1 edited


  • python/ext/aubiomodule.c

    rbc66f1d r72d08ae  
    1212static char Py_alpha_norm_doc[] = ""
    13 "alpha_norm(vec, alpha)\n"
    14 "\n"
    15 "Compute `alpha` normalisation factor of vector `vec`.\n"
    16 "\n"
    17 "Parameters\n"
    18 "----------\n"
    19 "vec : fvec\n"
    20 "   input vector\n"
    21 "alpha : float\n"
    22 "   norm factor\n"
    23 "\n"
    24 "Returns\n"
    25 "-------\n"
    26 "float\n"
    27 "   p-norm of the input vector, where `p=alpha`\n"
    28 "\n"
    29 "Example\n"
    30 "-------\n"
    31 "\n"
    32 ">>> a = aubio.fvec(np.arange(10)); alpha = 2\n"
    33 ">>> aubio.alpha_norm(a, alpha), (sum(a**alpha)/len(a))**(1./alpha)\n"
    34 "(5.338539123535156, 5.338539126015656)\n"
    35 "\n"
    36 "Note\n"
    37 "----\n"
    38 "Computed as:\n"
    39 "\n"
    40 ".. math::\n"
    41 "  l_{\\alpha} = \n"
    42 "       \\|\\frac{\\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{{x_n}^{\\alpha}}}{N}\\|^{1/\\alpha}\n"
    43 "";
     13"alpha_norm(fvec, integer) -> float\n"
     15"Compute alpha normalisation factor on vector, given alpha\n"
     20">>> b = alpha_norm(a, 9)";
    4522static char Py_bintomidi_doc[] = ""
    46 "bintomidi(fftbin, samplerate, fftsize)\n"
    47 "\n"
    48 "Convert FFT bin to frequency in midi note, given the sampling rate\n"
    49 "and the size of the FFT.\n"
    50 "\n"
    51 "Parameters\n"
    52 "----------\n"
    53 "fftbin : float\n"
    54 "   input frequency bin\n"
    55 "samplerate : float\n"
    56 "   sampling rate of the signal\n"
    57 "fftsize : float\n"
    58 "   size of the FFT\n"
    59 "\n"
    60 "Returns\n"
    61 "-------\n"
    62 "float\n"
    63 "   Frequency converted to midi note.\n"
    64 "\n"
    65 "Example\n"
    66 "-------\n"
    67 "\n"
    68 ">>> aubio.bintomidi(10, 44100, 1024)\n"
    69 "68.62871551513672\n"
    70 "";
     23"bintomidi(float, samplerate = integer, fftsize = integer) -> float\n"
     25"Convert bin (float) to midi (float), given the sampling rate and the FFT size\n"
     30">>> midi = bintomidi(float, samplerate = 44100, fftsize = 1024)";
    7232static char Py_miditobin_doc[] = ""
    73 "miditobin(midi, samplerate, fftsize)\n"
    74 "\n"
    75 "Convert frequency in midi note to FFT bin, given the sampling rate\n"
    76 "and the size of the FFT.\n"
    77 "\n"
    78 "Parameters\n"
    79 "----------\n"
    80 "midi : float\n"
    81 "   input frequency, in midi note\n"
    82 "samplerate : float\n"
    83 "   sampling rate of the signal\n"
    84 "fftsize : float\n"
    85 "   size of the FFT\n"
    86 "\n"
    87 "Returns\n"
    88 "-------\n"
    89 "float\n"
    90 "   Frequency converted to FFT bin.\n"
    91 "\n"
    92 "Examples\n"
    93 "--------\n"
    94 "\n"
    95 ">>> aubio.miditobin(69, 44100, 1024)\n"
    96 "10.216779708862305\n"
    97 ">>> aubio.miditobin(75.08, 32000, 512)\n"
    98 "10.002175331115723\n"
    99 "";
     33"miditobin(float, samplerate = integer, fftsize = integer) -> float\n"
     35"Convert midi (float) to bin (float), given the sampling rate and the FFT size\n"
     40">>> bin = miditobin(midi, samplerate = 44100, fftsize = 1024)";
    10142static char Py_bintofreq_doc[] = ""
    102 "bintofreq(fftbin, samplerate, fftsize)\n"
    103 "\n"
    104 "Convert FFT bin to frequency in Hz, given the sampling rate\n"
    105 "and the size of the FFT.\n"
    106 "\n"
    107 "Parameters\n"
    108 "----------\n"
    109 "fftbin : float\n"
    110 "   input frequency bin\n"
    111 "samplerate : float\n"
    112 "   sampling rate of the signal\n"
    113 "fftsize : float\n"
    114 "   size of the FFT\n"
    115 "\n"
    116 "Returns\n"
    117 "-------\n"
    118 "float\n"
