/* Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Paul Brossier This file is part of aubio. aubio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. aubio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with aubio. If not, see . */ #include #include "aubio_priv.h" #include "fvec.h" #include "fmat.h" #include "io/source.h" #include "utils/ringbuffer.h" #include "synth/sampler.h" #define HAVE_THREADS 1 #define READER_THREAD_ON 1 #if 0 #undef HAVE_THREADS #endif #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #include #endif typedef enum { aubio_sampler_reading_from_source, aubio_sampler_reading_from_table, aubio_sampler_n_reading_methods } aubio_sampler_reading_method; typedef enum { aubio_sampler_interp_pitchtime, aubio_sampler_interp_quad, aubio_sampler_interp_lin, aubio_sampler_n_interp_methods } aubio_sampler_interp_method; struct _aubio_sampler_t { uint_t samplerate; uint_t blocksize; // current reading mode (can be a file or an array) uint_t reading_from; // current interpolation mode (can be quadratic, timestretch, ...) uint_t interp; aubio_ringbuffer_t *ring; uint_t perfectloop; uint_t eof_remaining; // reading from a table fvec_t *table; uint_t table_index; // reading from a source aubio_source_t *source; const char_t *uri; uint_t playing; uint_t opened; uint_t loop; uint_t finished; // end of file was reached uint_t eof; // end of file is now #ifdef HAVE_THREADS // file reading thread pthread_t read_thread; uint_t threaded_read; // use reading thread? pthread_mutex_t read_mutex; pthread_cond_t read_avail; pthread_cond_t read_request; uint_t source_blocksize; fvec_t *source_output; fmat_t *source_moutput; uint_t channels; // file opening thread pthread_t open_thread; pthread_mutex_t open_mutex; uint_t waited; // number of frames skipped while opening const char_t *next_uri; uint_t open_thread_running; sint_t available; // number of samples currently available uint_t started; // source warmed up uint_t read_thread_finish; // flag to tell reading thread to exit #endif }; static sint_t aubio_sampler_pull_from_source(aubio_sampler_t *s); static void aubio_sampler_do_eof(aubio_sampler_t *s); static void aubio_sampler_read(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read); static void aubio_sampler_read_from_source(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read); static void aubio_sampler_read_from_table(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static void *aubio_sampler_openfn(void *p); static void *aubio_sampler_readfn(void *p); static void aubio_sampler_open_opening_thread(aubio_sampler_t *o); static void aubio_sampler_open_reading_thread(aubio_sampler_t *o); static void aubio_sampler_close_opening_thread(aubio_sampler_t *o); static void aubio_sampler_close_reading_thread(aubio_sampler_t *o); #endif aubio_sampler_t *new_aubio_sampler(uint_t blocksize, uint_t samplerate) { aubio_sampler_t *s = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_sampler_t); if ((sint_t)blocksize < 1) { AUBIO_ERR("sampler: got blocksize %d, but can not be < 1\n", blocksize); goto beach; } s->samplerate = samplerate; s->blocksize = blocksize; s->source = NULL; s->playing = 0; s->loop = 0; s->uri = NULL; s->finished = 1; s->eof = 0; s->opened = 0; s->available = 0; s->threaded_read = 0; s->perfectloop = 0; #if 0 // naive mode s->source_blocksize = s->blocksize; #elif 0 // threaded mode, no ringbuffer s->source_blocksize = s->blocksize; s->threaded_read = 1; #elif 0 // unthreaded, with ringbuffer s->source_blocksize = 2048; //32 * s->blocksize; s->perfectloop = 1; #elif 1 // threaded with ringhbuffer s->source_blocksize = 2048; //32 * s->blocksize; s->perfectloop = 1; s->threaded_read = 1; #endif if (s->source_blocksize < s->blocksize) { s->source_blocksize = s->blocksize; } // FIXME: perfectloop fails if source_blocksize > 2048 with source_avcodec //s->source_blocksize = 8192; if (s->perfectloop || s->source_blocksize != s->blocksize) { s->ring = new_aubio_ringbuffer(s->source_blocksize * 2, s->blocksize); } if (s->threaded_read || s->perfectloop || s->ring) s->source_output = new_fvec(s->source_blocksize); //s->channels = 1; //s->source_moutput = new_fmat(s->source_blocksize, s->channels); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS aubio_sampler_open_opening_thread(s); if (s->threaded_read) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: starting reading thread\n"); aubio_sampler_open_reading_thread(s); } #endif #if 0 s->reading_from = aubio_sampler_reading_from_table; s->perfectloop = 1; s->threaded_read = 0; s->opened = 1; s->finished = 1; s->table_index = 0; #endif return s; beach: AUBIO_FREE(s); return NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS void aubio_sampler_open_opening_thread(aubio_sampler_t *s) { pthread_mutex_init(&s->open_mutex, 0); s->waited = 0; s->open_thread = 0; s->open_thread_running = 0; } void aubio_sampler_open_reading_thread(aubio_sampler_t *s) { s->read_thread_finish = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&s->read_mutex, 0); pthread_cond_init (&s->read_avail, 0); pthread_cond_init (&s->read_request, 0); pthread_create(&s->read_thread, 0, aubio_sampler_readfn, s); } void aubio_sampler_close_opening_thread(aubio_sampler_t *o) { // clean up opening thread void *threadret; if (!o->open_thread) return; pthread_mutex_destroy(&o->open_mutex); if (o->open_thread_running) { if (pthread_cancel(o->open_thread)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: cancelling file opening thread failed\n"); } } if (o->open_thread && pthread_join(o->open_thread, &threadret)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: joining file opening thread failed\n"); } pthread_mutex_destroy(&o->open_mutex); o->open_thread = 0; } void aubio_sampler_close_reading_thread(aubio_sampler_t *o) { // clean up reading thread void *threadret; if (!o->read_thread) return; o->read_thread_finish = 1; pthread_cond_signal(&o->read_request); if (pthread_cancel(o->read_thread)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: cancelling file reading thread failed\n"); } if (pthread_join(o->read_thread, &threadret)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: joining file reading thread failed\n"); } pthread_mutex_destroy(&o->read_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&o->read_avail); pthread_cond_destroy(&o->read_request); o->read_thread = 0; } #endif uint_t aubio_sampler_load( aubio_sampler_t * o, const char_t * uri ) { uint_t ret = AUBIO_FAIL; aubio_source_t *oldsource = o->source, *newsource = NULL; newsource = new_aubio_source(uri, o->samplerate, o->source_blocksize); if (newsource) { uint_t duration = aubio_source_get_duration(newsource); if (duration < o->blocksize) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: %s is %d frames long, but blocksize is %d\n", uri, duration, o->blocksize); } o->source = newsource; if (oldsource) del_aubio_source(oldsource); if (o->samplerate == 0) { o->samplerate = aubio_source_get_samplerate(o->source); } o->uri = uri; o->finished = 0; o->eof = 0; o->eof_remaining = 0; o->opened = 1; ret = AUBIO_OK; AUBIO_WRN("sampler: loaded %s\n", uri); if (o->waited) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: %.2fms (%d samples) taken to load %s\n", 1000. * o->waited / (smpl_t)o->samplerate, o->waited, o->uri); } } else { o->source = NULL; if (oldsource) del_aubio_source(oldsource); o->playing = 0; o->uri = NULL; o->finished = 1; o->eof = 0; o->eof_remaining = 0; o->opened = 0; AUBIO_WRN("sampler: failed loading %s\n", uri); } if (o->ring) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: resetting ringbuffer\n"); aubio_ringbuffer_reset(o->ring); } return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static void *aubio_sampler_openfn(void *z) { aubio_sampler_t *p = z; uint_t err; int oldtype; void *ret; pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &oldtype); pthread_mutex_lock(&p->open_mutex); p->open_thread_running = 1; err = aubio_sampler_load(p, p->next_uri); p->open_thread_running = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->open_mutex); ret = &err; pthread_exit(ret); } #endif uint_t aubio_sampler_queue(aubio_sampler_t *o, const char_t *uri) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS uint_t ret = AUBIO_OK; if (o->reading_from == aubio_sampler_reading_from_table) { o->reading_from = aubio_sampler_reading_from_source; o->opened = 0; o->finished = 1; } /* open uri in open_thread */ if (o->open_thread_running) { // cancel previous open_thread if (pthread_cancel(o->open_thread)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: failed queuing %s (cancelling existing open thread failed)\n", uri); return AUBIO_FAIL; } else { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: cancelled queuing %s (queuing %s now)\n", o->next_uri, uri); } o->open_thread_running = 0; } void *threadret; if (o->open_thread && pthread_join(o->open_thread, &threadret)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: joining thread