Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#13 closed defect (fixed)

various python bugs

Reported by: Owned by: Paul Brossier
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.3.3
Component: corelib Version: 0.3.2
Severity: blocker Keywords:


trying to get python aubioptich script to work. -gnuplot needs with_= not with= in the call to Gnuplot.Data -you are using numarray? not numpy? why? this is deprecated and not used anymore -if not options.bufsize:

if options.mode == aubio_pitch_yin: options.bufsize = 1024 if options.mode == aubio_pitch_schmitt: options.bufsize = 2048 if options.mode == aubio_pitch_mcomb: options.bufsize = 4096 if options.mode == aubio_pitch_fcomb: options.bufsize = 4096 else: options.bufsize = 2048

this always fails. maybe you mean to call the function get_pitch_mode(nvalue) in

so if not options.bufsize:

if get_pitch_mode(options.mode) == aubio_pitch_yin: options.bufsize = 1024 if get_pitch_mode(options.mode) == aubio_pitch_schmitt: options.bufsize = 2048 if get_pitch_mode(options.mode) == aubio_pitch_mcomb: options.bufsize = 4096 if get_pitch_mode(options.mode) == aubio_pitch_fcomb: options.bufsize = 4096 else: options.bufsize = 2048

would be better.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Paul Brossier

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Hello Henry,

Thanks for your report. The bugs you mention are already fixed in the latest git branch. I have just pushed some more changes there to fix more issues with aubiopitch and aubiocut.

Let us know if you have any other problem.

Best, piem

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