#include "aubio.h" #include "utils_tests.h" #include "ai/tensor.h" int test_1d(void) { uint_t dims[1] = {11}; aubio_tensor_t *c = new_aubio_tensor(1, dims); fvec_t a; aubio_tensor_t cp; assert(c); c->data[1][0] = 1.; c->data[0][9] = 1.; c->data[1][1] = 1.; aubio_tensor_print(c); PRINT_MSG(" created from fvec_t \n"); // view tensor as fvec assert (aubio_tensor_as_fvec(c, &a) == 0); fvec_print(&a); // view fvec as tensor assert (aubio_fvec_as_tensor(&a, &cp) == 0); aubio_tensor_print(&cp); // wrong input assert (aubio_tensor_as_fvec(NULL, &a) != 0); assert (aubio_tensor_as_fvec(c, NULL) != 0); assert (aubio_fvec_as_tensor(NULL, &cp) != 0); assert (aubio_fvec_as_tensor(&a, NULL) != 0); del_aubio_tensor(c); return 0; } int test_2d(void) { uint_t dims[2] = {3, 2}; aubio_tensor_t *c = new_aubio_tensor(2, dims); fmat_t b; assert (c); c->data[0][1] = 2.; c->data[1][0] = 1.; aubio_tensor_print(c); assert (aubio_tensor_as_fmat(c, &b) == 0); fmat_print(&b); PRINT_MSG(" created from fmat_t\n"); fmat_t *m = new_fmat(dims[0], dims[1]); aubio_tensor_t cp; fmat_ones(m); m->data[0][1] = 0; fmat_print(m); assert (aubio_fmat_as_tensor(m, &cp) == 0); aubio_tensor_print(&cp); // view tensor as fvec fvec_t vp; assert (aubio_tensor_as_fvec(&cp, &vp) == 0); fvec_print (&vp); assert (aubio_tensor_as_fmat(NULL, &b) != 0); assert (aubio_tensor_as_fmat(c, NULL) != 0); assert (aubio_fmat_as_tensor (NULL, &cp) != 0); assert (aubio_fmat_as_tensor (m, NULL) != 0); del_fmat(m); del_aubio_tensor(c); return 0; } int test_3d(void) { uint_t dims[3] = {3, 2, 3}; aubio_tensor_t *c = new_aubio_tensor(3, dims); assert (c); c->data[0][0 * 3 + 0] = 1; c->data[1][0 * 3 + 1] = 2; c->data[1][1 * 3 + 1] = 2; c->data[2][1 * 3 + 2] = 3; aubio_tensor_print(c); // view tensor as fmat fmat_t vm; assert (aubio_tensor_as_fmat(c, &vm) == 0); fmat_print (&vm); del_aubio_tensor(c); return 0; } int test_4d(void) { uint_t d1 = 3, d2 = 2, d3 = 2, d4 = 4; uint_t dims[4] = {d1, d2, d3, d4}; aubio_tensor_t *c = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); c->data[0][0] = 1; c->data[1][1 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d4 + 2] = 2; c->data[0][2 * d2 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d4 + 3] = c->size; aubio_tensor_print(c); del_aubio_tensor(c); return 0; } int test_sizes(void) { uint_t d1 = 3, d2 = 2, d3 = 2, d4 = 4; uint_t dims[4] = {d1, d2, d3, d4}; aubio_tensor_t *a = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); aubio_tensor_t *b = new_aubio_tensor(3, dims); assert (!aubio_tensor_have_same_size(a, b)); del_aubio_tensor(b); dims[2] += 1; b = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); assert (!aubio_tensor_have_same_size(a, b)); del_aubio_tensor(b); dims[2] -= 1; dims[0] -= 1; dims[1] += 1; b = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); assert (!aubio_tensor_have_same_size(a, b)); del_aubio_tensor(b); dims[0] += 1; dims[1] -= 1; b = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); assert (aubio_tensor_have_same_size(a, b)); assert (!aubio_tensor_have_same_size(NULL, b)); assert (!aubio_tensor_have_same_size(a, NULL)); del_aubio_tensor(a); del_aubio_tensor(b); return 0; } int test_wrong_args(void) { uint_t dims[3] = {3, 2, 1}; assert (new_aubio_tensor(0, dims) == NULL); dims[1] = -1; assert (new_aubio_tensor(2, dims) == NULL); return 0; } int test_subtensor(void) { uint_t i; uint_t d1 = 4, d2 = 2, d3 = 2, d4 = 3; uint_t dims[4] = {d1, d2, d3, d4}; uint_t ndim = 3; aubio_tensor_t *t = new_aubio_tensor(ndim, dims); assert (t != NULL); assert (t->data != NULL); for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) { t->data[0][i] = (smpl_t)i; } aubio_tensor_print(t); aubio_tensor_t