Changes in / [a59ecb7:7b8e51c]
- Files:
- 5 added
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ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 3 3 command: | 4 4 sudo apt-get update 5 sudo apt-get -y install make sox pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavresample-dev libavutil-dev libsndfile1-dev libsamplerate-dev 5 sudo apt-get -y install make sox pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavresample-dev libavutil-dev libsndfile1-dev libsamplerate-dev libvorbis-dev libflac-dev 6 6 7 7 pip-install: &pip-install -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 71 71 - libsndfile1-dev 72 72 - libsamplerate-dev 73 - libvorbis-dev 74 - libflac-dev 73 75 - libjack-dev 74 76 - libasound2-dev … … 81 83 - ffmpeg 82 84 - libsndfile 85 - libvorbis 86 - flac 83 87 - lcov 84 88 update: true -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 43 43 brew update 44 44 brew install pkg-config gnupg 45 brew install sox ffmpeg libsndfile l cov45 brew install sox ffmpeg libsndfile libvorbis flac lcov 46 46 displayName: 'brew install' 47 47 - script: | -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 54 54 }; 55 55 56 extern uint_t aubio_str_path_has_extension(const char_t *filename, 57 const char_t *pattern); 58 59 #ifdef HAVE_VORBISENC 60 typedef struct _aubio_sink_vorbis_t aubio_sink_vorbis_t; 61 extern aubio_sink_vorbis_t * new_aubio_sink_vorbis(const char_t *uri, 62 uint_t samplerate); 63 extern void del_aubio_sink_vorbis (aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s); 64 extern uint_t aubio_sink_vorbis_open(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s); 65 extern uint_t aubio_sink_vorbis_close(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s); 66 extern uint_t aubio_sink_vorbis_preset_channels(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s, 67 uint_t channels); 68 extern uint_t aubio_sink_vorbis_preset_samplerate(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s, 69 uint_t samplerate); 70 extern uint_t aubio_sink_vorbis_get_channels(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s); 71 extern uint_t aubio_sink_vorbis_get_samplerate(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s); 72 extern void aubio_sink_vorbis_do(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s, fvec_t* 73 write_data, uint_t write); 74 extern void aubio_sink_vorbis_do_multi(aubio_sink_vorbis_t *s, fmat_t* 75 write_data, uint_t write); 76 #endif /* HAVE_VORBISENC */ 77 78 #ifdef HAVE_FLAC 79 typedef struct _aubio_sink_flac_t aubio_sink_flac_t; 80 extern aubio_sink_flac_t * new_aubio_sink_flac(const char_t *uri, 81 uint_t samplerate); 82 extern void del_aubio_sink_flac (aubio_sink_flac_t *s); 83 extern uint_t aubio_sink_flac_open(aubio_sink_flac_t *s); 84 extern uint_t aubio_sink_flac_close(aubio_sink_flac_t *s); 85 extern uint_t aubio_sink_flac_preset_channels(aubio_sink_flac_t *s, 86 uint_t channels); 87 extern uint_t aubio_sink_flac_preset_samplerate(aubio_sink_flac_t *s, 88 uint_t samplerate); 89 extern uint_t aubio_sink_flac_get_channels(aubio_sink_flac_t *s); 90 extern uint_t aubio_sink_flac_get_samplerate(aubio_sink_flac_t *s); 91 extern void aubio_sink_flac_do(aubio_sink_flac_t *s, fvec_t* 92 write_data, uint_t write); 93 extern void aubio_sink_flac_do_multi(aubio_sink_flac_t *s, fmat_t* 94 write_data, uint_t write); 95 #endif /* HAVE_FLAC */ 96 56 97 aubio_sink_t * new_aubio_sink(const char_t * uri, uint_t samplerate) { 57 98 aubio_sink_t * s = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_sink_t); 99 100 #ifdef HAVE_VORBISENC 101 // check if this uri could be for us 102 if (aubio_str_path_has_extension(uri, "ogg")) { 103 s->sink = (void *)new_aubio_sink_vorbis(uri, samplerate); 104 if (s->sink) { 105 s->s_do = (aubio_sink_do_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_do); 106 s->s_do_multi = (aubio_sink_do_multi_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_do_multi); 107 s->s_preset_samplerate = (aubio_sink_preset_samplerate_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_preset_samplerate); 108 s->s_preset_channels = (aubio_sink_preset_channels_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_preset_channels); 109 s->s_get_samplerate = (aubio_sink_get_samplerate_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_get_samplerate); 110 s->s_get_channels = (aubio_sink_get_channels_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_get_channels); 111 s->s_close = (aubio_sink_close_t)(aubio_sink_vorbis_close); 112 s->s_del = (del_aubio_sink_t)(del_aubio_sink_vorbis); 113 return s; 114 } 115 } 116 #endif /* HAVE_VORBISENC */ 117 118 #ifdef HAVE_FLAC 119 // check if this uri could be for us 120 if (aubio_str_path_has_extension(uri, "flac")) { 121 s->sink = (void *)new_aubio_sink_flac(uri, samplerate); 122 if (s->sink) { 123 s->s_do = (aubio_sink_do_t)(aubio_sink_flac_do); 124 s->s_do_multi = (aubio_sink_do_multi_t)(aubio_sink_flac_do_multi); 125 s->s_preset_samplerate = (aubio_sink_preset_samplerate_t)(aubio_sink_flac_preset_samplerate); 126 s->s_preset_channels = (aubio_sink_preset_channels_t)(aubio_sink_flac_preset_channels); 127 s->s_get_samplerate = (aubio_sink_get_samplerate_t)(aubio_sink_flac_get_samplerate); 128 s->s_get_channels = (aubio_sink_get_channels_t)(aubio_sink_flac_get_channels); 129 s->s_close = (aubio_sink_close_t)(aubio_sink_flac_close); 130 s->s_del = (del_aubio_sink_t)(del_aubio_sink_flac); 131 return s; 132 } 133 } 134 #endif /* HAVE_FLAC */ 135 58 136 #ifdef HAVE_SINK_APPLE_AUDIO 59 137 s->sink = (void *)new_aubio_sink_apple_audio(uri, samplerate); … … 100 178 #if !defined(HAVE_WAVWRITE) && \ 101 179 !defined(HAVE_SNDFILE) && \ 102 !defined(HAVE_SINK_APPLE_AUDIO) 180 !defined(HAVE_SINK_APPLE_AUDIO) && \ 181 !defined(HAVE_VORBISENC) && \ 182 !defined(HAVE_FLAC) 103 183 AUBIO_ERROR("sink: failed creating '%s' at %dHz (no sink built-in)\n", uri, samplerate); 104 184 #endif -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 39 39 uint_t aubio_sink_apple_audio_open(aubio_sink_apple_audio_t *s); 40 40 41 uint_t aubio_str_extension_matches(const char_t *ext, 42 const char_t *pattern); 43 const char_t *aubio_str_get_extension(const char_t *filename); 44 41 45 #define MAX_SIZE 4096 // the maximum number of frames that can be written at a time 42 46 … … 53 57 ExtAudioFileRef audioFile; 54 58 bool async; 59 AudioFileTypeID fileType; 55 60 }; 56 61 … … 71 76 s->channels = 0; 72 77 78 aubio_sink_apple_audio_preset_format(s, aubio_str_get_extension(uri)); 79 73 80 // zero samplerate given. do not open yet 74 81 if ((sint_t)samplerate == 0) { … … 121 128 } 122 129 130 uint_t aubio_sink_apple_audio_preset_format(aubio_sink_apple_audio_t *s, 131 const char_t *fmt) 132 { 133 if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "wav")) { 134 s->fileType = kAudioFileWAVEType; 135 } else if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "m4a") 136 || aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "mp4") ) { 137 // use alac for "mp4" and "m4a" 138 s->fileType = kAudioFileM4AType; 139 } else if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "aac") ) { 140 // only use lossy codec for "aac" 141 s->fileType = kAudioFileMPEG4Type; 142 } else if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "aiff") ) { 143 // only use lossy codec for "aac" 144 s->fileType = kAudioFileAIFFType; 145 } else { 146 s->fileType = kAudioFileWAVEType; 147 if (fmt && strnlen(fmt, PATH_MAX)) { 148 AUBIO_WRN("sink_apple_audio: could not guess format for %s," 149 " using default (wav)\n", s->path); 150 return AUBIO_FAIL; 151 } 152 } 153 return AUBIO_OK; 154 } 155 156 static void aubio_sink_apple_audio_set_client_format(aubio_sink_apple_audio_t* s, 157 AudioStreamBasicDescription *clientFormat) 158 { 159 memset(clientFormat, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription)); 160 // always set samplerate and channels first 161 clientFormat->mSampleRate = (Float64)(s->samplerate); 162 clientFormat->mChannelsPerFrame = s->channels; 163 164 switch (s->fileType) { 165 case kAudioFileM4AType: 166 clientFormat->mFormatID = kAudioFormatAppleLossless; 167 break; 168 case kAudioFileMPEG4Type: 169 clientFormat->mFormatID = kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC; 170 clientFormat->mFormatFlags = kMPEG4Object_AAC_Main; 171 clientFormat->mFormatFlags |= kAppleLosslessFormatFlag_16BitSourceData; 172 clientFormat->mFramesPerPacket = 1024; 173 break; 174 case kAudioFileWAVEType: 175 clientFormat->mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; 176 clientFormat->mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; 177 clientFormat->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; 178 clientFormat->mBitsPerChannel = sizeof(short) * 8; 179 