Changeset 1b88289

Oct 7, 2009, 6:28:53 PM (15 years ago)
Paul Brossier <>
feature/autosink, feature/cnn, feature/cnn_org, feature/constantq, feature/crepe, feature/crepe_org, feature/pitchshift, feature/pydocstrings, feature/timestretch, fix/ffmpeg5, master, pitchshift, sampler, timestretch, yinfft+

src/onset/onsetdetection.{c,h}: no need for function specific prototypes to be public

2 edited


  • src/onset/onsetdetection.c

    r10a5413 r1b88289  
    2626#include "onset/onsetdetection.h"
     28/** Energy based onset detection function
     30  This function calculates the local energy of the input spectral frame.
     32  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     33  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     34  \param onset output onset detection function
     37void aubio_onsetdetection_energy(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     38/** High Frequency Content onset detection function
     40  This method computes the High Frequency Content (HFC) of the input spectral
     41  frame. The resulting function is efficient at detecting percussive onsets.
     43  Paul Masri. Computer modeling of Sound for Transformation and Synthesis of
     44  Musical Signal. PhD dissertation, University of Bristol, UK, 1996.
     46  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     47  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     48  \param onset output onset detection function
     51void aubio_onsetdetection_hfc(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     52/** Complex Domain Method onset detection function
     54  Christopher Duxbury, Mike E. Davies, and Mark B. Sandler. Complex domain
     55  onset detection for musical signals. In Proceedings of the Digital Audio
     56  Effects Conference, DAFx-03, pages 90-93, London, UK, 2003.
     58  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     59  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     60  \param onset output onset detection function
     63void aubio_onsetdetection_complex(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     64/** Phase Based Method onset detection function
     66  Juan-Pablo Bello, Mike P. Davies, and Mark B. Sandler. Phase-based note onset
     67  detection for music signals. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
     68  Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pages 441­444,
     69  Hong-Kong, 2003.
     71  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     72  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     73  \param onset output onset detection function
     76void aubio_onsetdetection_phase(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     77/** Spectral difference method onset detection function
     79  Jonhatan Foote and Shingo Uchihashi. The beat spectrum: a new approach to
     80  rhythm analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
     81  (ICME 2001), pages 881­884, Tokyo, Japan, August 2001.
     83  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     84  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     85  \param onset output onset detection function
     88void aubio_onsetdetection_specdiff(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     89/** Kullback-Liebler onset detection function
     91  Stephen Hainsworth and Malcom Macleod. Onset detection in music audio
     92  signals. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference
     93  (ICMC), Singapore, 2003.
     95  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     96  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     97  \param onset output onset detection function
     100void aubio_onsetdetection_kl(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     101/** Modified Kullback-Liebler onset detection function
     103  Paul Brossier, ``Automatic annotation of musical audio for interactive
     104  systems'', Chapter 2, Temporal segmentation, PhD thesis, Centre for Digital
     105  music, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, 2006.
     107  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     108  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     109  \param onset output onset detection function
     112void aubio_onsetdetection_mkl(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
     113/** Spectral Flux
     115  Simon Dixon, Onset Detection Revisited, in ``Proceedings of the 9th
     116  International Conference on Digital Audio Effects'' (DAFx-06), Montreal,
     117  Canada, 2006.
     119  \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
     120  \param fftgrain input spectral frame
     121  \param onset output onset detection function
     124void aubio_onsetdetection_specflux(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    29126/** structure to store object state */
  • src/onset/onsetdetection.h

    r10a5413 r1b88289  
    5353/** onsetdetection structure */
    5454typedef struct _aubio_onsetdetection_t aubio_onsetdetection_t;
    55 /** Energy based onset detection function
    57   This function calculates the local energy of the input spectral frame.
    59   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    60   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    61   \param onset output onset detection function
    63 */
    64 void aubio_onsetdetection_energy(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    65 /** High Frequency Content onset detection function
    67   This method computes the High Frequency Content (HFC) of the input spectral
    68   frame. The resulting function is efficient at detecting percussive onsets.
    70   Paul Masri. Computer modeling of Sound for Transformation and Synthesis of
    71   Musical Signal. PhD dissertation, University of Bristol, UK, 1996.
    73   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    74   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    75   \param onset output onset detection function
    77 */
    78 void aubio_onsetdetection_hfc(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    79 /** Complex Domain Method onset detection function
    81   Christopher Duxbury, Mike E. Davies, and Mark B. Sandler. Complex domain
    82   onset detection for musical signals. In Proceedings of the Digital Audio
    83   Effects Conference, DAFx-03, pages 90-93, London, UK, 2003.
    85   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    86   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    87   \param onset output onset detection function
    89 */
    90 void aubio_onsetdetection_complex(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    91 /** Phase Based Method onset detection function
    93   Juan-Pablo Bello, Mike P. Davies, and Mark B. Sandler. Phase-based note onset
    94   detection for music signals. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
    95   Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pages 441­444,
    96   Hong-Kong, 2003.
    98   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    99   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    100   \param onset output onset detection function
    102 */
    103 void aubio_onsetdetection_phase(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    104 /** Spectral difference method onset detection function
    106   Jonhatan Foote and Shingo Uchihashi. The beat spectrum: a new approach to
    107   rhythm analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
    108   (ICME 2001), pages 881­884, Tokyo, Japan, August 2001.
    110   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    111   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    112   \param onset output onset detection function
    114 */
    115 void aubio_onsetdetection_specdiff(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    116 /** Kullback-Liebler onset detection function
    118   Stephen Hainsworth and Malcom Macleod. Onset detection in music audio
    119   signals. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference
    120   (ICMC), Singapore, 2003.
    122   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    123   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    124   \param onset output onset detection function
    126 */
    127 void aubio_onsetdetection_kl(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    128 /** Modified Kullback-Liebler onset detection function
    130   Paul Brossier, ``Automatic annotation of musical audio for interactive
    131   systems'', Chapter 2, Temporal segmentation, PhD thesis, Centre for Digital
    132   music, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, 2006.
    134   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    135   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    136   \param onset output onset detection function
    138 */
    139 void aubio_onsetdetection_mkl(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    140 /** Spectral Flux
    142   Simon Dixon, Onset Detection Revisited, in ``Proceedings of the 9th
    143   International Conference on Digital Audio Effects'' (DAFx-06), Montreal,
    144   Canada, 2006.
    146   \param o onset detection object as returned by new_aubio_onsetdetection()
    147   \param fftgrain input spectral frame
    148   \param onset output onset detection function
    150 */
    151 void aubio_onsetdetection_specflux(aubio_onsetdetection_t *o, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * onset);
    15255/** execute onset detection function on a spectral frame
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