/* Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Paul Brossier This file is part of aubio. aubio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. aubio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with aubio. If not, see . */ #include "aubio_priv.h" #include "fvec.h" #include "pitch/pitch.h" #include "onset/onset.h" #include "notes/notes.h" #define AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_SILENCE -70. #define AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_RELEASE_DROP 10. // increase to 10. for .1 cent precision // or to 100. for .01 cent precision #define AUBIO_DEFAULT_CENT_PRECISION 1. #define AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_MINIOI_MS 30. struct _aubio_notes_t { uint_t onset_buf_size; uint_t pitch_buf_size; uint_t hop_size; uint_t samplerate; uint_t median; fvec_t *note_buffer; fvec_t *note_buffer2; aubio_pitch_t *pitch; fvec_t *pitch_output; smpl_t pitch_tolerance; aubio_onset_t *onset; fvec_t *onset_output; smpl_t onset_threshold; smpl_t curnote; smpl_t newnote; smpl_t silence_threshold; uint_t isready; smpl_t last_onset_level; smpl_t release_drop_level; }; aubio_notes_t * new_aubio_notes (const char_t * method, uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate) { aubio_notes_t *o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_notes_t); const char_t * onset_method = "default"; const char_t * pitch_method = "default"; o->onset_buf_size = buf_size; o->pitch_buf_size = buf_size * 4; o->hop_size = hop_size; o->onset_threshold = 0.; o->pitch_tolerance = 0.; o->samplerate = samplerate; o->median = 6; o->isready = 0; o->onset = new_aubio_onset (onset_method, o->onset_buf_size, o->hop_size, o->samplerate); if (o->onset_threshold != 0.) aubio_onset_set_threshold (o->onset, o->onset_threshold); o->onset_output = new_fvec (1); o->pitch = new_aubio_pitch (pitch_method, o->pitch_buf_size, o->hop_size, o->samplerate); if (o->pitch == NULL) goto fail; if (o->pitch_tolerance != 0.) aubio_pitch_set_tolerance (o->pitch, o->pitch_tolerance); aubio_pitch_set_unit (o->pitch, "midi"); o->pitch_output = new_fvec (1); if (strcmp(method, "default") != 0) { AUBIO_ERR("notes: unknown notes detection method \"%s\"\n", method); goto fail; } o->note_buffer = new_fvec(o->median); o->note_buffer2 = new_fvec(o->median); o->curnote = -1.; o->newnote = 0.; aubio_notes_set_silence(o, AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_SILENCE); aubio_notes_set_minioi_ms (o, AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_MINIOI_MS); o->last_onset_level = AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_SILENCE; o->release_drop_level = AUBIO_DEFAULT_NOTES_RELEASE_DROP; return o; fail: del_aubio_notes(o); return NULL; } uint_t aubio_notes_set_silence(aubio_notes_t *o, smpl_t silence) { uint_t err = AUBIO_OK; if (aubio_pitch_set_silence(o->pitch, silence) != AUBIO_OK) { err = AUBIO_FAIL; } if (aubio_onset_set_silence(o->onset, silence) != AUBIO_OK) { err = AUBIO_FAIL; } o->silence_threshold = silence; return err; } smpl_t aubio_notes_get_silence(const aubio_notes_t *o) { return aubio_pitch_get_silence(o->pitch); } uint_t aubio_notes_set_minioi_ms (aubio_notes_t *o, smpl_t minioi_ms) { uint_t err = AUBIO_OK; if (!o->onset || (aubio_onset_set_minioi_ms(o->onset, minioi_ms) != 0)) { err = AUBIO_FAIL; } return err; } smpl_t aubio_notes_get_minioi_ms(const aubio_notes_t *o) { return aubio_onset_get_minioi_ms(o->onset); } uint_t aubio_notes_set_release_drop(aubio_notes_t *o, smpl_t release_drop_level) { uint_t err = AUBIO_OK; if (release_drop_level < 0.) { err = AUBIO_FAIL; } else { o->release_drop_level = release_drop_level; } return err; } smpl_t aubio_notes_get_release_drop(const aubio_notes_t *o) { return o->release_drop_level; } /** append new note candidate to the note_buffer and return filtered value. we * need to copy the input array as fvec_median destroy its input data.*/ static void note_append (fvec_t * note_buffer, smpl_t curnote) { uint_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < note_buffer->length - 1; i++) { note_buffer->data[i] = note_buffer->data[i + 1]; } //note_buffer->data[note_buffer->length - 1] = ROUND(10.*curnote)/10.; note_buffer->data[note_buffer->length - 1] = ROUND(AUBIO_DEFAULT_CENT_PRECISION*curnote); return; } static smpl_t aubio_notes_get_latest_note (aubio_notes_t *o) { fvec_copy(o->note_buffer, o->note_buffer2); return fvec_median (o->note_buffer2) / AUBIO_DEFAULT_CENT_PRECISION; } void aubio_notes_do (aubio_notes_t *o, const fvec_t * input, fvec_t * notes) { smpl_t new_pitch, curlevel; fvec_zeros(notes); aubio_onset_do(o->onset, input, o->onset_output); aubio_pitch_do (o->pitch, input, o->pitch_output); new_pitch = o->pitch_output->data[0]; if(o->median){ note_append(o->note_buffer, new_pitch); } /* curlevel is negatif or 1 if silence */ curlevel = aubio_level_detection(input, o->silence_threshold); if (o->onset_output->data[0] != 0) { /* test for silence */ if (curlevel == 1.) { if (o->median) o->isready = 0; /* send note off */ //send_noteon(o->curnote,0); //notes->data[0] = o->curnote; //notes->data[1] = 0.; //AUBIO_WRN("notes: sending note-off at onset, not enough level\n"); notes->data[2] = o->curnote; } else { if (o->median) { o->isready = 1; } else { /* kill old note */ //send_noteon(o->curnote,0, o->samplerate); //AUBIO_WRN("notes: sending note-off at onset, new onset detected\n"); notes->data[2] = o->curnote; /* get and send new one */ //send_noteon(new_pitch,127+(int)floor(curlevel), o->samplerate); notes->data[0] = new_pitch; notes->data[1] = 127 + (int)floor(curlevel); o->curnote = new_pitch; } o->last_onset_level = curlevel; } } else { if (curlevel < o->last_onset_level - o->release_drop_level) { // send note off //AUBIO_WRN("notes: sending note-off, release detected\n"); notes->data[0] = 0; notes->data[1] = 0; notes->data[2] = o->curnote; // reset last_onset_level to silence_threshold o->last_onset_level = o->silence_threshold; o->curnote = 0; } else if (o->median) { if (o->isready > 0) o->isready++; if (o->isready == o->median) { /* kill old note */ //send_noteon(curnote,0); if (o->curnote != 0) { //AUBIO_WRN("notes: sending note-off, new note detected\n"); notes->data[2] = o->curnote; } o->newnote = aubio_notes_get_latest_note(o); o->curnote = o->newnote; /* get and send new one */ if (o->curnote>45){ //send_noteon(curnote,127+(int)floor(curlevel)); notes->data[0] = o->curnote; notes->data[1] = 127 + (int) floor(curlevel); } } } // if median } } void del_aubio_notes (aubio_notes_t *o) { if (o->note_buffer) del_fvec(o->note_buffer); if (o->note_buffer2) del_fvec(o->note_buffer2); if (o->pitch_output) del_fvec(o->pitch_output); if (o->pitch) del_aubio_pitch(o->pitch); if (o->onset_output) del_fvec(o->onset_output); if (o->onset) del_aubio_onset(o->onset); AUBIO_FREE(o); }