Changeset 633400d for src/notes/notes.h

Dec 5, 2018, 10:34:39 PM (5 years ago)
Paul Brossier <>
feature/cnn, feature/crepe, feature/pitchshift, feature/timestretch, fix/ffmpeg5, master
5b46bc3 (diff), f19db54 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' into feature/pitchshift

1 edited


  • src/notes/notes.h

    r5b46bc3 r633400d  
    1616  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    1717  along with aubio.  If not, see <>.
     21/** \file
     23  Note detection object
    5359  \param o note detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
    54   \param in input signal of size [hop_size]
    55   \param out output notes of size [3] ? FIXME
     60  \param input input signal of size [hop_size]
     61  \param output output notes, fvec of length 3
     63  The notes output is a vector of length 3 containing:
     64   - 0. the midi note value, or 0 if no note was found
     65   - 1. the note velocity
     66   - 2. the midi note to turn off
    5869void aubio_notes_do (aubio_notes_t *o, const fvec_t * input, fvec_t * output);
     71/** set notes detection silence threshold
     73  \param o notes detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
     74  \param silence new silence detection threshold
     76  \return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
     79uint_t aubio_notes_set_silence(aubio_notes_t * o, smpl_t silence);
     81/** get notes detection silence threshold
     83  \param o notes detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
     85  \return current silence threshold
     88smpl_t aubio_notes_get_silence(const aubio_notes_t * o);
     90/** get notes detection minimum inter-onset interval, in millisecond
     92  \param o notes detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
     94  \return current minimum inter onset interval
     96 */
     97smpl_t aubio_notes_get_minioi_ms(const aubio_notes_t *o);
     99/** set notes detection minimum inter-onset interval, in millisecond
     101  \param o notes detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
     102  \param minioi_ms new inter-onset interval
     104  \return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
     107uint_t aubio_notes_set_minioi_ms (aubio_notes_t *o, smpl_t minioi_ms);
     109/** get notes object release drop level, in dB
     111  \param o notes detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
     113  \return current release drop level, in dB
     115 */
     116smpl_t aubio_notes_get_release_drop (const aubio_notes_t *o);
     118/** set note release drop level, in dB
     120  This function sets the release_drop_level parameter, in dB. When a new note
     121  is found, the current level in dB is measured. If the measured level drops
     122  under that initial level - release_drop_level, then a note-off will be
     123  emitted.
     125  Defaults to `10`, in dB.
     127  \note This parameter was added in version `0.4.8`. Results obtained with
     128  earlier versions can be reproduced by setting this value to `100`, so that
     129  note-off will not be played until the next note.
     131  \param o notes detection object as returned by new_aubio_notes()
     132  \param release_drop new release drop level, in dB
     134  \return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
     137uint_t aubio_notes_set_release_drop (aubio_notes_t *o, smpl_t release_drop);
    60139#ifdef __cplusplus
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