/* Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Brossier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "aubio_priv.h" #include "fvec.h" #include "cvec.h" #include "onset/onsetdetection.h" #include "tempo/beattracking.h" #include "spectral/phasevoc.h" #include "onset/peakpick.h" #include "mathutils.h" #include "tempo/tempo.h" /* structure to store object state */ struct _aubio_tempo_t { aubio_onsetdetection_t * od; /** onset detection */ aubio_pvoc_t * pv; /** phase vocoder */ aubio_peakpicker_t * pp; /** peak picker */ aubio_beattracking_t * bt; /** beat tracking */ cvec_t * fftgrain; /** spectral frame */ fvec_t * of; /** onset detection function value */ fvec_t * dfframe; /** peak picked detection function buffer */ fvec_t * out; /** beat tactus candidates */ fvec_t * onset; /** onset results */ fvec_t * peek; /** thresholded onset function */ smpl_t silence; /** silence parameter */ smpl_t threshold; /** peak picking threshold */ sint_t blockpos; /** current position in dfframe */ uint_t winlen; /** dfframe bufsize */ uint_t step; /** dfframe hopsize */ uint_t samplerate; /** sampling rate of the signal */ }; /* execute tempo detection function on iput buffer */ void aubio_tempo_do(aubio_tempo_t *o, fvec_t * input, fvec_t * tempo) { uint_t i; uint_t winlen = o->winlen; uint_t step = o->step; aubio_pvoc_do (o->pv, input, o->fftgrain); aubio_onsetdetection_do (o->od, o->fftgrain, o->of); /*if (usedoubled) { aubio_onsetdetection_do(o2,fftgrain, onset2); onset->data[0][0] *= onset2->data[0][0]; }*/ /* execute every overlap_size*step */ if (o->blockpos == (signed)step -1 ) { /* check dfframe */ aubio_beattracking_do(o->bt,o->dfframe,o->out); /* rotate dfframe */ for (i = 0 ; i < winlen - step; i++ ) o->dfframe->data[0][i] = o->dfframe->data[0][i+step]; for (i = winlen - step ; i < winlen; i++ ) o->dfframe->data[0][i] = 0.; o->blockpos = -1; } o->blockpos++; aubio_peakpicker_do (o->pp, o->of, o->onset); tempo->data[0][1] = o->onset->data[0][0]; o->dfframe->data[0][winlen - step + o->blockpos] = aubio_peakpicker_get_thresholded_input(o->pp); /* end of second level loop */ tempo->data[0][0] = 0; /* reset tactus */ i=0; for (i = 1; i < o->out->data[0][0]; i++ ) { /* if current frame is a predicted tactus */ if (o->blockpos == FLOOR(o->out->data[0][i])) { tempo->data[0][0] = 1. + o->out->data[0][i] - FLOOR(o->out->data[0][i]); /* set tactus */ /* test for silence */ if (aubio_silence_detection(input, o->silence)==1) { tempo->data[0][1] = 0; /* unset onset */ } } } } uint_t aubio_tempo_set_silence(aubio_tempo_t * o, smpl_t silence) { o->silence = silence; return AUBIO_OK; } uint_t aubio_tempo_set_threshold(aubio_tempo_t * o, smpl_t threshold) { o->threshold = threshold; aubio_peakpicker_set_threshold(o->pp, o->threshold); return AUBIO_OK; } /* Allocate memory for an tempo detection */ aubio_tempo_t * new_aubio_tempo (char_t * onset_mode, uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t channels, uint_t samplerate) { aubio_tempo_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_tempo_t); o->samplerate = samplerate; o->winlen = SQR(512)/hop_size; o->step = o->winlen/4; o->blockpos = 0; o->threshold = 0.3; o->silence = -90.; o->blockpos = 0; o->dfframe = new_fvec(o->winlen,channels); o->fftgrain = new_cvec(buf_size, channels); o->out = new_fvec(o->step,channels); o->pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buf_size, hop_size, channels); o->pp = new_aubio_peakpicker(channels); aubio_peakpicker_set_threshold (o->pp, o->threshold); o->od = new_aubio_onsetdetection(onset_mode,buf_size,channels); o->of = new_fvec(1, channels); o->bt = new_aubio_beattracking(o->winlen,channels); o->onset = new_fvec(1, channels); o->peek = new_fvec(3, channels); /*if (usedoubled) { o2 = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset2,buffer_size,channels); onset2 = new_fvec(1 , channels); }*/ return o; } smpl_t aubio_tempo_get_bpm(aubio_tempo_t *o) { return aubio_beattracking_get_bpm(o->bt); } smpl_t aubio_tempo_get_confidence(aubio_tempo_t *o) { return aubio_beattracking_get_confidence(o->bt); } void del_aubio_tempo (aubio_tempo_t *o) { del_aubio_onsetdetection(o->od); del_aubio_beattracking(o->bt); del_aubio_peakpicker(o->pp); del_aubio_pvoc(o->pv); del_fvec(o->out); del_fvec(o->of); del_cvec(o->fftgrain); del_fvec(o->dfframe); del_fvec(o->onset); del_fvec(o->peek); AUBIO_FREE(o); return; }