Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Publications

Apr 11, 2008, 6:19:45 PM (16 years ago)
Paul Brossier

added Davies paper


  • Publications

    v2 v3  
    1919    ''Abstract'': A causal system for representing a musical stream and generating further expected events is presented. Starting from an auditory front-end which extracts low-level (e.g. spectral shape, MFCC, pitch) and mid-level features such as onsets and beats, an unsupervised clustering process builds and maintains a set of symbols aimed at representing musical stream events using both timbre and time descriptions. The time events are represented using inter-onset intervals relative to the beats. These symbols are then processed by an expectation module based on Predictive Partial Match, a multiscale technique based on N-grams. To characterise the system capacity to generate an expectation that matches its transcription, we use a weighted average F-measure, that takes into account the uncertainty associated with the unsupervised encoding of the musical sequence. The potential of the system is demonstrated in the case of processing audio streams which contain drum loops or monophonic singing voice. In preliminary experiments, we show that the induced representation is useful for generating expectation patterns in a causal way. During exposure, we observe a globally decreasing prediction entropy combined with structure-specific variations.
     21M. E. P. Davies, P. Brossier and M. D. Plumbley. [ Beat Tracking Towards Automatic Musical Accompaniment], in ''Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 118th Convention'', Barcelona, Spain, May 28-31, 2005.
     22    ''Abstract'': In this paper we address the issue of real-time rhythmic analysis, primarily towards predicting the locations of musical beats such that they are consistent with a live audio input. This will be a key component required for a system capable of automatic accompaniment with a live musician. We implement our approach as part a real-time audio library. Due to the removal of "future" audio information for this causal system, performance is reduced in comparison to our previous non-causal system, although still acceptable for our intended purpose.
    2124== Other Contributions ==