Changeset 88042ef

Oct 4, 2016, 11:16:14 PM (8 years ago)
Paul Brossier <>

src/synth/sampler.c: refactor interface, add file opening thread and utility functions

2 edited


  • src/synth/sampler.c

    r923670d r88042ef  
    2727#include "synth/sampler.h"
     29#define HAVE_THREADS 1
     30#if 0
     31#undef HAVE_THREADS
     34#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     35#include <pthread.h>
    2938struct _aubio_sampler_t {
    3039  uint_t samplerate;
    3140  uint_t blocksize;
    3241  aubio_source_t *source;
    33   fvec_t *source_output;
    34   fmat_t *source_output_multi;
    35   char_t *uri;
     42  const char_t *uri;
    3643  uint_t playing;
     44  uint_t opened;
     45  uint_t loop;
     46  uint_t finished;
     47  uint_t eof;
     48#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     49  pthread_t open_thread;        // file opening thread
     50  pthread_mutex_t open_mutex;
     51  uint_t waited;                // number of frames skipped while opening
     52  const char_t *next_uri;
     53  uint_t open_thread_running;
     54  sint_t available;             // number of samples currently available
     55  uint_t started;               // source warmed up
     56  uint_t finish;                // flag to tell reading thread to exit
    39 aubio_sampler_t *new_aubio_sampler(uint_t samplerate, uint_t blocksize)
     60aubio_sampler_t *new_aubio_sampler(uint_t blocksize, uint_t samplerate)
    4162  aubio_sampler_t *s = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_sampler_t);
    4667  s->samplerate = samplerate;
    4768  s->blocksize = blocksize;
    48   s->source_output = new_fvec(blocksize);
    49   s->source_output_multi = new_fmat(4, blocksize);
    5069  s->source = NULL;
    5170  s->playing = 0;
     71  s->loop = 0;
     72  s->uri = NULL;
     73  s->finished = 1;
     74  s->eof = 0;
     75  s->opened = 0;
     77#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     78  pthread_mutex_init(&s->open_mutex, 0);
     79  s->waited = 0;
     80  s->open_thread = 0;
     81  s->open_thread_running = 0;
    5283  return s;
    5889uint_t aubio_sampler_load( aubio_sampler_t * o, const char_t * uri )
    60   if (o->source) del_aubio_source(o->source);
    62   if (o->uri) AUBIO_FREE(o->uri);
    63   o->uri = AUBIO_ARRAY(char_t, strnlen(uri, PATH_MAX));
    64   strncpy(o->uri, uri, strnlen(uri, PATH_MAX));
    66   o->source = new_aubio_source(uri, o->samplerate, o->blocksize);
    67   if (o->source) return 0;
    68   AUBIO_ERR("sampler: failed loading %s", uri);
    69   return 1;
    70 }
    72 void aubio_sampler_do ( aubio_sampler_t * o, const fvec_t * input, fvec_t * output)
    73 {
    74   uint_t read = 0, i;
     91  uint_t ret = AUBIO_FAIL;
     92  aubio_source_t *oldsource = o->source, *newsource = NULL;
     93  newsource = new_aubio_source(uri, o->samplerate, o->blocksize);
     94  if (newsource) {
     95    o->source = newsource;
     96    if (oldsource) del_aubio_source(oldsource);
     97    if (o->samplerate == 0) {
     98      o->samplerate = aubio_source_get_samplerate(o->source);
     99    }
     100    o->uri = uri;
     101    o->finished = 0;
     102    o->eof = 0;
     103    o->opened = 1;
     104    ret = AUBIO_OK;
     105    //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: loaded %s\n", o->uri);
     106  } else {
     107    o->source = NULL;
     108    if (oldsource) del_aubio_source(oldsource);
     109    o->playing = 0;
     110    o->uri = NULL;
     111    o->finished = 1;
     112    o->eof = 0;
     113    o->opened = 0;
     114    AUBIO_WRN("sampler: failed loading %s\n", uri);
     115  }
     116  return ret;
     119#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     120static void *aubio_sampler_openfn(void *z) {
     121  aubio_sampler_t *p = z;
     122  uint_t err;
     123  int oldtype;
     124  void *ret;
     125  pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &oldtype);
     126  pthread_mutex_lock(&p->open_mutex);
     127  p->open_thread_running = 1;
     128  err = aubio_sampler_load(p, p->next_uri);
     129  p->open_thread_running = 0;
     130  pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->open_mutex);