    119 "   Frequency converted to Hz.\n"
    120 "\n"
    121 "Example\n"
    122 "-------\n"
    123 "\n"
    124 ">>> aubio.bintofreq(10, 44100, 1024)\n"
    125 "430.6640625\n"
    126 "";
     43"bintofreq(float, samplerate = integer, fftsize = integer) -> float\n"
     45"Convert bin number (float) in frequency (Hz), given the sampling rate and the FFT size\n"
     50">>> freq = bintofreq(bin, samplerate = 44100, fftsize = 1024)";
    12852static char Py_freqtobin_doc[] = ""
    129 "freqtobin(freq, samplerate, fftsize)\n"
    130 "\n"
    131 "Convert frequency in Hz to FFT bin, given the sampling rate\n"
    132 "and the size of the FFT.\n"
    133 "\n"
    134 "Parameters\n"
    135 "----------\n"
    136 "midi : float\n"
    137 "   input frequency, in midi note\n"
    138 "samplerate : float\n"
    139 "   sampling rate of the signal\n"
    140 "fftsize : float\n"
    141 "   size of the FFT\n"
    142 "\n"
    143 "Returns\n"
    144 "-------\n"
    145 "float\n"
    146 "   Frequency converted to FFT bin.\n"
    147 "\n"
    148 "Examples\n"
    149 "--------\n"
    150 "\n"
    151 ">>> aubio.freqtobin(440, 44100, 1024)\n"
    152 "10.216779708862305\n"
    153 "";
     53"freqtobin(float, samplerate = integer, fftsize = integer) -> float\n"
     55"Convert frequency (Hz) in bin number (float), given the sampling rate and the FFT size\n"
     60">>> bin = freqtobin(freq, samplerate = 44100, fftsize = 1024)";
    15562static char Py_zero_crossing_rate_doc[] = ""
    156 "zero_crossing_rate(vec)\n"
    157 "\n"
    158 "Compute zero-crossing rate of `vec`.\n"
    159 "\n"
    160 "Parameters\n"
    161 "----------\n"
    162 "vec : fvec\n"
    163 "   input vector\n"
    164 "\n"
    165 "Returns\n"
    166 "-------\n"
    167 "float\n"
    168 "   Zero-crossing rate.\n"
    169 "\n"
    170 "Example\n"
    171 "-------\n"
    172 "\n"
    173 ">>> a = np.linspace(-1., 1., 1000, dtype=aubio.float_type)\n"
    174 ">>> aubio.zero_crossing_rate(a), 1/1000\n"
    175 "(0.0010000000474974513, 0.001)\n"
    176 "";
     63"zero_crossing_rate(fvec) -> float\n"
     65"Compute Zero crossing rate of a vector\n"
     70">>> z = zero_crossing_rate(a)";
    17872static char Py_min_removal_doc[] = ""
    179 "min_removal(vec)\n"
    180 "\n"
    181 "Remove the minimum value of a vector to each of its element.\n"
    182 "\n"
    183 "Modifies the input vector in-place and returns a reference to it.\n"
    184 "\n"
    185 "Parameters\n"
    186 "----------\n"
    187 "vec : fvec\n"
    188 "   input vector\n"
    189 "\n"
    190 "Returns\n"
    191 "-------\n"
    192 "fvec\n"
    193 "   modified input vector\n"
    194 "\n"
    195 "Example\n"
    196 "-------\n"
    197 "\n"
    198 ">>> aubio.min_removal(aubio.fvec(np.arange(1,4)))\n"
    199 "array([0., 1., 2.], dtype=" AUBIO_NPY_SMPL_STR ")\n"
    200 "";
     73"min_removal(fvec) -> float\n"
     75"Remove the minimum value of a vector, in-place modification\n"
     80">>> min_removal(a)";
    20282extern void add_ufuncs ( PyObject *m );
    373253  {"shift", Py_aubio_shift, METH_VARARGS, Py_aubio_shift_doc},
    374254  {"ishift", Py_aubio_ishift, METH_VARARGS, Py_aubio_ishift_doc},
    375   {"hztomel", Py_aubio_hztomel, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, Py_aubio_hztomel_doc},
    376   {"meltohz", Py_aubio_meltohz, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, Py_aubio_meltohz_doc},
    377   {"hztomel_htk", Py_aubio_hztomel_htk, METH_VARARGS, Py_aubio_hztomel_htk_doc},
    378   {"meltohz_htk", Py_aubio_meltohz_htk, METH_VARARGS, Py_aubio_meltohz_htk_doc},
    379255  {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
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