Custom Query (13 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#9 creation of fftw3 plans should be locked Paul Brossier defect high corelib
#15 Bug in aubio-0.3.2 mathutils.c (silence_detection) Paul Brossier defect high 0.3.3 corelib
#2 beattracking should output floats, not int Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#4 on powerpc, fft(zeros) sometimes gives phase = pi Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#5 complete implementation of mfcc Paul Brossier task normal 0.3.3 corelib
#6 make compilation of java plugin optional Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#7 yinfft can be further optimised Paul Brossier enhancement normal 0.3.3 corelib
#8 useless memory allocation in aubio_pitchschmitt_detect Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#12 mfcc leaks memory Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#13 various python bugs Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#14 Error during comilation Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#19 new_aubio_pitch returns NULL for unknown pitch detection methods Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
#20 All git repositories other than main "aubio" one are inaccessible (gst-aubio, java-aubio, pd-aubio, wavesurfer-aubio) Paul Brossier defect normal 0.3.3 corelib
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