failed\n"); } if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&o->open_mutex)) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: failed queuing %s (locking failed)\n", uri); ret = AUBIO_FAIL; goto lock_failed; } o->opened = 0; // while opening o->started = 0; o->available = 0; o->next_uri = uri; o->waited = 0; if (pthread_create(&o->open_thread, 0, aubio_sampler_openfn, o) != 0) { AUBIO_ERR("sampler: failed creating opening thread\n"); ret = AUBIO_FAIL; goto thread_create_failed; } thread_create_failed: pthread_mutex_unlock(&o->open_mutex); lock_failed: if (ret == AUBIO_OK) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: queued %s\n", uri); } else { AUBIO_ERR("sampler: queueing %s failed\n", uri); } return ret; #else AUBIO_WRN("sampler: opening %s, not queueing (not compiled with threading)\n", uri); return aubio_sampler_load(o, uri); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS uint_t aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_fetch(aubio_sampler_t*s); void *aubio_sampler_readfn(void *z) { aubio_sampler_t *p = z; while(1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&p->read_mutex); if (p->open_thread_running) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: readfn(): file is being opened\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&p->read_avail); //pthread_cond_wait(&p->read_request, &p->read_mutex); } else if (p->opened && !p->started && !p->finished) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: readfn(): file started\n"); if (p->ring) { p->available = aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_fetch(p); } else { p->available = aubio_sampler_pull_from_source(p); if (p->available < (sint_t)p->source_blocksize) aubio_sampler_do_eof(p); } pthread_cond_signal(&p->read_avail); if (!p->finished) { pthread_cond_wait(&p->read_request, &p->read_mutex); } } else { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: readfn(): idle?\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&p->read_avail); pthread_cond_wait(&p->read_request, &p->read_mutex); if (p->read_thread_finish) { goto done; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->read_mutex); } done: //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: exiting reading thread\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->read_mutex); pthread_exit(NULL); } #endif void aubio_sampler_read(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) { if (s->reading_from == aubio_sampler_reading_from_source) { aubio_sampler_read_from_source(s, output, read); } else if (s->reading_from == aubio_sampler_reading_from_table) { aubio_sampler_read_from_table(s, output, read); } } static void aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_naive(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t * output, uint_t *read) { // directly read from disk //aubio_source_do(s->source, output, read); s->source_output = output; *read = aubio_sampler_pull_from_source(s); if (*read < s->source_blocksize) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: calling go_eof in _read_from_source()\n"); aubio_sampler_do_eof(s); } } uint_t aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_fetch(aubio_sampler_t*s) { // read source_blocksize (> blocksize) at once int ring_avail = aubio_ringbuffer_get_available(s->ring); //if (ring_avail < s->blocksize) { uint_t available = 0; if (ring_avail < (sint_t)s->blocksize) { available = aubio_sampler_pull_from_source(s); if (available > 0) { aubio_ringbuffer_push(s->ring, s->source_output, available); } if (available < s->source_blocksize) { if (ring_avail + available <= s->blocksize) { s->eof_remaining = available + ring_avail; if (s->eof_remaining == 0) s->eof_remaining = s->blocksize; //AUBIO_ERR("sampler: marking special eof got: %d, in ring: %d, %d, eof remaining %d\n", // available, ring_avail, s->blocksize, s->eof_remaining); if (s->loop) { aubio_sampler_seek(s,0); // read some frames from beginning of source for perfect looping if (s->perfectloop) { available = aubio_sampler_pull_from_source(s); if (available <= 0) { AUBIO_ERR("sampler: perfectloop but s->available = 0 !