Changeset 4ef9a9b for src

Oct 25, 2009, 9:03:00 PM (15 years ago)
Paul Brossier <>
feature/autosink, feature/cnn, feature/cnn_org, feature/constantq, feature/crepe, feature/crepe_org, feature/pitchshift, feature/pydocstrings, feature/timestretch, fix/ffmpeg5, master, pitchshift, sampler, timestretch, yinfft+

src/aubio.h: improve documentation

1 edited


  • src/aubio.h

    r62b8ab2 r4ef9a9b  
    2121/** \mainpage
    22  *
    23  * \section whatis Introduction
    24  *
    25  *  aubio is a library for audio labelling: it provides functions for pitch
    26  *  estimation, onset detection, beat tracking, and other annotation tasks.
    27  *
    28  *  \verbinclude README
    29  *
    30  * \section bugs bugs and todo
    31  *
    32  *  This software is under development. It needs debugging and
    33  *  optimisations.
    34  *
    35  *  See <a href='bug.html'>bugs</a> and <a href='todo.html'>todo</a> lists.
    36  *
     23  \section introduction Introduction
     25  aubio is a library to extract annotations from audio signals: it provides a
     26  set of functions that take an input audio signal, and output pitch estimates,
     27  attack times (onset), beat location estimates, and other annotation tasks.
     29  \section basics Basics
     31  All object structures in aubio share the same function prefixes and suffixes:
     33    - \p new_aubio_foo creates the object \p foo
     34    - \p aubio_foo_do executes the object \p foo
     35    - \p del_aubio_foo destroys the object \p foo
     37  All memory allocation and deallocation take place in the \p new_ and \p del_
     38  functions. Optionally, more than one \p _do methods are available.
     39  Additional parameters can be adjusted and observed using:
     41    - \p aubio_foo_get_param, getter function, gets the value of a parameter
     42    - \p aubio_foo_set_param, setter function, changes the value of a parameter
     44  Unless specified in its documentation, no memory operations take place in the
     45  getter functions. However, memory resizing can take place in setter
     46  functions.
     48  \subsection vectors Vectors
     50  Two basic structures are being used in aubio: ::fvec_t and ::cvec_t. The
     51  ::fvec_t structures are used to store vectors of floating pointer number,
     52  optionally on several channels. ::cvec_t are used to store complex number,
     53  as two vectors of norm and phase elements, also on several channels.
     55  Additionally, the ::lvec_t structure can be used to store floating point
     56  numbers in double precision. They are mostly used to store filter
     57  coefficients, to avoid instability.
     59  \subsection objects Available objects
     61  Here is a list of some of the most common objects for aubio:
     63  \code
     65  // fast Fourier transform (FFT)
     66  aubio_fft_t *fft = new_aubio_fft (winsize, channels);
     67  // phase vocoder
     68  aubio_pvoc_t *pv = new_aubio_pvoc (winsize, stepsize, channels);
     69  // onset detection
     70  aubio_onset_t *onset = new_aubio_onset (method, winsize, stepsize, channels, samplerate);
     71  // pitch detection
     72  aubio_pitch_t *pitch = new_aubio_pitch (method, winsize, stepsize, channels, samplerate);
     73  // beat tracking
     74  aubio_tempo_t *tempo = new_aubio_tempo (method, winsize, stepsize, channels, samplerate);
     76  \endcode
     78  See the <a href="globals_type.html">list of typedefs</a> for a complete list.
     80  \subsection example Example
     82  Here is a simple example that creates an A-Weighting filter and applies it to a
     83  vector.
     85  \code
     87  // set channels, window size, and sampling rate
     88  uint_t channels = 2, winsize = 1024, samplerate = 44100;
     89  // create a vector
     90  fvec_t *this_buffer = new_fvec (winsize, channels);
     91  // create the a-weighting filter
     92  aubio_filter_t *this_filter = new_aubio_filter_weighting (channels, samplerate);
     94  while (running) {
     95    // here some code to pass some data in fvec_t in ...
     96    // apply the filter, in place
     97    aubio_filter_do (this_filter, this_buffer);
     98    // here some code to used the filtered buffer
     99  }
     101  // and free the structures
     102  del_aubio_filter (this_filter);
     103  del_fvec (this_buffer);
     105  \endcode
     107  Several examples of C programs are available in the \p examples/ and \p tests/src
     108  directory of the source tree.
     110  \subsection unstable_api Unstable API
     112  Several more functions are available and used within aubio, but not
     113  documented here, either because they are not considered useful to the user,
     114  or because they may need to be changed in the future. However, they can still
     115  be used by defining AUBIO_UNSTABLE to 1 before including the aubio header:
     117  \code
     118  #define AUBIO_UNSTABLE 1
     119  #include <aubio/aubio.h>
     120  \endcode
     122  Future versions of aubio could break API compatibility with these functions
     123  without warning. If you choose to use functions in AUBIO_UNSTABLE, you are on
     124  your own.
     126  \section download Download
     128  Latest versions, further documentation, examples, wiki, and mailing lists can
     129  be found at .
    37131 */
    40134#define AUBIO_H
    42 /**
    43  * Global aubio include file.
    44  * Programmers just need to include this file as:
    45  *
    46  * @code
    47  *   #include <aubio/aubio.h>
    48  * @endcode
    49  *
    50  * @file aubio.h
     136/** @file aubio.h Global aubio include file.
     138  Programmers just need to include this file as:
     140  @code
     141    #include <aubio/aubio.h>
     142  @endcode
    51144 */
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