clientFormat->mFramesPerPacket = 1; 180 clientFormat->mBytesPerFrame = clientFormat->mBitsPerChannel * clientFormat->mChannelsPerFrame / 8; 181 clientFormat->mBytesPerPacket = clientFormat->mFramesPerPacket * clientFormat->mBytesPerFrame; 182 break; 183 case kAudioFileAIFFType: 184 clientFormat->mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; 185 clientFormat->mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; 186 clientFormat->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; 187 clientFormat->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian; 188 clientFormat->mBitsPerChannel = sizeof(short) * 8; 189 clientFormat->mFramesPerPacket = 1; 190 clientFormat->mBytesPerFrame = clientFormat->mBitsPerChannel * clientFormat->mChannelsPerFrame / 8; 191 clientFormat->mBytesPerPacket = clientFormat->mFramesPerPacket * clientFormat->mBytesPerFrame; 192 break; 193 default: 194 break; 195 } 196 } 197 123 198 uint_t aubio_sink_apple_audio_get_samplerate(const aubio_sink_apple_audio_t *s) 124 199 { … … 135 210 if (s->samplerate == 0 || s->channels == 0) return AUBIO_FAIL; 136 211 137 AudioStreamBasicDescription clientFormat;138 memset(&clientFormat, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription));139 clientFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;140 clientFormat.mSampleRate = (Float64)(s->samplerate);141 clientFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;142 clientFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = s->channels;143 clientFormat.mBitsPerChannel = sizeof(short) * 8;144 clientFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;145 clientFormat.mBytesPerFrame = clientFormat.mBitsPerChannel * clientFormat.mChannelsPerFrame / 8;146 clientFormat.mBytesPerPacket = clientFormat.mFramesPerPacket * clientFormat.mBytesPerFrame;147 clientFormat.mReserved = 0;148 149 AudioFileTypeID fileType = kAudioFileWAVEType;150 212 CFURLRef fileURL = createURLFromPath(s->path); 151 213 bool overwrite = true; … … 162 224 inputFormat.mBytesPerFrame = inputFormat.mBitsPerChannel * inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame / 8; 163 225 inputFormat.mBytesPerPacket = inputFormat.mFramesPerPacket * inputFormat.mBytesPerFrame; 226 227 // get the in-file format 228 AudioStreamBasicDescription clientFormat; 229 aubio_sink_apple_audio_set_client_format(s, &clientFormat); 230 164 231 OSStatus err = noErr; 165 err = ExtAudioFileCreateWithURL(fileURL, fileType, &clientFormat, NULL,232 err = ExtAudioFileCreateWithURL(fileURL, s->fileType, &clientFormat, NULL, 166 233 overwrite ? kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile : 0, &s->audioFile); 167 234 CFRelease(fileURL); … … 173 240 goto beach; 174 241 } 242 243 #if defined(kAppleSoftwareAudioCodecManufacturer) 244 // on iOS, set software based encoding before setting clientDataFormat 245 UInt32 codecManf = kAppleSoftwareAudioCodecManufacturer; 246 err = ExtAudioFileSetProperty(s->audioFile, 247 kExtAudioFileProperty_CodecManufacturer, 248 sizeof(UInt32), &codecManf); 249 if (err) { 250 char_t errorstr[20]; 251 AUBIO_ERR("sink_apple_audio: error when trying to set sofware codec on %s " 252 "(%s)\n", s->path, getPrintableOSStatusError(errorstr, err)); 253 goto beach; 254 } 255 #endif 175 256 176 257 err = ExtAudioFileSetProperty(s->audioFile, -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 97 97 /** 98 98 99 preset sink format 100 101 \param s sink, created with ::new_aubio_sink_apple_audio 102 \param fmt format of the file to create 103 104 \return 0 on success, 1 on error 105 106 Preset the format of the sink. Supported format strings: 107 - "wav": WAVE, 16 bit (default) 108 - "aiff": AIFF, 16 bit 109 - "m4a" or "mp4": Apple Audio Lossless Codec (ALAC) 110 - "aac": Audio Advanced Codec, lossy 111 112 Full list of supported encoding format is available in Table 1-2 of 113 `Multimedia Programming Guide 114 <>`_. 