#include int main(){ /* allocate some memory */ uint_t win_s = 1024; /* window size */ uint_t channels = 1; /* number of channel */ fvec_t * in = new_fvec (win_s, channels); /* input buffer */ fvec_t * out = new_fvec (win_s/4, channels); /* input buffer */ /* allocate fft and other memory space */ aubio_beattracking_t * tempo = new_aubio_beattracking(win_s, channels); uint_t i = 0; smpl_t curtempo, curtempoconf; while (i < 10) { aubio_beattracking_do(tempo,in,out); curtempo = aubio_beattracking_get_bpm(tempo); if (curtempo != 0.) { fprintf(stdout,"%f\n",curtempo); return 1; } curtempoconf = aubio_beattracking_get_confidence(tempo); if (curtempoconf != 0.) { fprintf(stdout,"%f\n",curtempo); return 1; } i++; }; del_aubio_beattracking(tempo); del_fvec(in); del_fvec(out); aubio_cleanup(); return 0; }