1 | #! /usr/bin/env python |
2 | # encoding: utf-8 |
3 | # WARNING! Do not edit! http://waf.googlecode.com/git/docs/wafbook/single.html#_obtaining_the_waf_file |
4 | |
5 | try: |
6 | from xml.sax import make_parser |
7 | from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler |
8 | except ImportError: |
9 | has_xml=False |
10 | ContentHandler=object |
11 | else: |
12 | has_xml=True |
13 | import os,sys |
14 | from waflib.Tools import cxx |
15 | from waflib import Task,Utils,Options,Errors,Context |
16 | from waflib.TaskGen import feature,after_method,extension |
17 | from waflib.Configure import conf |
18 | from waflib import Logs |
19 | MOC_H=['.h','.hpp','.hxx','.hh'] |
20 | EXT_RCC=['.qrc'] |
21 | EXT_UI=['.ui'] |
22 | EXT_QT4=['.cpp','.cc','.cxx','.C'] |
23 | QT4_LIBS="QtCore QtGui QtUiTools QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtXml QtXmlPatterns QtWebKit Qt3Support QtHelp QtScript QtDeclarative QtDesigner" |
24 | class qxx(Task.classes['cxx']): |
25 | def __init__(self,*k,**kw): |
26 | Task.Task.__init__(self,*k,**kw) |
27 | self.moc_done=0 |
28 | def runnable_status(self): |
29 | if self.moc_done: |
30 | return Task.Task.runnable_status(self) |
31 | else: |
32 | for t in self.run_after: |
33 | if not t.hasrun: |
34 | return Task.ASK_LATER |
35 | self.add_moc_tasks() |
36 | return Task.Task.runnable_status(self) |
37 | def create_moc_task(self,h_node,m_node): |
38 | try: |
39 | moc_cache=self.generator.bld.moc_cache |
40 | except AttributeError: |
41 | moc_cache=self.generator.bld.moc_cache={} |
42 | try: |
43 | return moc_cache[h_node] |
44 | except KeyError: |
45 | tsk=moc_cache[h_node]=Task.classes['moc'](env=self.env,generator=self.generator) |
46 | tsk.set_inputs(h_node) |
47 | tsk.set_outputs(m_node) |
48 | if self.generator: |
49 | self.generator.tasks.append(tsk) |
50 | gen=self.generator.bld.producer |
51 | gen.outstanding.insert(0,tsk) |
52 | gen.total+=1 |
53 | return tsk |
54 | def moc_h_ext(self): |
55 | try: |
56 | ext=Options.options.qt_header_ext.split() |
57 | except AttributeError: |
58 | pass |
59 | if not ext: |
60 | ext=MOC_H |
61 | return ext |
62 | def add_moc_tasks(self): |
63 | node=self.inputs[0] |
64 | bld=self.generator.bld |
65 | try: |
66 | self.signature() |
67 | except KeyError: |
68 | pass |
69 | else: |
70 | delattr(self,'cache_sig') |
71 | include_nodes=[node.parent]+self.generator.includes_nodes |
72 | moctasks=[] |
73 | mocfiles=set([]) |
74 | for d in bld.raw_deps.get(self.uid(),[]): |
75 | if not d.endswith('.moc'): |
76 | continue |
77 | if d in mocfiles: |
78 | continue |
79 | mocfiles.add(d) |
80 | h_node=None |
81 | base2=d[:-4] |
82 | for x in include_nodes: |
83 | for e in self.moc_h_ext(): |
84 | h_node=x.find_node(base2+e) |
85 | if h_node: |
86 | break |
87 | if h_node: |
88 | m_node=h_node.change_ext('.moc') |
89 | break |
90 | else: |
91 | for k in EXT_QT4: |
92 | if base2.endswith(k): |
93 | for x in include_nodes: |
94 | h_node=x.find_node(base2) |
95 | if h_node: |
96 | break |
97 | if h_node: |
98 | m_node=h_node.change_ext(k+'.moc') |
99 | break |
100 | if not h_node: |
101 | raise Errors.WafError('No source found for %r which is a moc file'%d) |
102 | task=self.create_moc_task(h_node,m_node) |
103 | moctasks.append(task) |
104 | self.run_after.update(set(moctasks)) |
105 | self.moc_done=1 |
106 | class trans_update(Task.Task): |
107 | run_str='${QT_LUPDATE} ${SRC} -ts ${TGT}' |
108 | color='BLUE' |