     131  ret = &err;
     132  pthread_exit(ret);
     137aubio_sampler_queue(aubio_sampler_t *o, const char_t *uri)
     139#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     140  uint_t ret = AUBIO_OK;
     141  /* open uri in open_thread */
     142  if (o->open_thread_running) {
     143    // cancel previous open_thread
     144    if (pthread_cancel(o->open_thread)) {
     145      AUBIO_WRN("sampler: cancelling open thread failed\n");
     146      return AUBIO_FAIL;
     147    } else {
     148      AUBIO_WRN("sampler: previous open of %s cancelled while opening %s\n",
     149          o->next_uri, uri);
     150    }
     151    o->open_thread_running = 0;
     152  }
     153  void *threadret;
     154  if (o->open_thread && pthread_join(o->open_thread, &threadret)) {
     155    AUBIO_WRN("sampler: joining thread failed\n");
     156  }
     157  if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&o->open_mutex)) {
     158    AUBIO_WRN("sampler: failed locking in queue\n");
     159    ret = AUBIO_FAIL;
     160    goto lock_failed;
     161  }
     162  o->opened = 0; // while opening
     163  o->started = 0;
     164  o->available = 0;
     165  o->next_uri = uri;
     166  if (pthread_create(&o->open_thread, 0, aubio_sampler_openfn, o) != 0) {
     167    AUBIO_ERR("sampler: failed creating opening thread\n");
     168    ret = AUBIO_FAIL;
     169    goto thread_create_failed;
     170  }
     173  pthread_mutex_unlock(&o->open_mutex);
     175  if (ret == AUBIO_OK) {
     176    //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: queued %s\n", uri);
     177  } else {
     178    AUBIO_ERR("sampler: queueing %s failed\n", uri);
     179  }
     180  return ret;
     182  AUBIO_WRN("sampler: opening %s, not queueing (not compiled with threading)\n", uri);
     183  return aubio_sampler_load(o, uri);
     188aubio_sampler_fetch_from_source(aubio_sampler_t *o, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) {
     189  if (o->opened == 1 && o->source && !o->finished)
     190    aubio_source_do(o->source, output, read);
     194aubio_sampler_fetch_from_source_multi(aubio_sampler_t *o, fmat_t *output, uint_t *read) {
     195  aubio_source_do_multi(o->source, output, read);
     198#if 0
     200aubio_sampler_fetch_from_array(aubio_sampler_t *o, fvec_t *output, uint_t *read) {
     201  // TODO
     206aubio_sampler_get_samplerate (aubio_sampler_t *o)
     208  return o->samplerate;
     212aubio_sampler_get_opened (aubio_sampler_t *o)
     214  return o->opened; //== 1 ? AUBIO_OK : AUBIO_FAIL;
     218aubio_sampler_get_finished(aubio_sampler_t *o)
     220  return o->finished;
     224aubio_sampler_get_eof (aubio_sampler_t *o)
     226  return o->eof;
     230aubio_sampler_get_waited_opening (aubio_sampler_t *o, uint_t waited) {
     231#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
    75232  if (o->playing) {
    76     aubio_source_do (o->source, o->source_output, &read);
    77     for (i = 0; i < output->length; i++) {
    78       output->data[i] += o->source_output->data[i];
    79     }
    80     if (read < o->blocksize) o->playing = 0;
    81   }
    82   if (input && input != output) {
    83     for (i = 0; i < output->length; i++) {
    84       output->data[i] += input->data[i];
    85     }
    86   }
    87 }
    89 void aubio_sampler_do_multi ( aubio_sampler_t * o, const fmat_t * input, fmat_t * output)
    90 {
    91   uint_t read = 0, i, j;
     233    if (!o->opened) {
     234      o->waited += waited;
     235    } else if (o->waited) {
     236      //AUBIO_WRN("sampler: waited %d frames (%.2fms) while opening %s\n",
     237      //    o->waited, 1000.*o->waited/(smpl_t)o->samplerate, o->uri);
     238      uint_t waited = o->waited;
     239      o->waited = 0;
     240      return waited;
     241    }
     242  }
     244  return 0;
     248aubio_sampler_seek(aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t pos)
     250  uint_t ret = AUBIO_FAIL;
     251  o->finished = 0;
     252  if (!o->opened) return AUBIO_OK;
     253#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     254  if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&o->open_mutex)) {
