Changeset e5efa0f for python/ext

Dec 4, 2018, 1:47:23 AM (6 years ago)
Paul Brossier <>
feature/autosink, feature/cnn, feature/cnn_org, feature/constantq, feature/crepe, feature/crepe_org, feature/pitchshift, feature/pydocstrings, feature/timestretch, fix/ffmpeg5, master

[py] add get_norm/power and documentation to filterbank

1 edited


  • python/ext/py-filterbank.c

    re14f7a7 re5efa0f  
    11#include "aubio-types.h"
    3 static char Py_filterbank_doc[] = "filterbank object";
     3static char Py_filterbank_doc[] = ""
     4"filterbank(n_filters=40, win_s=1024)\n"
     6"Create a bank of spectral filters. Each instance is a callable\n"
     7"that holds a matrix of coefficients.\n"
     9"See also :meth:`set_mel_coeffs`, :meth:`set_mel_coeffs_htk`,\n"
     10":meth:`set_mel_coeffs_slaney`, :meth:`set_triangle_bands`, and\n"
     15"n_filters : int\n"
     16"    Number of filters to create.\n"
     17"win_s : int\n"
     18"    Size of the input spectrum to process.\n"
     22">>> f = aubio.filterbank(128, 1024)\n"
     23">>> f.set_mel_coeffs(44100, 0, 10000)\n"
     24">>> c = aubio.cvec(1024)\n"
     25">>> f(c).shape\n"
     26"(128, )\n"
     29static char Py_filterbank_set_triangle_bands_doc[] =""
     30"set_triangle_bands(freqs, samplerate)\n"
     32"Set triangular bands. The coefficients will be set to triangular\n"
     33"overlapping windows using the boundaries specified by `freqs`.\n"
     35"`freqs` should contain `n_filters + 2` frequencies in Hz, ordered\n"
     36"by value, from smallest to largest. The first element should be greater\n"
     37"or equal to zero; the last element should be smaller or equal to\n"
     38"`samplerate / 2`.\n"
     42"freqs: fvec\n"
     43"    List of frequencies, in Hz.\n"
     44"samplerate : float\n"
     45"    Sampling-rate of the expected input.\n"
     49">>> fb = aubio.filterbank(n_filters=100, win_s=2048)\n"
     50">>> samplerate = 44100; freqs = np.linspace(0, 20200, 102)\n"
     51">>> fb.set_triangle_bands(aubio.fvec(freqs), samplerate)\n"
     54static char Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_slaney_doc[] = ""
     57"Set coefficients of filterbank to match Slaney's Auditory Toolbox.\n"
     59"The filter coefficients will be set as in Malcolm Slaney's\n"
     60"implementation. The filterbank should have been created with\n"
     61"`n_filters = 40`.\n"
     63"This is approximately equivalent to using :meth:`set_mel_coeffs` with\n"
     64"`fmin = 400./3., fmax = 6853.84`.\n"
     68"samplerate : float\n"
     69"    Sampling-rate of the expected input.\n"
     74"Malcolm Slaney, `Auditory Toolbox Version 2, Technical Report #1998-010\n"
     78static char Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_doc[] = ""
     79"set_mel_coeffs(samplerate, fmin, fmax)\n"
     81"Set coefficients of filterbank to linearly spaced mel scale.\n"
     85"samplerate : float\n"
     86"    Sampling-rate of the expected input.\n"
     87"fmin : float\n"
     88"    Lower frequency boundary of the first filter.\n"
     89"fmax : float\n"
     90"    Upper frequency boundary of the last filter.\n"
     92"See also\n"
     97static char Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_htk_doc[] = ""
     98"set_mel_coeffs_htk(samplerate, fmin, fmax)\n"
     100"Set coefficients of the filters to be linearly spaced in the HTK mel scale.\n"
     104"samplerate : float\n"
     105"    Sampling-rate of the expected input.\n"
     106"fmin : float\n"
     107"    Lower frequency boundary of the first filter.\n"
     108"fmax : float\n"
     109"    Upper frequency boundary of the last filter.\n"
     111"See also\n"
     113"hztomel with `htk=True`\n"
     116static char Py_filterbank_get_coeffs_doc[] = ""
     119"Get coefficients matrix of filterbank.\n"
     124"    Array of shape (n_filters, win_s/2+1) containing the coefficients.\n"
     127static char Py_filterbank_set_coeffs_doc[] = ""
