
Mar 13, 2007:

7:00 PM Ticket #3 (finish new numpy interface) created by Paul Brossier
the fvec/cvec interface should be much faster using numpy arrays directly.

Mar 12, 2007:

10:17 PM Ticket #2 (beattracking should output floats, not int) created by Paul Brossier
beattracking.c should do a output a float rather than an int, using a …

Mar 11, 2007:

11:37 PM SandBox edited by anonymous
8:24 PM WikiStart edited by Paul Brossier
6:20 PM WikiStart edited by anonymous
6:18 PM WikiStart edited by anonymous
5:44 PM WikiStart edited by Paul Brossier
5:41 PM WikiTracStart created by Paul Brossier
moved from Wikistart template
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.