st; PRINT_MSG(" getting subtensor 1\n"); assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(t, 1, &st) == 0); assert (st.ndim = ndim - 1); assert (st.shape[0] == d2); assert (st.shape[1] == d3); assert (st.shape[2] == 0); assert (st.buffer[0] == 4); assert (st.buffer[3] == 7); assert (st.data == NULL); aubio_tensor_print(&st); PRINT_MSG(" check subtensor 3\n"); assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(t, 3, &st) == 0); aubio_tensor_print(&st); aubio_tensor_t sst; PRINT_MSG(" check subtensor 1 of subtensor 3\n"); assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(&st, 1, &sst) == 0); assert (sst.ndim = ndim - 2); assert (sst.shape[0] == d3); assert (sst.shape[1] == 0); assert (sst.buffer[0] == 14); assert (sst.buffer[1] == 15); aubio_tensor_print(&sst); // can get a single element as a tensor assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(&sst, 1, &st) == 0); assert (st.buffer[0] == sst.buffer[1]); assert (&st.buffer[0] == &sst.buffer[1]); aubio_tensor_print(&st); // getting wrong tensors assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(NULL, 0, &sst) != 0); assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(&st, -2, &sst) != 0); assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(&st, 2, &sst) != 0); assert (aubio_tensor_get_subtensor(&st, 0, NULL) != 0); del_aubio_tensor(t); return 0; } int test_subtensor_tricks (void) { uint_t d1 = 4, d2 = 2, d3 = 2, d4 = 3; uint_t dims[4] = {d1, d2, d3, d4}; uint_t ndim = 3; aubio_tensor_t *t = new_aubio_tensor(ndim, dims); // manually delete content free(t->data[0]); t->data[0] = NULL; del_aubio_tensor(t); return 0; } int test_maxtensor(void) { uint_t d1 = 3, d2 = 2, d3 = 2, d4 = 4; uint_t dims[4] = {d1, d2, d3, d4}; aubio_tensor_t *c = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); c->data[0][0] = -200; c->data[1][1 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d4 + 2] = 2; c->data[0][2 * d2 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d4 + 3] = c->size; assert (aubio_tensor_max(c) == c->size); del_aubio_tensor(c); return 0; } int test_get_shape_string(void) { uint_t d1 = 3, d2 = 2, d3 = 2, d4 = 4; uint_t dims[4] = {d1, d2, d3, d4}; aubio_tensor_t *c = new_aubio_tensor(4, dims); c->data[0][0] = -200; c->data[1][1 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d4 + 2] = 2; c->data[0][2 * d2 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d3 * d4 + 1 * d4 + 3] = c->size; const char_t *shape_string = aubio_tensor_get_shape_string(c); PRINT_MSG("found shape string %s\n", shape_string); del_aubio_tensor(c); assert (aubio_tensor_get_shape_string(NULL) == NULL); return 0; } int main(void) { PRINT_MSG("testing 1d tensors\n"); assert (test_1d() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing 2d tensors\n"); assert (test_2d() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing 3d tensors\n"); assert (test_3d() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing 4d tensors\n"); assert (test_4d() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing aubio_tensor_have_same_size\n"); assert (test_sizes() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing new_aubio_tensor with wrong arguments\n"); assert (test_wrong_args() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing subtensors\n"); assert (test_subtensor() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing subtensors\n"); assert (test_subtensor_tricks() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing max\n"); assert (test_maxtensor() == 0); PRINT_MSG("testing get_shape_string\n"); assert (test_get_shape_string() == 0); return 0; }