109 | Task.update_outputs(trans_update) |
110 | class XMLHandler(ContentHandler): |
111 | def __init__(self): |
112 | self.buf=[] |
113 | self.files=[] |
114 | def startElement(self,name,attrs): |
115 | if name=='file': |
116 | self.buf=[] |
117 | def endElement(self,name): |
118 | if name=='file': |
119 | self.files.append(str(''.join(self.buf))) |
120 | def characters(self,cars): |
121 | self.buf.append(cars) |
122 | @extension(*EXT_RCC) |
123 | def create_rcc_task(self,node): |
124 | rcnode=node.change_ext('_rc.cpp') |
125 | self.create_task('rcc',node,rcnode) |
126 | cpptask=self.create_task('cxx',rcnode,rcnode.change_ext('.o')) |
127 | try: |
128 | self.compiled_tasks.append(cpptask) |
129 | except AttributeError: |
130 | self.compiled_tasks=[cpptask] |
131 | return cpptask |
132 | @extension(*EXT_UI) |
133 | def create_uic_task(self,node): |
134 | uictask=self.create_task('ui4',node) |
135 | uictask.outputs=[self.path.find_or_declare(self.env['ui_PATTERN']%node.name[:-3])] |
136 | @extension('.ts') |
137 | def add_lang(self,node): |
138 | self.lang=self.to_list(getattr(self,'lang',[]))+[node] |
139 | @feature('qt4') |
140 | @after_method('apply_link') |
141 | def apply_qt4(self): |
142 | if getattr(self,'lang',None): |
143 | qmtasks=[] |
144 | for x in self.to_list(self.lang): |
145 | if isinstance(x,str): |
146 | x=self.path.find_resource(x+'.ts') |
147 | qmtasks.append(self.create_task('ts2qm',x,x.change_ext('.qm'))) |
148 | if getattr(self,'update',None)and Options.options.trans_qt4: |
149 | cxxnodes=[a.inputs[0]for a in self.compiled_tasks]+[a.inputs[0]for a in self.tasks if getattr(a,'inputs',None)and a.inputs[0].name.endswith('.ui')] |
150 | for x in qmtasks: |
151 | self.create_task('trans_update',cxxnodes,x.inputs) |
152 | if getattr(self,'langname',None): |
153 | qmnodes=[x.outputs[0]for x in qmtasks] |
154 | rcnode=self.langname |
155 | if isinstance(rcnode,str): |
156 | rcnode=self.path.find_or_declare(rcnode+'.qrc') |
157 | t=self.create_task('qm2rcc',qmnodes,rcnode) |
158 | k=create_rcc_task(self,t.outputs[0]) |
159 | self.link_task.inputs.append(k.outputs[0]) |
160 | lst=[] |
161 | for flag in self.to_list(self.env['CXXFLAGS']): |
162 | if len(flag)<2:continue |
163 | f=flag[0:2] |
164 | if f in('-D','-I','/D','/I'): |
165 | if(f[0]=='/'): |
166 | lst.append('-'+flag[1:]) |
167 | else: |
168 | lst.append(flag) |
169 | self.env.append_value('MOC_FLAGS',lst) |
170 | @extension(*EXT_QT4) |
171 | def cxx_hook(self,node): |
172 | return self.create_compiled_task('qxx',node) |
173 | class rcc(Task.Task): |
174 | color='BLUE' |
175 | run_str='${QT_RCC} -name ${tsk.rcname()} ${SRC[0].abspath()} ${RCC_ST} -o ${TGT}' |
176 | ext_out=['.h'] |
177 | def rcname(self): |
178 | return os.path.splitext(self.inputs[0].name)[0] |
179 | def scan(self): |
180 | if not has_xml: |
181 | Logs.error('no xml support was found, the rcc dependencies will be incomplete!') |
182 | return([],[]) |
183 | parser=make_parser() |
184 | curHandler=XMLHandler() |
185 | parser.setContentHandler(curHandler) |
186 | fi=open(self.inputs[0].abspath(),'r') |
187 | try: |
188 | parser.parse(fi) |
189 | finally: |
190 | fi.close() |
191 | nodes=[] |
192 | names=[] |
193 | root=self.inputs[0].parent |
194 | for x in curHandler.files: |
195 | nd=root.find_resource(x) |
196 | if nd:nodes.append(nd) |
197 | else:names.append(x) |
198 | return(nodes,names) |
199 | class moc(Task.Task): |
200 | color='BLUE' |