     130"Set coefficients of filterbank.\n"
     134"coeffs : fmat\n"
     135"    Array of shape (n_filters, win_s/2+1) containing the coefficients.\n"
     138static char Py_filterbank_set_power_doc[] = ""
     141"Set power applied to input spectrum of filterbank.\n"
     145"power : float\n"
     146"    Power to raise input spectrum to before computing the filters.\n"
     149static char Py_filterbank_get_power_doc[] = ""
     152"Get power applied to filterbank.\n"
     157"    Power parameter.\n"
     160static char Py_filterbank_set_norm_doc[] = ""
     163"Set norm parameter. If set to `0`, the filters will not be normalized.\n"
     164"If set to `1`, the filters will be normalized to one. Default to `1`.\n"
     166"This function should be called *before* :meth:`set_triangle_bands`,\n"
     167":meth:`set_mel_coeffs`, :meth:`set_mel_coeffs_htk`, or\n"
     172"norm : int\n"
     173"   `0` to disable, `1` to enable\n"
     176static char Py_filterbank_get_norm_doc[] = ""
     179"Get norm parameter of filterbank.\n"
     184"    Norm parameter.\n"
    5187typedef struct
    291473static PyObject *
     474Py_filterbank_get_power (Py_filterbank * self, PyObject *unused)
     476  smpl_t power = aubio_filterbank_get_power(self->o);
     477  return (PyObject *)PyFloat_FromDouble (power);
     480static PyObject *
    292481Py_filterbank_set_norm(Py_filterbank *self, PyObject *args)
     503static PyObject *
     504Py_filterbank_get_norm (Py_filterbank * self, PyObject *unused)
     506  smpl_t norm = aubio_filterbank_get_norm(self->o);
     507  return (PyObject *)PyFloat_FromDouble (norm);
    314510static PyMethodDef Py_filterbank_methods[] = {
    315511  {"set_triangle_bands", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_triangle_bands,
    316     METH_VARARGS, "set coefficients of filterbanks"},
     512    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_triangle_bands_doc},
    317513  {"set_mel_coeffs_slaney", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_slaney,
    318     METH_VARARGS, "set coefficients of filterbank as in Auditory Toolbox"},
     514    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_slaney_doc},
    319515  {"set_mel_coeffs", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs,
    320     METH_VARARGS, "set coefficients of filterbank to linearly spaced mel scale"},
     516    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_doc},
    321517  {"set_mel_coeffs_htk", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_htk,
    322     METH_VARARGS, "set coefficients of filterbank to linearly spaced mel scale"},
     518    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_htk_doc},
    323519  {"get_coeffs", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_get_coeffs,
    324     METH_NOARGS, "get coefficients of filterbank"},
     520    METH_NOARGS, Py_filterbank_get_coeffs_doc},
    325521  {"set_coeffs", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_coeffs,
    326     METH_VARARGS, "set coefficients of filterbank"},
     522    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_coeffs_doc},
    327523  {"set_power", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_power,
    328     METH_VARARGS, "set power applied to filterbank input spectrum"},
     524    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_power_doc},
     525  {"get_power", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_get_power,
     526    METH_NOARGS, Py_filterbank_get_power_doc},
    329527  {"set_norm", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_set_norm,
    330     METH_VARARGS, "set norm applied to filterbank input spectrum"},
     528    METH_VARARGS, Py_filterbank_set_norm_doc},
     529  {"get_norm", (PyCFunction) Py_filterbank_get_norm,
     530    METH_NOARGS, Py_filterbank_get_norm_doc},
    331531  {NULL}
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