{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (22 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

0.3.3 (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Modified
#1 pd plugin won't load on Mac OS X plugins assigned 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Mar 11, 2007
#3 finish new numpy interface python new 0.3.2 defect minor normal Feb 4, 2011
#18 implementation of error checking for memory allocations corelib new 0.3.2 enhancement normal normal Paul Brossier Feb 2, 2011
#22 [PATCH] gst-aubio doesn't compile against aubio HEAD. corelib new 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Feb 2, 2011
#14 Error during comilation corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Mar 18, 2013
#7 yinfft can be further optimised corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 enhancement normal normal Paul Brossier Mar 18, 2013
#15 Bug in aubio-0.3.2 mathutils.c (silence_detection) corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect major high Paul Brossier Mar 3, 2011
#19 new_aubio_pitch returns NULL for unknown pitch detection methods corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect critical normal Paul Brossier Feb 4, 2011
#21 [PATCH] gst-aubio doesn't compile against the latest version of libaubio. corelib closed invalid 0.3.2 defect normal normal Paul Brossier Feb 2, 2011
#20 All git repositories other than main "aubio" one are inaccessible (gst-aubio, java-aubio, pd-aubio, wavesurfer-aubio) corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Feb 1, 2011
#17 Thanks for the faast reply corelib closed invalid 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Jan 16, 2011
#16 Is Support Here? corelib closed invalid 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Jan 16, 2011
#13 various python bugs corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Apr 14, 2010
#12 mfcc leaks memory corelib closed fixed defect normal normal Paul Brossier Mar 14, 2010
#11 Failing to link to FFT corelib closed invalid 0.3.2 defect normal normal Paul Brossier Jan 28, 2010
#5 complete implementation of mfcc corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 task blocker normal Paul Brossier Jan 9, 2010
#2 beattracking should output floats, not int corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect normal normal Paul Brossier Nov 5, 2009
#6 make compilation of java plugin optional corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Nov 5, 2009
#8 useless memory allocation in aubio_pitchschmitt_detect corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Jul 13, 2008
#4 on powerpc, fft(zeros) sometimes gives phase = pi corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker normal Paul Brossier Dec 1, 2007

(empty) (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Modified
#10 yinfft should not do spectral weighting corelib assigned 0.3.2 defect minor normal Paul Brossier Mar 18, 2013
#9 creation of fftw3 plans should be locked corelib closed fixed 0.3.2 defect blocker high Paul Brossier Jan 9, 2010
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