202 | def keyword(self): |
203 | return"Creating" |
204 | def __str__(self): |
205 | return self.outputs[0].path_from(self.generator.bld.launch_node()) |
206 | class ui4(Task.Task): |
207 | color='BLUE' |
208 | run_str='${QT_UIC} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}' |
209 | ext_out=['.h'] |
210 | class ts2qm(Task.Task): |
211 | color='BLUE' |
212 | run_str='${QT_LRELEASE} ${QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS} ${SRC} -qm ${TGT}' |
213 | class qm2rcc(Task.Task): |
214 | color='BLUE' |
215 | after='ts2qm' |
216 | def run(self): |
217 | txt='\n'.join(['<file>%s</file>'%k.path_from(self.outputs[0].parent)for k in self.inputs]) |
218 | code='<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">\n<qresource>\n%s\n</qresource>\n</RCC>'%txt |
219 | self.outputs[0].write(code) |
220 | def configure(self): |
221 | self.find_qt4_binaries() |
222 | self.set_qt4_libs_to_check() |
223 | self.set_qt4_defines() |
224 | self.find_qt4_libraries() |
225 | self.add_qt4_rpath() |
226 | self.simplify_qt4_libs() |
227 | @conf |
228 | def find_qt4_binaries(self): |
229 | env=self.env |
230 | opt=Options.options |
231 | qtdir=getattr(opt,'qtdir','') |
232 | qtbin=getattr(opt,'qtbin','') |
233 | paths=[] |
234 | if qtdir: |
235 | qtbin=os.path.join(qtdir,'bin') |
236 | if not qtdir: |
237 | qtdir=os.environ.get('QT4_ROOT','') |
238 | qtbin=os.environ.get('QT4_BIN',None)or os.path.join(qtdir,'bin') |
239 | if qtbin: |
240 | paths=[qtbin] |
241 | if not qtdir: |
242 | paths=os.environ.get('PATH','').split(os.pathsep) |
243 | paths.append('/usr/share/qt4/bin/') |
244 | try: |
245 | lst=Utils.listdir('/usr/local/Trolltech/') |
246 | except OSError: |
247 | pass |
248 | else: |
249 | if lst: |
250 | lst.sort() |
251 | lst.reverse() |
252 | qtdir='/usr/local/Trolltech/%s/'%lst[0] |
253 | qtbin=os.path.join(qtdir,'bin') |
254 | paths.append(qtbin) |
255 | cand=None |
256 | prev_ver=['4','0','0'] |
257 | for qmk in('qmake-qt4','qmake4','qmake'): |
258 | try: |
259 | qmake=self.find_program(qmk,path_list=paths) |
260 | except self.errors.ConfigurationError: |
261 | pass |
262 | else: |
263 | try: |
264 | version=self.cmd_and_log(qmake+['-query','QT_VERSION']).strip() |
265 | except self.errors.WafError: |
266 | pass |
267 | else: |
268 | if version: |
269 | new_ver=version.split('.') |
270 | if new_ver>prev_ver: |
271 | cand=qmake |
272 | prev_ver=new_ver |
273 | if cand: |
274 | self.env.QMAKE=cand |
275 | else: |
276 | self.fatal('Could not find qmake for qt4') |
277 | qtbin=self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE+['-query','QT_INSTALL_BINS']).strip()+os.sep |
278 | def find_bin(lst,var): |
279 | if var in env: |
280 | return |
281 | for f in lst: |
282 | try: |
283 | ret=self.find_program(f,path_list=paths) |
284 | except self.errors.ConfigurationError: |
285 | pass |
286 | else: |
287 | env[var]=ret |
288 | break |
289 | find_bin(['uic-qt3','uic3'],'QT_UIC3') |
290 | find_bin(['uic-qt4','uic'],'QT_UIC') |
291 | if not env.QT_UIC: |
292 | self.fatal('cannot find the uic compiler for qt4') |
293 | self.start_msg('Checking for uic version') |
294 | uicver=self.cmd_and_log(env.QT_UIC+["-version"],output=Context.BOTH) |
295 | uicver=''.join(uicver).strip() |
296 | uicver=uicver.replace('Qt User Interface Compiler ','').replace('User Interface Compiler for Qt','') |
297 | self.end_msg(uicver) |
298 | if uicver.find(' 3.')!=-1: |
