/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Brossier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "aubio_priv.h" #include "sample.h" #include "fft.h" #include "mathutils.h" #include "hist.h" #include "onsetdetection.h" /** structure to store object state */ struct _aubio_onsetdetection_t { aubio_onsetdetection_type type; /**< onset detection type */ /** Pointer to aubio_onsetdetection_ function */ void (*funcpointer)(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset); smpl_t threshold; /**< minimum norm threshold for phase and specdiff */ fvec_t *oldmag; /**< previous norm vector */ fft_data_t *meas; /**< current onset detection measure complex vector */ fvec_t *dev1 ; /**< current onset detection measure vector */ fvec_t *theta1; /**< previous phase vector, one frame behind */ fvec_t *theta2; /**< previous phase vector, two frames behind */ aubio_hist_t * histog; /**< histogram */ }; /* Energy based onset detection function */ void aubio_onsetdetection_energy (aubio_onsetdetection_t *o UNUSED, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset) { uint_t i,j; for (i=0;ichannels;i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.; for (j=0;jlength;j++) { onset->data[i][0] += SQR(fftgrain->norm[i][j]); } } } /* High Frequency Content onset detection function */ void aubio_onsetdetection_hfc(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o UNUSED, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset){ uint_t i,j; for (i=0;ichannels;i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.; for (j=0;jlength;j++) { onset->data[i][0] += (j+1)*fftgrain->norm[i][j]; } } } /* Complex Domain Method onset detection function */ void aubio_onsetdetection_complex (aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset) { uint_t i, j; uint_t nbins = fftgrain->length; for (i=0;ichannels; i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.; for (j=0;jdev1->data[i][j] = aubio_unwrap2pi( fftgrain->phas[i][j] -2.0*o->theta1->data[i][j]+ o->theta2->data[i][j]); #ifdef HAVE_COMPLEX_H o->meas[j] = fftgrain->norm[i][j]*CEXPC(I*o->dev1->data[i][j]); /* sum on all bins */ onset->data[i][0] += //(fftgrain->norm[i][j]); SQRT(SQR( REAL(o->oldmag->data[i][j]-o->meas[j]) ) + SQR( IMAG(o->oldmag->data[i][j]-o->meas[j]) ) ); #else o->meas[j] = (fftgrain->norm[i][j])*COS(o->dev1->data[i][j]); o->meas[(nbins-1)*2-j] = (fftgrain->norm[i][j])*SIN(o->dev1->data[i][j]); /* sum on all bins */ onset->data[i][0] += //(fftgrain->norm[i][j]); SQRT(SQR( (o->oldmag->data[i][j]-o->meas[j]) ) + SQR( (-o->meas[(nbins-1)*2-j]) ) ); #endif /* swap old phase data (need to remember 2 frames behind)*/ o->theta2->data[i][j] = o->theta1->data[i][j]; o->theta1->data[i][j] = fftgrain->phas[i][j]; /* swap old magnitude data (1 frame is enough) */ o->oldmag->data[i][j] = fftgrain->norm[i][j]; } } } /* Phase Based Method onset detection function */ void aubio_onsetdetection_phase(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset){ uint_t i, j; uint_t nbins = fftgrain->length; for (i=0;ichannels; i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.0f; o->dev1->data[i][0]=0.; for ( j=0;jdev1->data[i][j] = aubio_unwrap2pi( fftgrain->phas[i][j] -2.0*o->theta1->data[i][j] +o->theta2->data[i][j]); if ( o->threshold < fftgrain->norm[i][j] ) o->dev1->data[i][j] = ABS(o->dev1->data[i][j]); else o->dev1->data[i][j] = 0.0f; /* keep a track of the past frames */ o->theta2->data[i][j] = o->theta1->data[i][j]; o->theta1->data[i][j] = fftgrain->phas[i][j]; } /* apply o->histogram */ aubio_hist_dyn_notnull(o->histog,o->dev1); /* weight it */ aubio_hist_weigth(o->histog); /* its mean is the result */ onset->data[i][0] = aubio_hist_mean(o->histog); //onset->data[i][0] = vec_mean(o->dev1); } } /* Spectral difference method onset detection function */ void aubio_onsetdetection_specdiff(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset){ uint_t i, j; uint_t nbins = fftgrain->length; for (i=0;ichannels; i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.0f; for (j=0;jdev1->data[i][j] = SQRT( ABS(SQR( fftgrain->norm[i][j]) - SQR(o->oldmag->data[i][j]))); if (o->threshold < fftgrain->norm[i][j] ) o->dev1->data[i][j] = ABS(o->dev1->data[i][j]); else o->dev1->data[i][j] = 0.0f; o->oldmag->data[i][j] = fftgrain->norm[i][j]; } /* apply o->histogram (act somewhat as a low pass on the * overall function)*/ aubio_hist_dyn_notnull(o->histog,o->dev1); /* weight it */ aubio_hist_weigth(o->histog); /* its mean is the result */ onset->data[i][0] = aubio_hist_mean(o->histog); } } /* Kullback Liebler onset detection function * note we use ln(1+Xn/(Xn-1+0.0001)) to avoid * negative (1.