Oct 31, 2018, 5:37:35 PM (5 years ago)
Paul Brossier <piem@piem.org>
feature/autosink, feature/cnn, feature/cnn_org, feature/constantq, feature/crepe, feature/crepe_org, feature/pitchshift, feature/pydocstrings, feature/timestretch, fix/ffmpeg5, master
9b23815e (diff), 78561f7 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'feature/docstrings' (see #73)

1 edited


  • python/ext/py-musicutils.h

    r9b23815e r07382d8  
    44static char Py_aubio_window_doc[] = ""
    5 "window(string, integer) -> fvec\n"
    6 "\n"
    7 "Create a window\n"
    8 "\n"
    9 "Example\n"
    10 "-------\n"
    11 "\n"
    12 ">>> window('hanningz', 1024)\n"
     5"window(window_type, size)\n"
     7"Create a window of length `size`. `window_type` should be one\n"
     8"of the following:\n"
     10"- `default` (same as `hanningz`).\n"
     11"- `ones`\n"
     12"- `rectangle`\n"
     13"- `hamming`\n"
     14"- `hanning`\n"
     15"- `hanningz` [1]_\n"
     16"- `blackman`\n"
     17"- `blackman_harris`\n"
     18"- `gaussian`\n"
     19"- `welch`\n"
     20"- `parzen`\n"
     24"window_type : str\n"
     25"   Type of window.\n"
     26"size : int\n"
     27"   Length of window.\n"
     32"   Array of shape `(length,)` containing the new window.\n"
     34"See Also\n"
     36"pvoc, fft\n"
     40"Compute a zero-phase Hann window on `1024` points:\n"
     42">>> aubio.window('hanningz', 1024)\n"
    1343"array([  0.00000000e+00,   9.41753387e-06,   3.76403332e-05, ...,\n"
    14 "         8.46982002e-05,   3.76403332e-05,   9.41753387e-06], dtype=float32)";
     44"         8.46982002e-05,   3.76403332e-05,   9.41753387e-06], dtype=float32)\n"
     46"Plot different window types with `matplotlib <https://matplotlib.org/>`_:\n"
     48">>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n"
     49">>> modes = ['default', 'ones', 'rectangle', 'hamming', 'hanning',\n"
     50"...          'hanningz', 'blackman', 'blackman_harris', 'gaussian',\n"
     51"...          'welch', 'parzen']; n = 2048\n"
     52">>> for m in modes: plt.plot(aubio.window(m, n), label=m)\n"
     54">>> plt.legend(); plt.show()\n"
     58"The following examples contain the equivalent source code to compute\n"
     59"each type of window with `NumPy <https://numpy.org>`_:\n"
     61">>> n = 1024; x = np.arange(n, dtype=aubio.float_type)\n"
     62">>> ones = np.ones(n).astype(aubio.float_type)\n"
     63">>> rectangle = 0.5 * ones\n"
     64">>> hanning = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x / n)\n"
     65">>> hanningz = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * x / n))\n"
     66">>> hamming = 0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2.*np.pi * x / (n - 1))\n"
     67">>> blackman = 0.42 \\\n"
     68"...          - 0.50 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x / (n - 1)) \\\n"
     69"...          + 0.08 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * x / (n - 1))\n"
     70">>> blackman_harris = 0.35875 \\\n"
     71"...       - 0.48829 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x / (n - 1)) \\\n"
     72"...       + 0.14128 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * x / (n - 1)) \\\n"
     73"...       + 0.01168 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * x / (n - 1))\n"
     74">>> gaussian = np.exp( - 0.5 * ((x - 0.5 * (n - 1)) \\\n"
     75"...                            / (0.25 * (n - 1)) )**2 )\n"
     76">>> welch = 1 - ((2 * x - n) / (n + 1))**2\n"
     77">>> parzen = 1 - np.abs((2 * x - n) / (n + 1))\n"
     78">>> default = hanningz\n"
     81#if 0
     82"`Window function <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function>`_ on\n"
     86".. [1] Amalia de Götzen, Nicolas Bernardini, and Daniel Arfib. Traditional\n"
     87"   (?) implementations of a phase vocoder: the tricks of the trade.\n"
     88"   In *Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio\n"
     89"   Effects* (DAFx-00), pages 37–44, University of Verona, Italy, 2000.\n"
     90"   (`online version <"
    1695PyObject * Py_aubio_window(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    1897static char Py_aubio_level_lin_doc[] = ""
    19 "level_lin(fvec) -> fvec\n"
    20 "\n"
    21 "Compute sound level on a linear scale.\n"
    22 "\n"
    23 "This gives the average of the square amplitudes.\n"
    24 "\n"
    25 "Example\n"
    26 "-------\n"
    27 "\n"
    28 ">>> level_Lin(numpy.ones(1024))\n"
    29 "1.0";
     100"Compute sound pressure level of `x`, on a linear scale.\n"
     104"x : fvec\n"
     105"   input vector\n"
     110"   Linear level of `x`.\n"
     115">>> aubio.level_lin(aubio.fvec(numpy.ones(1024)))\n"
     120"Computed as the average of the squared amplitudes:\n"
     122".. math:: L = \\frac {\\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} {x_n}^2} {N}\n"
     124"See Also\n"
     126"db_spl, silence_detection, level_detection\n"
    31129PyObject * Py_aubio_level_lin(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    33131static char Py_aubio_db_spl_doc[] = ""