115 116 */ 117 uint_t aubio_sink_apple_audio_preset_format(aubio_sink_apple_audio_t *s, 118 const char_t *fmt); 119 120 /** 121 99 122 get samplerate of sink object 100 123 -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 49 49 uint_t scratch_size; 50 50 smpl_t *scratch_data; 51 int format; 51 52 }; 52 53 53 54 uint_t aubio_sink_sndfile_open(aubio_sink_sndfile_t *s); 55 56 uint_t aubio_str_extension_matches(const char_t *ext, 57 const char_t *pattern); 58 const char_t *aubio_str_get_extension(const char_t *filename); 54 59 55 60 aubio_sink_sndfile_t * new_aubio_sink_sndfile(const char_t * path, uint_t samplerate) { … … 67 72 s->samplerate = 0; 68 73 s->channels = 0; 74 75 aubio_sink_sndfile_preset_format(s, aubio_str_get_extension(path)); 69 76 70 77 // zero samplerate given. do not open yet … … 112 119 if (s->samplerate != 0 /* && s->channels != 0 */) { 113 120 return aubio_sink_sndfile_open(s); 121 } 122 return AUBIO_OK; 123 } 124 125 uint_t aubio_sink_sndfile_preset_format(aubio_sink_sndfile_t *s, 126 const char_t *fmt) 127 { 128 if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "wav")) { 129 s->format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; 130 } else if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "aiff")) { 131 s->format = SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; 132 } else if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "flac")) { 133 s->format = SF_FORMAT_FLAC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; 134 } else if (aubio_str_extension_matches(fmt, "ogg")) { 135 s->format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS; 136 } else if (atoi(fmt) > 0x010000) { 137 s->format = atoi(fmt); 138 } else { 139 s->format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; 140 if (fmt && strnlen(fmt, PATH_MAX)) { 141 AUBIO_WRN("sink_sndfile: could not guess format %s for %s," 142 " using default (wav)\n", fmt, s->path); 143 return AUBIO_FAIL; 144 } 114 145 } 115 146 return AUBIO_OK; … … 132 163 sfinfo.samplerate = s->samplerate; 133 164 sfinfo.channels = s->channels; 134 sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;165 sfinfo.format = s->format; 135 166 136 167 /* try creating the file */ -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 96 96 /** 97 97 98 preset sink format 99 100 \param s sink, created with ::new_aubio_sink_sndfile 101 \param fmt format of the file to create 102 103 \return 0 on success, 1 on error 104 105 Preset the format of the sink. Supported format strings: 106 - "wav": 16 bit (default) 107 - "aiff": aiff, 16 bit 108 - "flac": flac, 16 bit 109 - "ogg": ogg vorbis stream 110 111 Alternatively, any sndfile format can be set by passing the corresponding 112 integer as a string: 113 114 \code{.c} 115 char_t fmt[10]; 116 snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "%d", SF_FORMAT_FLAC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24); 117 aubio_sink_sndfile_preset_format(s, fmt); 118 \endcode 119 120 The file should have been created using a samplerate of 0. 121 122 This function should be called before aubio_sink_sndfile_preset_samplerate() 123 and aubio_sink_sndfile_preset_channels(). 124 125 */ 126 uint_t aubio_sink_sndfile_preset_format(aubio_sink_sndfile_t *s, 127 const char_t* fmt); 128 129 /** 130 98 131 get samplerate of sink object 99 132 -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 12 12 uselib += ['AVRESAMPLE'] 13 13 uselib += ['AVUTIL'] 14 uselib += ['VORBISENC'] 15 uselib += ['FLAC'] 14 16 uselib += ['BLAS'] 15 17 -
ra59ecb7 r7b8e51c 73 73 help_str = 'compile with libavcodec (auto)', 74 74 help_disable_str = 'disable libavcodec') 75 add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'vorbis', default = None, 76 help_str = 'compile with libvorbis (auto)', 77 help_disable_str = 'disable libvorbis') 78 add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'flac', default = None, 79 help_str = 'compile with libFLAC (auto)', 80 help_disable_str = 'disable libflac') 75 81 add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'samplerate', default = None, 76 82 help_str = 'compile with samplerate (auto)', … … 139 145 'fftw3', 140 146 'fftw3f', 147 'flac', 148 'vorbis', 141 149 ] 142 150 for d in external_deps: … … 457 465 ctx.define('HAVE_AVRESAMPLE', 1) 458 466 ctx.define('HAVE_LIBAV', 1) 467 468 # check for vorbisenc 469 if (ctx.options.enable_vorbis != False): 470 ctx.check_cfg(package = 'vorbisenc vorbis ogg', 471 args = '--cflags --libs', 472 uselib_store = 'VORBISENC', 473 mandatory = ctx.options.enable_vorbis) 474 475 # check for flac 476 if (ctx.options.enable_flac != False): 477 ctx.check_cfg(package = 'flac', 478 args = '--cflags --libs', 479 uselib_store = 'FLAC', 480 mandatory = ctx.options.enable_flac) 459 481 460 482 if (ctx.options.enable_wavread != False):
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