 #endif #define ROUND(x) FLOOR(x+.5) /* aliases to complex.h functions */ #if HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE || !defined(HAVE_COMPLEX_H) || defined(WIN32) /* mingw32 does not know about c*f functions */ #define EXPC cexp /** complex = CEXPC(complex) */ #define CEXPC cexp /** sample = ARGC(complex) */ #define ARGC carg /** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */ #define ABSC cabs /** sample = REAL(complex) */ #define REAL creal /** sample = IMAG(complex) */ #define IMAG cimag #else /** sample = EXPC(complex) */ #define EXPC cexpf /** complex = CEXPC(complex) */ #define CEXPC cexp /** sample = ARGC(complex) */ #define ARGC cargf /** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */ #define ABSC cabsf /** sample = REAL(complex) */ #define REAL crealf /** sample = IMAG(complex) */ #define IMAG cimagf #endif /* avoid unresolved symbol with msvc 9 */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900) #define isnan _isnan #endif #if !defined(_MSC_VER) #define AUBIO_STRERROR(errno,buf,len) strerror_r(errno, buf, len) #else #define AUBIO_STRERROR(errno,buf,len) strerror_s(buf, len, errno) #endif #ifdef HAVE_C99_VARARGS_MACROS #define AUBIO_STRERR(...) \ char errorstr[256]; \ AUBIO_STRERROR(errno, errorstr, sizeof(errorstr)); \ AUBIO_ERR(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define AUBIO_STRERR(format, args...) \ char errorstr[256]; \ AUBIO_STRERROR(errno, errorstr, sizeof(errorstr)); \ AUBIO_ERR(format, ##args) #endif /* handy shortcuts */ #define DB2LIN(g) (POW(10.0,(g)*0.05f)) #define LIN2DB(v) (20.0*LOG10(v)) #define SQR(_a) ((_a)*(_a)) #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #endif /* MAX */ #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #endif /* MIN */ #define ELEM_SWAP(a,b) { register smpl_t t=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=t; } #define VERY_SMALL_NUMBER 2.e-42 //1.e-37 /** if ABS(f) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER, returns 1, else 0 */ #define IS_DENORMAL(f) ABS(f) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER /** if ABS(f) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER, returns 0., else f */ #define KILL_DENORMAL(f) IS_DENORMAL(f) ? 0. : f /** if f > VERY_SMALL_NUMBER, returns f, else returns VERY_SMALL_NUMBER */ #define CEIL_DENORMAL(f) f < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER ? VERY_SMALL_NUMBER : f #define SAFE_LOG10(f) LOG10(CEIL_DENORMAL(f)) #define SAFE_LOG(f) LOG(CEIL_DENORMAL(f)) /** silence unused parameter warning by adding an attribute */ #if defined(__GNUC__) #define UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) #else #define UNUSED #endif /* are we using gcc -std=c99 ? */ #if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) #define strnlen(a,b) MIN(strlen(a),b) #if !HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE #define floorf floor #endif #endif /* __STRICT_ANSI__ */ #if defined(DEBUG) #include #define AUBIO_ASSERT(x) assert(x) #else #define AUBIO_ASSERT(x) #endif /* DEBUG */ // goto to failure if condition x is not true #define AUBIO_GOTO_FAILURE(x) if (!(x)) goto failure #define AUBIO_ASSERT_EQUAL_SHAPE(t1, t2) { \ AUBIO_ASSERT(t1 && t2); \ AUBIO_ASSERT(t1->ndim == t2->ndim); \ uint_t nn; \ for (nn = 0; nn < t1->ndim; nn++) \ AUBIO_ASSERT(t1->shape[nn] == t2->shape[nn]); \ } #endif /* AUBIO_PRIV_H */