299 | self.fatal('this uic compiler is for qt3, add uic for qt4 to your path') |
300 | find_bin(['moc-qt4','moc'],'QT_MOC') |
301 | find_bin(['rcc-qt4','rcc'],'QT_RCC') |
302 | find_bin(['lrelease-qt4','lrelease'],'QT_LRELEASE') |
303 | find_bin(['lupdate-qt4','lupdate'],'QT_LUPDATE') |
304 | env['UIC3_ST']='%s -o %s' |
305 | env['UIC_ST']='%s -o %s' |
306 | env['MOC_ST']='-o' |
307 | env['ui_PATTERN']='ui_%s.h' |
308 | env['QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS']=['-silent'] |
309 | env.MOCCPPPATH_ST='-I%s' |
310 | env.MOCDEFINES_ST='-D%s' |
311 | @conf |
312 | def find_qt4_libraries(self): |
313 | qtlibs=getattr(Options.options,'qtlibs',None)or os.environ.get("QT4_LIBDIR",None) |
314 | if not qtlibs: |
315 | try: |
316 | qtlibs=self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE+['-query','QT_INSTALL_LIBS']).strip() |
317 | except Errors.WafError: |
318 | qtdir=self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE+['-query','QT_INSTALL_PREFIX']).strip()+os.sep |
319 | qtlibs=os.path.join(qtdir,'lib') |
320 | self.msg('Found the Qt4 libraries in',qtlibs) |
321 | qtincludes=os.environ.get("QT4_INCLUDES",None)or self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE+['-query','QT_INSTALL_HEADERS']).strip() |
322 | env=self.env |
323 | if not'PKG_CONFIG_PATH'in os.environ: |
324 | os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']='%s:%s/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt4/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/qt4/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt4/lib:/opt/qt4/lib'%(qtlibs,qtlibs) |
325 | try: |
326 | if os.environ.get("QT4_XCOMPILE",None): |
327 | raise self.errors.ConfigurationError() |
328 | self.check_cfg(atleast_pkgconfig_version='0.1') |
329 | except self.errors.ConfigurationError: |
330 | for i in self.qt4_vars: |
331 | uselib=i.upper() |
332 | if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()=="darwin": |
333 | frameworkName=i+".framework" |
334 | qtDynamicLib=os.path.join(qtlibs,frameworkName,i) |
335 | if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib): |
336 | env.append_unique('FRAMEWORK_'+uselib,i) |
337 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,qtDynamicLib,'GREEN') |
338 | else: |
339 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW') |
340 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtlibs,frameworkName,'Headers')) |
341 | elif env.DEST_OS!="win32": |
342 | qtDynamicLib=os.path.join(qtlibs,"lib"+i+".so") |
343 | qtStaticLib=os.path.join(qtlibs,"lib"+i+".a") |
344 | if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib): |
345 | env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i) |
346 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,qtDynamicLib,'GREEN') |
347 | elif os.path.exists(qtStaticLib): |
348 | env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i) |
349 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,qtStaticLib,'GREEN') |
350 | else: |
351 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW') |
352 | env.append_unique('LIBPATH_'+uselib,qtlibs) |
353 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,qtincludes) |
354 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtincludes,i)) |
355 | else: |
356 | for k in("lib%s.a","lib%s4.a","%s.lib","%s4.lib"): |
357 | lib=os.path.join(qtlibs,k%i) |
358 | if os.path.exists(lib): |
359 | env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i+k[k.find("%s")+2:k.find('.')]) |