     255    AUBIO_WRN("sampler: failed locking in seek\n");
     256    return ret;
     257  }
     259  if (o->source) {
     260    ret = aubio_source_seek(o->source, pos);
     261  }
     262#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     263  pthread_mutex_unlock(&o->open_mutex);
     265  return ret;
     269aubio_sampler_do_eof (aubio_sampler_t * o)
     271  o->finished = 1;
     272  o->eof = 1;
     273  if (!o->loop) {
     274    o->playing = 0;
     275  } else {
     276    aubio_sampler_seek(o, 0);
     277  }
     280void aubio_sampler_do ( aubio_sampler_t * o, fvec_t * output, uint_t *read)
     282  o->eof = 0;
     283  if (o->opened == 1 && o->playing) {
     284    aubio_sampler_fetch_from_source(o, output, read);
     285    if (*read < o->blocksize) {
     286      aubio_sampler_do_eof (o);
     287      if (*read > 0) {
     288        // TODO pull (hopsize - read) frames
     289        //memset(...  tail , 0)
     290      }
     291    }
     292  } else {
     293    fvec_zeros(output);
     294    *read = 0; //output->length;
     295  }
     298void aubio_sampler_do_multi ( aubio_sampler_t * o, fmat_t * output, uint_t *read)
     300  o->eof = 0;
    92301  if (o->playing) {
    93     aubio_source_do_multi (o->source, o->source_output_multi, &read);
    94     for (i = 0; i < output->height; i++) {
    95       for (j = 0; j < output->length; j++) {
    96         output->data[i][j] += o->source_output_multi->data[i][j];
     302    aubio_sampler_fetch_from_source_multi(o, output, read);
     303    if (*read < o->blocksize) {
     304      aubio_sampler_do_eof (o);
     305      if (*read > 0) {
     306        // TODO pull (hopsize - read) frames
     307        //memset(...  tail , 0)
    97308      }
    98309    }
    99     if ( read < o->blocksize ) o->playing = 0;
    100   }
    101   if (input && input != output) {
    102     for (i = 0; i < output->height; i++) {
    103       for (j = 0; j < output->length; j++) {
    104         output->data[i][j] += input->data[i][j];
    105       }
    106     }
     310  } else {
     311    fmat_zeros(output);
     312    *read = 0;
    107313  }
     327uint_t aubio_sampler_get_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o )
     329  return o->loop;
     332uint_t aubio_sampler_set_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t loop )
     334  o->loop = (loop == 1) ? 1 : 0;
     335  return 0;
    121338uint_t aubio_sampler_play ( aubio_sampler_t * o )
    123   aubio_source_seek (o->source, 0);
     340  //aubio_source_seek (o->source, 0);
    124341  return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 1);
     349uint_t aubio_sampler_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o )
     351  aubio_sampler_set_loop(o, 1);
     352  aubio_sampler_seek(o, 0);
     353  return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 1);
     356uint_t aubio_sampler_trigger ( aubio_sampler_t * o )
     358  aubio_sampler_set_loop(o, 0);
     359  aubio_sampler_seek(o, 0);
     360  return aubio_sampler_set_playing (o, 1);
    132363void del_aubio_sampler( aubio_sampler_t * o )
     365#ifdef HAVE_THREADS
     366  AUBIO_WRN("sampler: cleaning up\n");
     367  pthread_mutex_destroy(&o->open_mutex);
     368  if (o->open_thread_running) {
     369    if (pthread_cancel(o->open_thread)) {
     370      AUBIO_WRN("sampler: cancelling open thread failed\n");
     371    }
     372  }
     373  void *threadret;
     374  if (pthread_join(o->open_thread, &threadret)) {
     375    AUBIO_WRN("sampler: joining open thread failed\n");
     376  }
     377  pthread_mutex_destroy(&o->open_mutex);
    134379  if (o->source) {
    135380    del_aubio_source(o->source);
    136381  }
    137   if (o->uri) AUBIO_FREE(o->uri);
    138   del_fvec(o->source_output);
    139   del_fmat(o->source_output_multi);
    140382  AUBIO_FREE(o);
  • src/synth/sampler.h

    r923670d r88042ef  
    2424/** \file
    26   Load and play sound files.
     26  Load and play a sound file.
    2828  This file loads a sample and gets ready to play it.
    3030  The `_do` function adds the new samples to the input, and write the result as
    3131  the output.
