#include int main(){ /* allocate some memory */ uint_t win_s = 8; /* window size */ fvec_t * in = new_fvec (win_s); /* input buffer */ cvec_t * fftgrain = new_cvec (win_s); /* fft norm and phase */ fvec_t * out = new_fvec (win_s); /* output buffer */ in->data[0] = 1; in->data[1] = 2; in->data[2] = 3; in->data[3] = 4; in->data[4] = 5; in->data[5] = 6; in->data[6] = 5; in->data[7] = 6; /* allocate fft and other memory space */ aubio_fft_t * fft = new_aubio_fft(win_s); /* fill input with some data */ fvec_print(in); /* execute stft */ aubio_fft_do (fft,in,fftgrain); cvec_print(fftgrain); /* execute inverse fourier transform */ aubio_fft_rdo(fft,fftgrain,out); fvec_print(out); del_aubio_fft(fft); del_fvec(in); del_cvec(fftgrain); del_fvec(out); aubio_cleanup(); return 0; }