\n"); } else { aubio_ringbuffer_push(s->ring, s->source_output, available); } } } } } } return available; } static void aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_pull(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) { // write into output int ring_avail = aubio_ringbuffer_get_available(s->ring); if (ring_avail >= (sint_t)s->blocksize) { //AUBIO_MSG("sampler: pulling %d / %d from ringbuffer\n", s->blocksize, ring_avail); aubio_ringbuffer_pull(s->ring, output, s->blocksize); *read = s->blocksize; if (s->eof_remaining > 0) { if (s->eof_remaining <= s->blocksize) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: signaling eof\n"); s->eof = 1; // signal eof s->eof_remaining = 0; } else if (s->eof_remaining <= s->source_blocksize) { s->eof_remaining -= s->blocksize; } } } else { //AUBIO_MSG("sampler: last frame, pulling remaining %d left\n", ring_avail); *read = 0; if (ring_avail > 0) { // pull remaining frames in ring buffer aubio_ringbuffer_pull(s->ring, output, ring_avail); *read += ring_avail; } // signal eof aubio_sampler_do_eof(s); // finished playing, reset ringbuffer for next read if (!s->playing) aubio_ringbuffer_reset(s->ring); } } static void aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) { aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_fetch(s); aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_pull(s, output, read); } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static void aubio_sampler_read_from_source_threaded(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) { // request at least output->length // make sure we have enough samples read from source int available; pthread_mutex_lock(&s->read_mutex); if (!s->opened || s->open_thread_running) { //AUBIO_ERR("sampler: _read_from_source: not opened, signaling read_request\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&s->read_request); available = 0; } else if (!s->finished) { pthread_cond_signal(&s->read_request); pthread_cond_wait(&s->read_avail, &s->read_mutex); //AUBIO_ERR("sampler: _read_from_source: %d\n", s->available); available = s->available; } else { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: _read_from_source: eof\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&s->read_request); available = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->read_mutex); //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: got %d available in _read_from_source\n", available); // read -> number of samples read if (!s->perfectloop && s->source_blocksize == s->blocksize) { if (available >= (sint_t)s->blocksize) { fvec_copy(s->source_output, output); *read = s->blocksize; } else if (available > 0) { fvec_copy(s->source_output, output); *read = available; } else { fvec_zeros(output); *read = 0; } } else { aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring_pull(s, output, read); } } #endif void aubio_sampler_read_from_source(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (s->threaded_read) { // if threaded aubio_sampler_read_from_source_threaded(s, output, read); } else #endif { if (s->finished) { *read = 0; } else if (s->source_blocksize == s->blocksize && !s->perfectloop) { aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_naive(s, output, read); } else { aubio_sampler_reading_from_source_ring(s, output, read); } #if 1 if (s->loop && s->perfectloop && *read != s->blocksize) { // && s->started && !s->finished) { AUBIO_ERR("sampler: perfectloop but read only %d\n", *read); } #endif } } void aubio_sampler_read_from_table(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) { *read = 0; if (s->table == NULL) { AUBIO_WRN("sampler: _pull_from_table but table not set %d, %d\n", output->length, *read); } else if (s->playing) { uint_t available = s->table->length - s->table_index; fvec_t tmp; tmp.data = s->table->data + s->table_index; if (available < s->blocksize) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: _pull_from_table: table length %d, index: %d, read %d\n", // s->table->length, s->table_index, *read); tmp.length = available; fvec_t tmpout; tmpout.data = output->data; tmpout.length = available; fvec_copy(&tmp, &tmpout); if (s->loop && s->perfectloop) { uint_t remaining = s->blocksize - available; tmpout.data = output->data + available; tmpout.length = remaining; tmp.data = s->table->data; tmp.length = remaining; fvec_copy(&tmp, &tmpout); s->table_index = remaining; *read = s->blocksize; } else { s->table_index = 0; *read = available; } aubio_sampler_do_eof(s); } else { tmp.length = s->blocksize; fvec_copy(&tmp, output); s->table_index += output->length; *read = s->blocksize; } } } uint_t aubio_sampler_set_table(aubio_sampler_t *s, fvec_t *samples) { if (!samples || !s) return AUBIO_FAIL; if (s->reading_from == aubio_sampler_reading_from_source) { //aubio_sampler_close_reading_thread(s); } s->table = samples; //AUBIO_INF("sampler: setting table (%d long)\n", s->table->length); s->table_index = 0; s->reading_from = aubio_sampler_reading_from_table; //s->threaded_read = 0; s->opened = 1; s->finished = 1; return AUBIO_OK; } sint_t aubio_sampler_pull_from_source(aubio_sampler_t *s) { // pull source_blocksize samples from source, return available frames uint_t source_read = s->source_blocksize; if (s->source == NULL) { AUBIO_ERR("sampler: trying to fetch on NULL source\n"); return -1; } aubio_source_do(s->source, s->source_output, &source_read); return source_read; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_samplerate (aubio_sampler_t *o) { return o->samplerate; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_opened (aubio_sampler_t *o) { return o->opened; //== 1 ? AUBIO_OK : AUBIO_FAIL; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_finished(aubio_sampler_t *o) { return o->finished; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_eof (aubio_sampler_t *o) { return o->eof; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_waited_opening (aubio_sampler_t *o, uint_t waited) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (o->playing) { if (!o->opened) { o->waited += waited; } else if (o->waited) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: waited %d frames (%.2fms) while opening %s\n", // o->waited, 1000.*o->waited/(smpl_t)o->samplerate, o->uri); uint_t waited = o->waited; o->waited = 0; return waited; } } #endif return 0; } uint_t aubio_sampler_seek(aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t pos) { //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: seeking to 0\n"); uint_t ret = AUBIO_FAIL; o->finished = 0; if (!o->opened) return AUBIO_OK; if (o->source) { ret = aubio_source_seek(o->source, pos); } else if (o->table && (sint_t)pos >= 0 && pos < o->table->length) { o->table_index = pos < o->table->length ? pos : o->table->length - 1; ret = AUBIO_OK; } return ret; } void aubio_sampler_do_eof (aubio_sampler_t * o) { //AUBIO_MSG("sampler: calling _do_eof()\n"); o->finished = 1; o->eof = 1; if (!o->loop) { o->playing = 0; } else { if (o->reading_from == aubio_sampler_reading_from_source) aubio_sampler_seek(o, 0); //o->finished = 0; } } void aubio_sampler_do ( aubio_sampler_t * o, fvec_t * output, uint_t *read) { o->eof = 0; if (o->opened == 1 && o->playing) { aubio_sampler_read(o, output, read); } else { fvec_zeros(output); *read = 0; } } void aubio_sampler_do_multi ( aubio_sampler_t * o, fmat_t * output, uint_t *read) { o->eof = 0; if (o->opened == 1 && o->playing) { //aubio_sampler_read_multi(o, output, read); } else { fmat_zeros(output); *read = 0; } } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_playing ( const aubio_sampler_t * o ) { return o->playing; } uint_t aubio_sampler_set_playing ( aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t playing ) { o->playing = (playing == 1) ? 1 : 0; return 0; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o ) { return o->loop; } uint_t aubio_sampler_set_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t loop ) { o->loop = (loop == 1) ? 1 : 0; return 0; } uint_t aubio_sampler_play ( aubio_sampler_t * o ) { return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 1); } uint_t aubio_sampler_stop ( aubio_sampler_t * o ) { return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 0); } uint_t aubio_sampler_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o ) { aubio_sampler_set_loop(o, 1); aubio_sampler_seek(o, 0); return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 1); } uint_t aubio_sampler_trigger ( aubio_sampler_t * o ) { if (o->ring) aubio_ringbuffer_reset(o->ring); aubio_sampler_set_loop(o, 0); aubio_sampler_seek(o, 0); return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 1); } uint_t aubio_sampler_set_perfectloop (aubio_sampler_t *s, uint_t perfectloop) { if (!s) return AUBIO_FAIL; s->perfectloop = perfectloop; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_sampler_get_perfectloop (aubio_sampler_t *s) { if (!s) return AUBIO_FAIL; return s->perfectloop; } void del_aubio_sampler( aubio_sampler_t * o ) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS // close opening thread aubio_sampler_close_opening_thread(o); // close reading thread aubio_sampler_close_reading_thread(o); #endif //if (o->source_output) { if (o->source_output && (o->threaded_read || o->perfectloop)) { del_fvec(o->source_output); } if (o->source_moutput) { del_fmat(o->source_moutput); } if (o->ring) { del_aubio_ringbuffer(o->ring); } if (o->source) { del_aubio_source(o->source); } AUBIO_FREE(o); }