1 edited


  • tests/src/onset/test-onset.c

    r26775a3 rf69e3bd  
    11#include <aubio.h>
     2#include "utils_tests.h"
    3 int main ()
     4int main (int argc, char **argv)
    5   // 1. allocate some memory
    6   uint_t n = 0; // frame counter
     6  uint_t err = 0;
     7  if (argc < 2) {
     8    err = 2;
     9    PRINT_ERR("not enough arguments\n");
     10    PRINT_MSG("read a wave file as a mono vector\n");
     11    PRINT_MSG("usage: %s <source_path> [samplerate] [hop_size]\n", argv[0]);
     12    return err;
     13  }
     14  uint_t samplerate = 0;
    715  uint_t win_s = 1024; // window size
    8   uint_t hop_s = win_s / 4; // hop size
    9   uint_t samplerate = 44100; // samplerate
     16  uint_t hop_size = win_s / 4;
     17  uint_t n_frames = 0, read = 0;
     18  if ( argc == 3 ) samplerate = atoi(argv[2]);
     19  if ( argc == 4 ) hop_size = atoi(argv[3]);
     21  char_t *source_path = argv[1];
     22  aubio_source_t * source = new_aubio_source(source_path, samplerate, hop_size);
     23  if (!source) { err = 1; goto beach; }
     25  if (samplerate == 0 ) samplerate = aubio_source_get_samplerate(source);
    1027  // create some vectors
    11   fvec_t * input = new_fvec (win_s/4); // input buffer
    12   fvec_t * out = new_fvec (2); // input buffer
     28  fvec_t * in = new_fvec (hop_size); // input audio buffer
     29  fvec_t * out = new_fvec (2); // output position
    1331  // create onset object
    14   aubio_onset_t * onset = new_aubio_onset("complex", win_s, hop_s, samplerate);
     32  aubio_onset_t * o = new_aubio_onset("default", win_s, hop_size, samplerate);
    16   // 2. do something with it
    17   while (n < 10) {
    18     // get `hop_s` new samples into `input`
    19     // ...
    20     // exectute onset detection
    21     aubio_onset_do (onset, input, out);
    22     // do something with output candidates
    23     // ...
    24     n++;
    25   };
     34  do {
     35    // put some fresh data in input vector
     36    aubio_source_do(source, in, &read);
     37    // execute onset
     38    aubio_onset_do(o,in,out);
     39    // do something with the onsets
     40    if (out->data[0] != 0) {
     41      PRINT_MSG("onset at %.3fms, %.3fs, frame %d\n",
     42          aubio_onset_get_last_ms(o), aubio_onset_get_last_s(o),
     43          aubio_onset_get_last(o));
     44    }
     45    n_frames += read;
     46  } while ( read == hop_size );
    27   // 3. clean up memory
    28   del_aubio_onset(onset);
    29   del_fvec(input);
     48  PRINT_MSG("read %.2fs, %d frames at %dHz (%d blocks) from %s\n",
     49      n_frames * 1. / samplerate,
     50      n_frames, samplerate,
     51      n_frames / hop_size, source_path);
     53  // clean up memory
     54  del_aubio_onset(o);
     55  del_fvec(in);
    3056  del_fvec(out);
    3158  aubio_cleanup();
    33   return 0;
     60  return err;
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