+) and infinite values (+1.e-10) */ void aubio_onsetdetection_kl(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset){ uint_t i,j; for (i=0;ichannels;i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.; for (j=0;jlength;j++) { onset->data[i][0] += fftgrain->norm[i][j] *LOG(1.+fftgrain->norm[i][j]/(o->oldmag->data[i][j]+1.e-10)); o->oldmag->data[i][j] = fftgrain->norm[i][j]; } if (isnan(onset->data[i][0])) onset->data[i][0] = 0.; } } /* Modified Kullback Liebler onset detection function * note we use ln(1+Xn/(Xn-1+0.0001)) to avoid * negative (1.+) and infinite values (+1.e-10) */ void aubio_onsetdetection_mkl(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset){ uint_t i,j; for (i=0;ichannels;i++) { onset->data[i][0] = 0.; for (j=0;jlength;j++) { onset->data[i][0] += LOG(1.+fftgrain->norm[i][j]/(o->oldmag->data[i][j]+1.e-10)); o->oldmag->data[i][j] = fftgrain->norm[i][j]; } if (isnan(onset->data[i][0])) onset->data[i][0] = 0.; } } /* Generic function pointing to the choosen one */ void aubio_onsetdetection(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset) { o->funcpointer(o,fftgrain,onset); } /* Allocate memory for an onset detection * depending on the choosen type, allocate memory as needed */ aubio_onsetdetection_t * new_aubio_onsetdetection (aubio_onsetdetection_type type, uint_t size, uint_t channels){ aubio_onsetdetection_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_onsetdetection_t); uint_t rsize = size/2+1; uint_t i; switch(type) { /* for both energy and hfc, only fftgrain->norm is required */ case aubio_onset_energy: break; case aubio_onset_hfc: break; /* the other approaches will need some more memory spaces */ case aubio_onset_complex: o->oldmag = new_fvec(rsize,channels); /** bug: must be complex array */ o->meas = AUBIO_ARRAY(fft_data_t,size+1); for (i=0; imeas[i] = 0; o->dev1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->theta1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->theta2 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); break; case aubio_onset_phase: o->dev1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->theta1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->theta2 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->histog = new_aubio_hist(0.0f, PI, 10, channels); o->threshold = 0.1; break; case aubio_onset_specdiff: o->oldmag = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->dev1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels); o->histog = new_aubio_hist(0.0f, PI, 10, channels); o->threshold = 0.1; break; case aubio_onset_kl: o->oldmag = new_fvec(rsize,channels); break; case aubio_onset_mkl: o->oldmag = new_fvec(rsize,channels); break; default: break; } /* this switch could be in its own function to change between * detections on the fly. this would need getting rid of the switch * above and always allocate all the structure */ switch(type) { case aubio_onset_energy: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_energy; break; case aubio_onset_hfc: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_hfc; break; case aubio_onset_complex: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_complex; break; case aubio_onset_phase: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_phase; break; case aubio_onset_specdiff: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_specdiff; break; case aubio_onset_kl: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_kl; break; case aubio_onset_mkl: o->funcpointer = aubio_onsetdetection_mkl; break; default: break; } o->type = type; return o; } void aubio_onsetdetection_free (aubio_onsetdetection_t *o){ del_aubio_onsetdetection(o); } void del_aubio_onsetdetection (aubio_onsetdetection_t *o){ switch(o->type) { /* for both energy and hfc, only fftgrain->norm is required */ case aubio_onset_energy: break; case aubio_onset_hfc: break; /* the other approaches will need some more memory spaces */ case aubio_onset_complex: AUBIO_FREE(o->meas); del_fvec(o->oldmag); del_fvec(o->dev1); del_fvec(o->theta1); del_fvec(o->theta2); break; case aubio_onset_phase: del_fvec(o->dev1); del_fvec(o->theta1); del_fvec(o->theta2); del_aubio_hist(o->histog); break; case aubio_onset_specdiff: del_fvec(o->oldmag); del_fvec(o->dev1); del_aubio_hist(o->histog); break; case aubio_onset_kl: del_fvec(o->oldmag); break; case aubio_onset_mkl: del_fvec(o->oldmag); break; default: break; } AUBIO_FREE(o); }