     34  - add _preset_threaded(level)
     35  - add _set_stretch
     36  - add _set_pitch
    3338  \example synth/test-sampler.c
    52 aubio_sampler_t * new_aubio_sampler(uint_t samplerate, uint_t hop_size);
     57aubio_sampler_t * new_aubio_sampler(uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate);
    5459/** load source in sampler
    6267uint_t aubio_sampler_load( aubio_sampler_t * o, const char_t * uri );
     69/** queue source in sampler
     71  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     72  \param uri the uri of the source to load
     74  \return 0 if successfully queued, non-zero otherwise
     77uint_t aubio_sampler_queue(aubio_sampler_t * o, const char_t * uri );
    6479/** process sampler function
    6681  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
    67   \param input input of the sampler, to be added to the output
    6882  \param output output of the sampler
    70 This function adds the new samples from the playing source to the output.
    72 If `input` is not NULL and different from `output`, then the samples from `input`
    73 are added to the output.
    75 */
    76 void aubio_sampler_do ( aubio_sampler_t * o, const fvec_t * input, fvec_t * output);
     84This function get new samples from the playing source into output.
     87void aubio_sampler_do ( aubio_sampler_t * o, fvec_t * output, uint_t *read);
    7889/** process sampler function, multiple channels
    8091  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
    81   \param input input of the sampler, to be added to the output
    8292  \param output output of the sampler
    84 This function adds the new samples from the playing source to the output.
    86 If `input` is not NULL and different from `output`, then the samples from `input`
    87 are added to the output.
    89 */
    90 void aubio_sampler_do_multi ( aubio_sampler_t * o, const fmat_t * input, fmat_t * output);
     94This function gets new samples from the playing source into output.
     97void aubio_sampler_do_multi ( aubio_sampler_t * o, fmat_t * output, uint_t *read);
    9299/** get current playing state
    109116uint_t aubio_sampler_set_playing ( aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t playing );
     118uint_t aubio_sampler_get_loop(aubio_sampler_t * o);
     120/** set current looping state
     122  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     123  \param looping 0 for not looping, 1 for looping
     125  \return 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
     128uint_t aubio_sampler_set_loop(aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t loop);
    111130/** play sample from start
    118137uint_t aubio_sampler_play ( aubio_sampler_t * o );
     139/** play sample from start, looping it
     141  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     143  \return 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
     146uint_t aubio_sampler_loop ( aubio_sampler_t * o );
     148/** play sample from start, once
     150  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     152  \return 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
     155uint_t aubio_sampler_trigger ( aubio_sampler_t * o );
    120157/** stop sample
    127164uint_t aubio_sampler_stop ( aubio_sampler_t * o );
     166/** get end-of-file status
     168  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     170  \return 1 when the eof is being reached, 0 otherwise
     173uint_t aubio_sampler_get_eof(aubio_sampler_t * o);
     175/** get end-of-file status
     177  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     179  \return 1 when the eof is being reached, 0 otherwise
     182uint_t aubio_sampler_get_finished (aubio_sampler_t * o);
     184/** get samplerate
     186  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     188  \return samplerate of the sampler
     191uint_t aubio_sampler_get_samplerate(aubio_sampler_t * o);
     193/** get the number of samples that were set to zero while opening a file
     195  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     197  \return samplerate of the sampler
     200uint_t aubio_sampler_get_waited_opening(aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t waited);
     202/** seek to position
     204  \param o sampler, created by new_aubio_sampler()
     205  \param pos position to seek to, in samples
     207  \return 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
     210uint_t aubio_sampler_seek(aubio_sampler_t * o, uint_t pos);
    129212/** destroy ::aubio_sampler_t object
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