    34 "Compute sound pressure level (SPL) in dB\n"
    35 "\n"
    36 "This quantity is often wrongly called 'loudness'.\n"
    37 "\n"
    38 "This gives ten times the log10 of the average of the square amplitudes.\n"
    39 "\n"
    40 "Example\n"
    41 "-------\n"
    42 "\n"
    43 ">>> db_spl(numpy.ones(1024))\n"
    44 "1.0";
     134"Compute Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of `x`, in dB.\n"
     138"x : fvec\n"
     139"   input vector\n"
     144"   Level of `x`, in dB SPL.\n"
     149">>> aubio.db_spl(aubio.fvec(np.ones(1024)))\n"
     151">>> aubio.db_spl(0.7*aubio.fvec(np.ones(32)))\n"
     156"Computed as `log10` of :py:func:`level_lin`:\n"
     158".. math::\n"
     160"   {SPL}_{dB} = log10{\\frac {\\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{x_n}^2} {N}}\n"
     162"This quantity is often incorrectly called 'loudness'.\n"
     164"See Also\n"
     166"level_lin, silence_detection, level_detection\n"
    46169PyObject * Py_aubio_db_spl(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    48171static char Py_aubio_silence_detection_doc[] = ""
    49 "Check if buffer level in dB SPL is under a given threshold\n"
    50 "\n"
    51 "Return 0 if level is under the given threshold, 1 otherwise.\n"
    52 "\n"
    53 "Example\n"
    54 "-------\n"
    55 "\n"
    56 ">>> import numpy\n"""
    57 ">>> silence_detection(numpy.ones(1024, dtype=\"float32\"), -80)\n"
    58 "0";
     172"silence_detection(vec, level)\n"
     174"Check if level of `vec`, in dB SPL, is under a given threshold.\n"
     178"vec : fvec\n"
     179"   input vector\n"
     180"level : float\n"
     181"   level threshold, in dB SPL\n"
     186"   `1` if level of `vec`, in dB SPL, is under `level`,\n"
     187"   `0` otherwise.\n"
     192">>> aubio.silence_detection(aubio.fvec(32), -100.)\n"
     194">>> aubio.silence_detection(aubio.fvec(np.ones(32)), 0.)\n"
     197"See Also\n"
     199"level_detection, db_spl, level_lin\n"
    60202PyObject * Py_aubio_silence_detection(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    62204static char Py_aubio_level_detection_doc[] = ""
    63 "Get buffer level in dB SPL if over a given threshold, 1. otherwise.\n"
    64 "\n"
    65 "Example\n"
    66 "-------\n"
    67 "\n"
    68 ">>> import numpy\n"""
    69 ">>> level_detection(0.7*numpy.ones(1024, dtype=\"float32\"), -80)\n"
    70 "0";
     205"level_detection(vec, level)\n"
     207"Check if `vec` is above threshold `level`, in dB SPL.\n"
     211"vec : fvec\n"
     212"   input vector\n"
     213"level : float\n"
     214"   level threshold, in dB SPL\n"
     219"   `1.0` if level of `vec` in dB SPL is under `level`,\n"
     220"   `db_spl(vec)` otherwise.\n"
     225">>> aubio.level_detection(0.7*aubio.fvec(np.ones(1024)), -3.)\n"
     227">>> aubio.level_detection(0.7*aubio.fvec(np.ones(1024)), -4.)\n"
     230"See Also\n"
     232"silence_detection, db_spl, level_lin\n"
    72235PyObject * Py_aubio_level_detection(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    74237static char Py_aubio_shift_doc[] = ""
    75 "Swap left and right partitions of a vector\n"
    76 "\n"
    77 "Returns the swapped vector. The input vector is also modified.\n"
     240"Swap left and right partitions of a vector, in-place.\n"
     244"vec : fvec\n"
     245"   input vector to shift\n"
     250"   The swapped vector.\n"
     254"The input vector is also modified.\n"
    79256"For a vector of length N, the partition is split at index N - N//2.\n"
    84 ">>> import numpy\n"
    85 ">>> shift(numpy.arange(3, dtype=aubio.float_type))\n"
    86 "array([2., 0., 1.], dtype=" AUBIO_NPY_SMPL_STR ")";
     261">>> aubio.shift(aubio.fvec(np.arange(3)))\n"
     262"array([2., 0., 1.], dtype=" AUBIO_NPY_SMPL_STR ")\n"
     264"See Also\n"
    87268PyObject * Py_aubio_shift(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    89270static char Py_aubio_ishift_doc[] = ""
    90 "Swap right and left partitions of a vector\n"
    91 "\n"
    92 "Returns the swapped vector. The input vector is also modified.\n"
    93 "\n"
    94 "Unlike with shift(), the partition is split at index N//2.\n"
    95 "\n"
    96 "Example\n"
    97 "-------\n"
    98 "\n"
    99 ">>> import numpy\n"
    100 ">>> ishift(numpy.arange(3, dtype=aubio.float_type))\n"
    101 "array([1., 2., 0.], dtype=" AUBIO_NPY_SMPL_STR ")";
     273"Swap right and left partitions of a vector, in-place.\n"
     277"vec : fvec\n"
     278"   input vector to shift\n"
     283"   The swapped vector.\n"
     287"The input vector is also modified.\n"
     289"Unlike with :py:func:`shift`, the partition is split at index N//2.\n"
     294">>> aubio.ishift(aubio.fvec(np.arange(3)))\n"
     295"array([1., 2., 0.], dtype=" AUBIO_NPY_SMPL_STR ")\n"
     297"See Also\n"
    102301PyObject * Py_aubio_ishift(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
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