360 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,lib,'GREEN') |
361 | break |
362 | else: |
363 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW') |
364 | env.append_unique('LIBPATH_'+uselib,qtlibs) |
365 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,qtincludes) |
366 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtincludes,i)) |
367 | uselib=i.upper()+"_debug" |
368 | for k in("lib%sd.a","lib%sd4.a","%sd.lib","%sd4.lib"): |
369 | lib=os.path.join(qtlibs,k%i) |
370 | if os.path.exists(lib): |
371 | env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i+k[k.find("%s")+2:k.find('.')]) |
372 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,lib,'GREEN') |
373 | break |
374 | else: |
375 | self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW') |
376 | env.append_unique('LIBPATH_'+uselib,qtlibs) |
377 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,qtincludes) |
378 | env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtincludes,i)) |
379 | else: |
380 | for i in self.qt4_vars_debug+self.qt4_vars: |
381 | self.check_cfg(package=i,args='--cflags --libs',mandatory=False) |
382 | @conf |
383 | def simplify_qt4_libs(self): |
384 | env=self.env |
385 | def process_lib(vars_,coreval): |
386 | for d in vars_: |
387 | var=d.upper() |
388 | if var=='QTCORE': |
389 | continue |
390 | value=env['LIBPATH_'+var] |
391 | if value: |
392 | core=env[coreval] |
393 | accu=[] |
394 | for lib in value: |
395 | if lib in core: |
396 | continue |
397 | accu.append(lib) |
398 | env['LIBPATH_'+var]=accu |
399 | process_lib(self.qt4_vars,'LIBPATH_QTCORE') |
400 | process_lib(self.qt4_vars_debug,'LIBPATH_QTCORE_DEBUG') |
401 | @conf |
402 | def add_qt4_rpath(self): |
403 | env=self.env |
404 | if getattr(Options.options,'want_rpath',False): |
405 | def process_rpath(vars_,coreval): |
406 | for d in vars_: |
407 | var=d.upper() |
408 | value=env['LIBPATH_'+var] |
409 | if value: |
410 | core=env[coreval] |
411 | accu=[] |
412 | for lib in value: |
413 | if var!='QTCORE': |
414 | if lib in core: |
415 | continue |
416 | accu.append('-Wl,--rpath='+lib) |
417 | env['RPATH_'+var]=accu |
418 | process_rpath(self.qt4_vars,'LIBPATH_QTCORE') |
419 | process_rpath(self.qt4_vars_debug,'LIBPATH_QTCORE_DEBUG') |
420 | @conf |
421 | def set_qt4_libs_to_check(self): |
422 | if not hasattr(self,'qt4_vars'): |
423 | self.qt4_vars=QT4_LIBS |
424 | self.qt4_vars=Utils.to_list(self.qt4_vars) |
425 | if not hasattr(self,'qt4_vars_debug'): |
426 | self.qt4_vars_debug=[a+'_debug'for a in self.qt4_vars] |
427 | self.qt4_vars_debug=Utils.to_list(self.qt4_vars_debug) |
428 | @conf |
429 | def set_qt4_defines(self): |
430 | if sys.platform!='win32': |
431 | return |
432 | for x in self.qt4_vars: |
433 | y=x[2:].upper() |
434 | self.env.append_unique('DEFINES_%s'%x.upper(),'QT_%s_LIB'%y) |
435 | self.env.append_unique('DEFINES_%s_DEBUG'%x.upper(),'QT_%s_LIB'%y) |
436 | def options(opt): |
437 | opt.add_option('--want-rpath',action='store_true',default=False,dest='want_rpath',help='enable the rpath for qt libraries') |
438 | opt.add_option('--header-ext',type='string',default='',help='header extension for moc files',dest='qt_header_ext') |
439 | for i in'qtdir qtbin qtlibs'.split(): |
440 | opt.add_option('--'+i,type='string',default='',dest=i) |
441 | opt.add_option('--translate',action="store_true",help="collect translation strings",dest="trans_qt4",default=False) |